
The World Door

Tom lives in a state decimated by war. Looking for the only surviving link to his family, he embarks on an epic adventure that leads him to the most mysterious object of all time...

dhruvchops · Sci-fi
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10 Chs


Leeper seemed amused. He waited for the gang's laughter and jeering to subside and then addressed Tom directly.

"After all this time that I asked you not to think about your past, you went to your basement with a wild fantasy in mind and wasted hours on a project that neither gave you food nor command."

"But Leeper-"

"I won't help you this time, Tom. In fact, I guess I'll enjoy giving you a little punishment this time." said Leeper with gleam in his eyes.

I'm in deep trouble, thought Tom. He did his best to remain quiet.

Leeper spoke with a cynical smile- "Hey Charlie, let's close the exit to this basement. Our boy here loves this place, let's see how he loves our generosity. But don't worry Tom, we'll check in a week to see how you're doing. Till then, enjoy your little stay."

Tom knew in his heart that he was now as good as dead. He felt guilty as he tried not to look towards the board behind which Alice was hiding.

"Leeper please-", tried Tom as Leeper and the gang disappeared behind a wall of rubble.