
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Hit it hard. Did you not eat?

Only a layer of Windows, outside the people under the freezing snow, where the expression twisted desperately smashing glass.

On the other side, Zhang Yi leisurely lying on the recliner, eating delicious food.

This stark contrast makes the neighbors outside jealous.

Curses came out of their mouths, their voices were hoarse, their eyes red.

"Zhang Yi, you wait for me, I will kill you right now!"

"I'll break this glass and you'll be finished, you bloody, selfish scum!"

"You don't have much time to be mad, today is your day to die!"

"So much good food, and hot coffee, all mine, all mine!!"


Zhang Yi Wen speech, raised the coffee in his hand to signal to them.

"Come on, you keep going!"

Pretty soon, there's a bunch of people out there who can't do anything.

After all, this is the 24th floor, the wind is strong, coupled with heavy snow, so that his body temperature quickly dropped.

They have to work for ten minutes and then change people.

But half an hour passed, and there were only some small scratches on the glass.

Their hearts grew desperate.

But across a layer of transparent glass, looking at Zhang Yi so comfortable, jealous heart and let them reluctant to give up.

Half an hour later, they were still trying.

Zhang Yi saw several small Karami under Chen Zhenghao in the crowd.

Obviously, at such times, Chen Zhenghao can not contribute a part.

Zhang Yi thought it was about time.

So he got up from his recliner, walked over to the coffee table and picked up a bottle.

There was a layer of frost on the glass outside, and the neighbors did not know what Zhang Yi was holding at first, but thought it was a drink.

But the next moment, they saw Zhang Yi take out a lighter and ignite something.

Then a gaping hole appeared above their heads and a fire was thrown from it.

As a means of counterattack, Zhang Yi's house has shooting holes in front and back, and more than one.

The bottle flew through the air in a yellow arc and fell to the ground as the crowd looked on in amazement.


There was a crackle, and then a roaring fire broke out!

This is Zhang Yi's homemade Molotov bottle, even under ultra-low temperatures, gasoline can still burn up and release heat.

The gasoline in the bottle was splashed everywhere and burst into flames!

The space of the balcony was not much, and the down jacket and cotton pants on the body of a dozen people were stained with gasoline, and suddenly a large flame was burned!

With a playful smile on her lips, Zhang Yi went on to light the next Molotov cocktail and threw it out.

"Ah!! Fire, fire!!"

More than a dozen people are crowded together, and the balcony is separate, it is not so easy to jump to the balcony of the next door.

These people can't get away. They're all covered in flames.

Zhang Yi saw them turn into flaming, twisted balls of fire.

Some people want to roll on the ground and use snowflakes to put out the flames, but the effect is too weak.

Gasoline burns even when it meets water.

Some people tried to climb to the next door, but in a hurry, their hands and feet were unstable, and directly fell from the 24th floor!

With a long shriek came "Boom!!" A sound.

24 stories up, I don't know if the snow down there can counteract the impact.

But according to the laws of physics, even if he is not dead, his bones are broken, his ribs are broken, and his internal organs are broken.

It's like you're already dead.

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "At least falling to death is better than being burned to death!"


A ferocious face suddenly jumped on the glass, the expression twisted and terrible, staring at Zhang Yi.

"Help me, help me!"

Under the extreme pain, he issued a cry for help to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi raised her coffee cup to greet him.

"I'll save you. Die, loser!"

The man made a desperate sound and was completely consumed by the flames.

On the balcony next door, there are 60 or 70 people waiting for their shift to change.

Seeing this hell-like scene of the Shura, I was frightened to death.

"Help, help me!"

'I don't want to die, please!

The man, who was burning all over, tried to climb over for help, grabbed the railing with both hands, and had to climb over.

At that moment, a man on this side did not hesitate to kick him hard in the hand.

"Go away, go away! You can't be saved in this state, don't bring us into trouble!"

He kicked over, the fire man would not let go, he bit his teeth, increased his strength, one foot and one foot to kick down!

He even kicked his finger off!

The man struggled for a moment, then looked at them in despair and slowly fell before the fence.

The smell of burning meat hung in the air.

It didn't take long for all dozen of them to die.

Some people were obviously not burned seriously at first and wanted to escape, but were stopped by the neighbors next door.

They were afraid the flames would burn on them, so they chose to let these people die.

Another person was so burned that he jumped 24 stories.

The oil of the human body is also a good fuel, and the burning fire has brought them a long lost warmth.

So, everyone slowly walked forward, stretched out their hands to warm the fire, with a smile on their faces for fear that others would notice.

The fire burned for twenty minutes before it stopped.

The neighbors looked at the charred bodies on the ground with fear.

In order to deal with Zhang Yi, they have died 30 or 40 people!

There is no chance to break the door from every Angle, how to do in the end, in order to seize the materials in Zhang Yi's hands?

"Sniff --"

A young man who had not eaten for two days sniffed.

He suddenly felt that the smell of burning grease was delicious, much like the buffet barbecue he used to love.

Thinking of this, he could not help but look at the dozen charred bodies on the ground.

Couldn't help but swallow the spit.

In the air, the sound of swallowing saliva was repeated.

The young man looked at the crowd in amazement, and in their thin, numb faces he saw more than one person showing a desire to eat.

However, because there were too many people at the scene, their remaining moral bottom line made them not feel ashamed to start.

But if no one else is here, they probably do eat meat.

Suddenly, a woman burst into tears.

"I can't stand it!

All busy day, this thought can easily break Zhang Yi home.

But the final result makes them despair!

So many people died that not a crack was broken in the walls and floor-to-ceiling Windows of Zhang Yi's home.

She suddenly ran to the front of the people, climbed to the balcony of Zhang Yi's home.

When Zhang Yi thought that the next group of people would come and smash the glass, she suddenly went "flop!" He knelt down in front of the glass.

"Zhang Yi, I'm starving to death, please save me!" Just give me a piece of bread!"

Not only she a person, one after another and someone ran to Zhang Yi kowtow, crying for Zhang Yi to give them a meal to eat.

That tragedy, is really sad to hear, see tears.

Most of the kowtowing were women, trying to win Zhang Yi's sympathy.