
The World Covered By Fog

Since the dawn of humanity, there was an existence that plagued all lifeforms and sought to destroy or corrupt them. It had many names - Miasma, Dark Mana or the Black Fog. Over 90% of the world was covered by this fog while terrifying creatures known as aberrants inhabited it. This resulted in humanity nearly being brought to extinction. Shivan was born in such a world. How will his life play out?

Ravvy4 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The Grade 2 Aberrant (3)

Mana was made up of two components. Similar to matter, mana had a positive and negative component.

(AN: Negative mana ≠ Dark mana)

They were of equal charge and together formed into regular mana that the body produces naturally. The ability to split the mana back into positive and negative mana was an advanced technique only a few mages could achieve. 

The wavelengths of positive and mana were erratic, meaning they didn't destroy each other, similar to protons and electrons. Though, there were no neutrons in this comparison.

However, if a mage could align the wavelengths....


Shivan had one goal in mind. He had to stop the Bhalvach to save Alexia. He didn't know how would achieve it, but he had to.

His single-minded desire allowed him to connect deeper with his mana. All other external factors were gone - Worries, anxieties and thoughts of death. It didn't matter.

He entered the zone and unconsciously performed mana-splitting. However, he didn't just leave it at that. He went even further.

He aligned the wavelengths of the two components of mana.


When an electron and a positron collide, they unleash a powerful surge of energy.

If positive and negative mana collide at the same wavelength, they become akin to electrons and positrons. A cataclysmic burst of power is released from the epicentre that can turn night into day. 

A force that for an instant, can break reality. For a moment, physics ceases to exist and all that is left is destruction.

This technique is called:



The Bhalvach didn't recognise the danger in time. Shivan's fist collided with its head, empowered by his gift and technique.

A blinding white light emanated from the impact. What followed was a powerful explosion. All the dark mana nearby was expelled. 

But what was truly surprising was the sound produced. An explosive sound was made as expected but an ominous hum followed it. It wasn't a natural sound that could be produced normally.

The strike was devasting, hurling the aberrant away. As a result, the powerful laser it was charging had misfired. The resulting blast recoiled back into the bear, further injuring it.

Shivan didn't know what he just did. He didn't know why this specific attack had done damage.

But he felt different. His mana felt different. He was stronger than before. His understanding and connection with his mana were better. His mana output was also higher than ever.

He could enhance and reinforce his body with more mana, making him much stronger and tougher. It wasn't at the level of Alexia's boosted state, but it would allow him to keep up with the Bhalvach.

This was the secondary effect of using Annihilation. The user gained a deeper connection to mana itself with their output skyrocketing. They entered a flow state. They could understand and process information at an unprecedented rate, allowing them to act with zero time lag.

Annihilation was less of a technique but more of a phenomenon. It wasn't something that could be done at will.

The Bhalvach got up from the attack daze with its horn having several cracks and purple blood falling from its head. Despite the damage it incurred from the Annihilation, it was still a Grade 2 aberrant.

It was far from dead. 

The Bhalvach was enraged. It assumed its prey was helpless. It enjoyed toying with its food. But no more. It wouldn't hold back anymore.

Alexia had gotten up just after the Annihilation hit. She also didn't know what had occurred. But she didn't question it. She wordlessly signalled to Shivan that she was okay.

Though her stomach injury posed an issue, Alexa could manually maintain blood flow temporarily. She couldn't back down now. She saw a path to victory.

Her combat instincts roused as she calculated the route to kill the aberrant. All her plans depended on Shivan hitting more of those blows.

The enraged Bhalvach fired another laser at the duo. They quickly split up. Their previous location was replaced by scorched land extending tens of metres past them. But, due to the cracks, the aberrant had to exert more energy than normal to launch that attack. 

Shivan didn't know how to hit Annilahation again. But he had to continue attacking the bear till he finally could.

But the bear had wisened up. No matter how little danger Shivan's regular attacks posed, it wouldn't let him get close. He would die first.

The duo attacked it from both sides. Alexia went in first, swinging her katana with deadly intent. The Bhalvach deflected the attack with its paw and then turned around to face Shivan.

Shivan was up in the air, ready to attack the Bhalvach. But unlike what the aberrant expected, Shivan didn't attempt to punch it. Instead, he fired off a {Wave Crash} midair.

The Bhalvach blocked the attack with its other paw, as Shivan landed a few metres away. Before he could regain his balance, the aberrant rushed forward to kill Shivan.

But Alexia wasn't going to let that happen. She created thick ropes of blood to restrain the aberrant. The ropes weren't nearly strong enough to restrain it. It broke free instantly.

But, it caused a momentary distraction.

That distraction allowed Shivan to gather mana for his next attack. A {Core Rupture Wave} hit the aberrant squarely in the chest. 

A familiar white light was unleashed signifying that Shivan landed another Annihilation. The attack bypassed the immense physical defences of the Bhalvach and hit the sensitive organs inside the bear.

But the Bhalvach wasn't surprised. Despite the heavy damage it took, it was still standing. And it wanted to kill Shivan who was right in front of it.

Shivan in his flow state, acted before the aberrant did. He started moving back before the Bhalvach readied his paw.

Although Shivan acted first, the Bhalvach was faster. Mid-retreat, the Bhalvach's paw had hit Shivan's shoulder and cut through his entire body.

When Shivan landed, he noticed a large gash going from his shoulder to his leg. There were 5 deep cuts on his body. Blood poured from the wounds. The dark mana from the claws raged inside his body.

Shivan was in the most pain he had ever been in his life. He wanted to crawl up in a ball and die. But he couldn't. He gritted through the pain.

The Bhalvach wasn't just satisfied with that. It followed up by digging into the ground with its paw and launching pieces of the earth at high speeds.

'I have to dodge!' 

That was the single thought flowing through his mind. His body would have normally acted instantly, but it didn't.

It couldn't.

The dark mana paralysed his nerves.

'I can't avoid this!'

Time slowed as the rocks approached. If they landed, his body would become Swiss cheese. During these moments, he felt himself slowly regaining control over his body.

Yet it was too late. Even if he was in peak condition, he wouldn't be able to avoid this. He was going to die. 

But, in the instant before the rocks landed on him, he saw a girl with familiar red hair appear right in front of him.
