
The World Door

Tom lives in a state decimated by war. Looking for the only surviving link to his family, he embarks on an epic adventure that leads him to the most mysterious object of all time...

dhruvchops · Sci-fi
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10 Chs


Now digging was a fun activity. As Tom patiently scraped the mud using a makeshift shovel, he could help not but wonder what was stuck at the bottom of it all. Before the war, the house had belonged to his family. The basement was the favourite place of his grandfather. Even though he had never been allowed to visit it, his grandfather had repeatedly said that he would explore whatever it had to offer in a few years. His childhood imaginations knew no bounds. Then suddenly his grandfather had disappeared like all the rest of them.

Sighing, Tom continued digging. He had made a lot of progress in the past few years and it was only a matter of days before he uncovered whatever was there at the bottom. Presently, Alice stormed into his daily hiding spot.

Alice was Tom's neighbour and perhaps the only person who knew where Tom hid in the afternoons. Tom's hiding spot was, in fact, a widely debated topic among the gang with none of their suggestions very flattering. Tom found it nice to be in Alice's company as she frequently helped him out and shared his enthusiasm for whatever was there at the bottom.

Presently, a new fear had gripped Tom. The thought of finally reaching the bottom and finding nothing of interest was depressing enough, but with Alice, Tom was sure that he would receive more than just some kind words of encouragement for all the effort she had invested in the ordeal.

They had just begun discussing again the objects that might be hidden below the wreckage when a sound made Tom jump and look over his back. The scouts had found him.