
The World Is Falling

A high school student named Eiji Lewyiin at the spade kingdom school, where there is a developed country and full of wealth of knowledge, but the rulers of the sky appointed the earth to be a scenario place for humans, making Eiji Lewyiin have to survive with his new friends, andbeing the vessel of the King of Darkness, they all must be ready for the changing era.

T_Moriarty · Fantasy
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40 Chs

012 #Disaster

Hah... Huhh... Hufft... Hah... I ran endlessly in a dark and silent place, a place shrouded in darkness, I could only see the light in front of my eyes, which seemed close but was the opposite.

Keep running, running and running..

How did I get here? Last time I was standing and talking to my soldiers.

"Sherlyn." – "Don't play around, I don't like your jokes." I stopped for a moment to rest, I had been running for about 1 hour according to my brain.

The sound echoed, the sound suddenly became silent, I couldn't hear anything.

"Haha... Haha..." The sound of laughing from an adult woman around me made me shake a little.

Fearless 3rd Wall shook as hard as it could.

Huh? My F3W? I haven't seen this notification lately, and it also seems like my f3w can't hold it in.

NOTE: *F3W (Fearless 3rd Wall)

I held my neck with my right hand, releasing it with a little water that was neither hot nor cold sticking to my hand.

I panicked a little, now I'm scared.

I was sweating cold, my body was shaking a little.

(Killing Aura Queen Of the Realm Void World)

The dark atmosphere was covered by a golden aura that scattered around me, I couldn't move, this power didn't drain me physically or mentally.

The dark room slowly became brighter, shaped like a large, luxurious dining room.

I tried moving my right hand, strangely enough, when I raised my right hand, it felt easy.

I was still observing my surroundings, the boundless emptiness had turned into a luxurious room.

Tap... Tap...!!! *Sound of footsteps.

The sound of footsteps approaching, I, who had been trying to lift my body, now focused on finding out who was behind those graceful steps.

"Welcome to the Eternal Realm, new King Eiji Lewyinn." The woman's voice is a little heavy but sounds very elegant and feminine.

I looked in the direction of the voice.

"Haha.. You're too funny. " –"You will never see me if you are still inferior to my aura." He grinned slightly, a small laugh emerging from his mouth.

"Try sitting in a bright place." I looked at the dining table which was located right to my right, I saw that there was a chair that was glowing.

The chair was about 7 meters away from me.

(Advanced Aura lv. 15 )

I minimized his intimidation by releasing my intimidating strength, I tried to lift my body again.

With a little weight I was able to stand up, even though it wasn't very straight, I tried to step towards the chair.

With my body feeling heavy when walking.

"Hahaha.... Hahaha." That strange woman was so annoying, she was just laughing all along.

This heavy body, I got closer to the chair, I managed to touch part of the chair.

I sat down, suddenly my body became lighter, with a notification that all my skills had risen by 20 levels.

Advanced Aura level. 11 > levels. 31

Fearless 3rd Wall > 4th Wall

Realm Authority lv. 0 > lv. 20

And several other skills.

"Are you surprised?" The sound that came from in front of me entered my ears softly, a golden light appeared on the chair in front of me.

The golden light makes the smoke golden with twinkling starlight.

Make a circle or hurricane close the chair.

In a flash the magic happened again, the wind and golden smoke had disappeared, an old woman appeared in front of me, with closed eyes and a wrinkled face.

"Don't you like my appearance?" I couldn't see the old lady's expression, voice–

"Okay then I'll change it."

The golden smoke and wind appeared again, it was instantly blown away and made the person behind him no longer old.

I could see from her clothes that it was very dark and dark green, with a body shape that was neither a child's nor a grandmother's.

Her face was still covered by the smoke, but it didn't take long for the smoke to dissipate, revealing a face with golden eyes and elegant black hair.

I looked into his eyes, making my heartbeat tremble, this face is very familiar, I'm still thinking and thinking, huh–

"What do you think? beautiful isn't it."

"Can you change to another body? Don't use my friend." My face flushed a little, I could see a very, very beautiful side of Loraine, and this wasn't Loraine.

"Which was?"

"Forget it-"

"I am Seralith Dazie, Queen of the Eternal Realm"

He crossed his arms under his chest with his standing right hand holding his lips.

"What is your purpose in bringing me into your world?"

I looked at him with a cold gaze, activating my aura, making my eyes purple.

"I'm a little bored, and want to play around with fate." After his words, a paper appeared in front of his desk, he took the rolled paper.

"This is your destiny, I will also give you something later when you leave here to your world." With a teasing tone he threw the rolled paper at me, I immediately caught the paper he threw with my right hand.

"Open it."

I was curious, but also didn't want to open it, I pulled the rolled paper slowly, with a little I could see that there was writing on the paper.

The King of Darkness (Eiji Lewyiin) Will –


"Eiji, wake up Eiji." I shed a few tears, seeing him suddenly fall when he wanted to walk down.

"Loraine, can you look after him for a moment?" Sherlyn with a very panicked expression saw this.

I couldn't say any more, I wiped Eiji's hair gently, what had he done?

Things started to appear that made me panic, I couldn't think healthily.

Things like, "He was poisoned" – "He is dead" – "He left you" lots of things like this haunt me.

My dripping tears fell on Eiji's forehead, I wiped them with my hand.

His head fell asleep on my thigh, more and more tears fell, I had difficulty wiping my falling tears.

With the noise around me, it was only me and Eiji in this corridor, the others were busy heading towards the main room of this castle.

The sound of the explosion was as if this place was being bombarded.

I couldn't hold back my exploding emotions, I kept shedding tears.

I closed my eyes for a moment, "Krsk!!" *Sound

Mantle that rubs against solid objects.

Because of that sound, I thought someone was coming, I opened my eyes to see Eiji who had already opened his eyes.

He immediately sat in front of me, looking at me with an expression that was very cold but gave the impression of being soft and warm.


Without saying a word, I immediately pushed my body towards him, my head crashing into his muscle-filled chest, my arms embracing him, his warm body.

My hands were gripping his coat tightly, and my hug was very tight, making him a little stressed.

"I could die again if you hold me too tight."

I shed so many tears, no– I cried.

"Fool, you just suddenly left."








