
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


Chen Zhenghao and others around Zhang Yi smashed the wall, fully busy for a whole morning.

However, after digging up the wall and the floor and ceiling, it was found that it was blocked by a thick layer of steel plate.

20cm thick steel plate, for them is no different from a nightmare!

Using only human resources, there is no hope of breaking it now.

After all, working at ultra-low temperatures and unable to get enough energy to supplement the loss of physical strength will only accelerate their death.

Many people collapsed on the ground from exhaustion.

The sound of "Grunt ~ grunt ~" broke out.

They stroked their shrivelled bellies, hunger almost subduing them.

But the food itself was not much left.

Some people saw their neighbors next to them, through the cracks in their clothes, and saw the snow-white meat.

An idea sprang up in my mind.

This, isn't it just meat?

As soon as the horrible thought appeared, everyone went cold with fear and tried to push it out of their minds.

But when this idea comes into being, it gives people a desperate choice.

They probably also know that if it really comes to that day, the phenomenon of cannibalism and cannibalism will surely occur.

"Is there really nothing to be done?"

Sun Zhichao face pain, he even felt that his arm has begun to inflame and fester.

There are no antibiotics, not even ordinary anti-inflammatories, to effectively clean the wound.

There's still a lot of rust left over from his wounds.

In such cases, death is almost inevitable.

"Damn Zhang Yi, why are you so vicious?"

"How can you live alone compared to so many of us? Sacrifice yourself. What's wrong? What's wrong??"

Sun Zhichao raised his head to the sky and shouted, despair made his heart completely distorted.

At this time, Zhang Yi's neighbor suddenly walked out.

"Maybe you could try the balcony."

"When they renovated their house, the balcony was replaced with floor-to-ceiling Windows, with a large side of glass. Maybe there's a chance to break in!"

Other residents can't see the back of Zhang's home, but his neighbors can.

Building 25, some floors have a balcony, Zhang Yi lives on the 24th floor just has a small platform.

On weekdays, it is used by him to plant flowers and dry quilts.

Hearing Zhang Yi's neighbor's words, a group of desperate people suddenly looked up.

"The window? Ha ha ha, right! If his house has Windows, there must be an exit! You can't block them all!"

"As long as there is a window, you can rush in!"

A group of people can not help but say, from Zhang Yi next door home broke into.

In fact, there is a gap of about 15 centimeters between the balconies of the two homes, and a fence is installed in the middle.

But that's not gonna stop the crazy crowd right now.

But the outside of the balcony is not like the hallway.

At this time, the corridors were blocked by each family, airtight, and some warm effects.

Outside, however, the north wind is howling and the snow is blowing, which can freeze a person in a few hours.

Chen Zhenghao and others can ignore these, as long as they can rush into Zhang Yi home, they can get everything!

A group of people squealed, like crazy jumping on the balcony of Zhang Yi's home.

Zhang Yi naturally also perceived such a scene.

They looked at each other for less than a second.

The neighbors brandished the tools inside and frantically hurled them at the huge floor-to-ceiling Windows.

And Zhang Yi is dragging his white recliner to the window, not in a hurry to lie down, easily pour himself a cup of steaming coffee.

The small balcony was soon filled with more than a dozen people.

Their faces were pale, like living corpses, and with that crazy twisted expression, there was really no living appearance.

Zhang Yi thought, if there are really zombies, it is probably this degree.

"Bang! "Bang! "Bang! Jingle

Muffled voices rose and fell in the floor-to-ceiling Windows.

Braving the snow, these crazy people are trying to smash the glass.

Even if they did not accidentally hit their own hands, they did not feel pain, let the blood flow out and then coagulate.

Right after hitting the wall, the feeling of longing wasn't obvious enough.

But at this time, only separated by a layer of glass, let them more clearly see how luxurious Zhang Yi's life is!

The fireplace was burning in the room, and Zhang Yi was lying on a white chaise longue, wearing only a single suit, like a landlord.

There's a cup of brewed coffee, still steaming, and judging by the amount of foam, it should be a cappuccino.

The coffee table is stacked with weapons, but that's not the point.

The point is under the end table, where a bunch of half-eaten snacks are left.

Potato chips, burgers, Coke, pizza, roast chicken, roast duck, and even fried noodles!

These are the things that drive the neighbors on the balcony completely crazy!

Just left them for half a month, they were excited as if they had seen their long-lost father!



They were so excited that they forgot their voice and howled to express their excitement.

And then even more desperately, used up the strength of the milk to smash the window!

Zhang Yi held coffee in hand, enjoying the good play.

He simply said faintly: "Who says glass must be weaker than metal?"

The cost of the wall is extremely high, Zhang Yi for quality of life considerations, rejected the dragon security company's proposal, did not use metal here.

I spent a lot of money on a whole side of bullet-proof glass to make floor-to-ceiling Windows.

He still remembers that Wu Huairen, the manager of the Dragon security company, said, "Such a thick wall is no longer a bullet, but a shell!"

The bullet-proof glass on the special vehicles of Western heads of state, which can withstand sniper guns, is made of this material.

However, their thickness is less than half that of Zhang Yi's wall.

Sure enough, the group banged on and found something was wrong.

I thought it was plexiglass, and I smashed it a few times.

But a dozen people, smashing for a long time, how even a crack did not come out ah!

"What kind of glass is this?"

"Is it bulletproof glass?"

"What? Bulletproof glass?"

The word came hoarse from a bespectacled man's throat, but it was full of despair, as if it had come from the eighteen layers of hell.

You can stop a shell, but you can't stop your handwork?

'No, I don't!

A young man raised his head to heaven and shouted, "My life is not mine! I can't believe I can't break it!"

"Just break it, the fireplace in the house and the food and drink will be mine, I must break it!!"

Probably in the extremely cold temperature, in this hope and despair, jumping left and right, everyone's brain is frozen.

They chose to lose their reason, work hard, and gamble for a future!

Zhang Yi clapped for them and was moved.

But he felt a little hungry.

So he took out some food from the space, such as sauce-flavored elbow, pulled banana, and a little snack, eat a pure cocoa butter chocolate.