
The World Is Falling

A high school student named Eiji Lewyiin at the spade kingdom school, where there is a developed country and full of wealth of knowledge, but the rulers of the sky appointed the earth to be a scenario place for humans, making Eiji Lewyiin have to survive with his new friends, andbeing the vessel of the King of Darkness, they all must be ready for the changing era.

T_Moriarty · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

011 #Bad Feeling (3)



I walked in, now I was in front of the meeting room door, pushing the door, I stepped in.

"Eiji asked us all to go to room #29 on the 12th floor."

"Where is he now?" It's me, he looked at me, for some reason I felt pressure when I was stared at by strong people like them.

"I don't know."

"Okay, that seems important." Kylaa stood up from her seat, followed by Akylaa and the others, they walked towards the door behind me.



Room 29? 12th floor? I seem to have heard that from Eiji's words, I once went to the 12th floor with him, and maybe room 29 is...

Ting!! *The sound of the elevator bell, both elevator doors open to opposite sides.

"Come on." (Tessia). We all stepped in, this large elevator with dark decorations is quite spacious, written near the button to choose a floor there is a writing that can accommodate 20 people.

If only in the past there were elevators like this.

"Does anyone know where that is?" Sherry looked over her shoulder, her eyes fixed on me as if I had been there.

"I know!!" The mysterious girl appeared in front of me, with shadowy smoke still spreading around inside the elevator.

Making the others shocked, Sherry was the most shocked among the others.

The shadow still covered my view of the mysterious girl.


The elevator door opened, causing dark smoke to come out of the elevator, I could see the figure now, light purple hair with a few black lines, eyes gold pink.

That's Sherlyn.

"You surprised us." (Loraine)

"Haha... Hahha..." (Sherlyn)

"Since when were you with us?" (Kylaa)

"When Eiji ordered me to take you to room 29." (Sherlyn)

"Come on, Eiji has been waiting, we can't linger at a time like this." Sherlyn stepped forward and away, I spontaneously moved my feet to step forward.

"Sherlyn, what room is room 29?" Kylaa overtook Loraine and stepped next to Sherlyn, she asked Sherlyn about it.

"More precisely, the warehouse, you will know when you see it yourself." Sherlyn did not change the direction of her head and continued to look forward.

In front of us there is a passage that leads to the right or left in the Corridor.

Sherlyn turned to the right, I also stepped to the right, when I saw, there was a large room without doors in front of us, like a special wide corridor.

There was a tall man wearing a frightening black battle robe, he was standing while holding a watch in his hand.

"Eiji." Wein shouted, he waved Eiji with the shield in his left hand.

The man was Eiji, he immediately directed his gaze towards all of us, with his eyes turning purple again, what had he done.

"Sorry make you wait." Sherlyn bowed her body in front of Eiji.

"Do you have the key?" Sherlyn spoke in a mocking and condescending tone. I turned to Eiji, saw his pliers which were in his trouser pocket.

He pulled his hand back from his pocket, revealing a purple key with gold reflections in his grasp.

"Eh–– Where is that from?" Sherlyn was surprised to see Eiji put the key into the door.

"I took it while you were busy." Eiji replied in a relaxed tone, he turned the key in the opposite direction to Sherlyn (Right)

"Tch–" (Sherlyn)

"Prepare your minds, I will open it." Eiji's hand was already on the doorknob, his last step was just to pull the handle down and push against it.

He pulled, a sound that came from nowhere came, suddenly the steel door next to him opened to two different sides, an automatic door that opened when Eiji pulled the door handle in front of him.

"Come on." Eiji tilted his body to the right, stepping towards the large automatic iron door.

"Are we being tricked?" (Sherry)

We were all in front of the open iron door, it was still very dark inside, but the darkness inside made me think of my spear.

"Sherlyn turn on the lights." Sherlyn immediately moved inside, now Sherlyn is on the left side, the lights alternately turn on from front to back.

"Welcome to a room full of masterpieces that have been created over centuries." Eiji stepped in, my feeling was right, this is where I got my spear.

"Woahh." Loraine looked around, with a look of shock and confusion on her face.

"I have a bad feeling, so get ready, take whatever weapons you like, whatever you want." Eiji stepped towards the sword rack.

"Anything?" (Kylaa)

"Anything." Eiji raised a dark green sword, he also tried to slash freely with that weapon.



Duar!!! *Huge explosion sound.

"What's that?" The account that was next to Loraine helped her look for her weapon. She (Loraine) reflexively grabbed my arm tightly.

"It looked like a lightning strike." I tried to calm the atmosphere.

"I'm not sure it was lightning." Kylaa has found her rapier in her right hand.

"Immediately determine your items." I stepped out of the room, with Loraine still clinging to my arm.

"Am I coming?"


"Hey, Eiji where are you going?" – "Your Majesty–" Two voices called my name, voices that filled the capacity of both my ears.

I have to answer what is my priority now, and what is my priority? In circumstances like this it is clear that my priority is my colleagues and this Kingdom.

"What is it?" I looked at the soldier with the shield symbol on the left chest of his armor, he was struggling to breathe.

"Kit– We've been hit." His face was attacked by a thousand emotions and his body was tired.

"Attacked by whom? do you know?" (Eiji)

"No, there are no signs of attack."

Tap!... Tap!... The sound of fast footsteps behind me, I looked over my shoulder, saw Sherlyn walking quickly.

"What do you mean we were attacked by ghosts?" (Sherlyn)

"No–" (Shield defense team soldier)

"What kingdom is closest to here?" (Grey)

"Arthorsi." Sherlyn suddenly said that in a hateful tone, this is the first time I have heard a tone other than her happy and flat tone.

"Is it possible–" Duar!!! Kaboom!!! *Attack sound.

Aaaa!!!! A cry of surprise.

The room shook, causing many flower pots to fall to the floor.

"I order you to activate level 9 protection." (Grey)

"Okay, your majesty." He bowed his body in front of me as low as he could, I was still thinking who would dare to shoot this at a time like this.

"I'm scared." This tone!! I turned to Loraine who was in my left hand, she was hugging my left arm, with a slightly hesitant and afraid tone.

"I'm here." Wiping the part near his cheek.

Krrikkrsk!! *The sound of a hologram emitting light.

The dark blue hologram that was in front of me, this flying screen flew right in front of my face.

"The disaster before…" (Tessia)


Disaster before the great war.

Natural Disasters (Earthquakes, hurricanes, heavy rain, a thousand lightning strikes) Status: Passed.

Artificial Disaster (Bombs fall from the sky, attacking everything except the audience area.) Status : In progress.

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