
The World Covered By Fog

Since the dawn of humanity, there was an existence that plagued all lifeforms and sought to destroy or corrupt them. It had many names - Miasma, Dark Mana or the Black Fog. Over 90% of the world was covered by this fog while terrifying creatures known as aberrants inhabited it. This resulted in humanity nearly being brought to extinction. Shivan was born in such a world. How will his life play out?

Ravvy4 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Breaching the Barrier

The trio formed their plan over the course of two weeks. Meeting up between classes and after class, they prepared extensively. They thought of every possible issue they may run into.

Though not as dangerous as being held by a criminal organisation, the potential to be caught was much higher. Alexia had not spoken a word about her plan to breach the barrier and only kept up with her daily schedule; being studying, streaming and having fun.

It took two weeks, but the trio was ready. They planned extensively. Even so, they weren't arrogant. The escape from the base had taught them to always expect the unexpected.

They were going to infiltrate the forest on Friday, near midnight. All the tools necessary were gathered.


Friday came extremely quickly for them. Most of the gear they had prepared was in Chloe's secret base, so that was their first destination.

Under the cover of darkness, they left their dorms. They made sure to avoid any security camera and they met in the front garden. 

It was completely silent, apart from the sound of the waterfall splashing. The dark clouds hid any traces of the moon. It was nearly pitch black except for some areas lit by lamposts.

It was the perfect night to sneak out.

After confirming everyone was ready, they left the garden and headed for the exit. They snuck past the lax security and arrived on campus.

However, they just encountered their first hiccup. They saw a student hidden in the darkness.

And that student had seen them. Worst of all, the student had recognised them. Alexia, Shivan and Chloe also recognised this student.

"You've got to be shitting me..." Chloe clicked her tongue in irritation. She hadn't accounted for this. Nobody had.

After all, it was 11:30 pm. Nobody would be on school grounds at this time.

The student in question was the fourth member of their four-man team. Arlo Arcadius.


Arlo had been in the training facility for the entire evening. He knew to make up for his lack of talent, he had to train much harder than others. 

He was that desperate. To prove not only to his family but to himself. Talent didn't matter. He would reach his goal.

And to his credit, his rank was rising. He was slowly getting stronger. But in his heart, he feared it wasn't enough. But he had suppressed those thoughts to the depths of his mind.

Arlo was so focused on training that he didn't realise it was 11:00. Even the teacher monitoring him left as he was told to lock up by himself.

This event happened so many times, that the supervising teacher had just given the keys to the training facility and could enter at any time.

After packing up the equipment, he took a shower, changed and left the facility.

It was only after leaving did the exhaustion set in. All he wanted to was sleep, but he was distracted by a group of people sneaking away.

And he knew who those people were.


"What do we do now?" Shivan asked the two girls.

"He's going to snitch." Alexia was the one who responded. "We need to stop him."

"Hey, where are you guys going?" Their discussions were interrupted by Arlo calling out to them.

"Maybe we could lie to him?" Alexia whispered to Chloe as he approached.

"There's no believable lie we could have to be out this late," Chloe responded. "Maybe we could postpone..."

"—Nah, he's still going to tell though." Alexia shut down that idea immediately. "Don't worry, I have an idea."

Chloe immediately got extremely worried. She had a bad premonition. Whatever idea Alexia had was going to screw everyone over.

Alexia swaggered over to Arlo, without a care in the world.

"What do you want?" Her tone was laced with arrogance.

"—!" Arlo was caught off guard by Alexia's tone. It took a few seconds before he could formulate a response. "I was asking about where you going. You're breaking curfew."

"You are too. So what does it matter where we go? You're just as guilty."

Arlo recoiled but was able to manage not to be overwhelmed by her. He couldn't let Alexia step over him.

"I'm just going back to my dorm. I was just training till late. Now, once again I'm asking you where you're going." Arlo uttered the last part resolutely.

Alexia didn't like the look on Arlo's face. The timid boy from the start of the year was gone. He saw Alexia as an equal. He was not leaving without a response.

"Tsk." Alexia clicked her tongue in annoyance. She didn't want to resort to this, but it was the only option. "Arlo... you brought this upon yourself."

Before Arlo could react, Alexia appeared behind him and placed Arlo in a chokehold. With Alexia's superior strength and Arlo's exhaustion, he couldn't escape.

Arlo tried to gather his mana to protect himself, but couldn't muster the strength. He was losing air quickly and his vision was blurring. It took a couple of seconds, but he passed out from the lack of oxygen.

Alexia placed his unconscious body on the ground. Chloe appeared while rubbing her forehead in annoyance.

"Now what do we do with him?"

"We could always leave him here..." Alexia looked at Chloe sheepishly, almost looking like she regretted her actions. Being able to switch her personality like a switch was second nature to her.

Chloe only sighed in response.

The two of them discussed what to do with Arlo. Leaving him there was out of the question as he would wake up and report it to the teachers.

They could tie him up, but he could always escape or release a burst of mana as an emergency signal, tripping the detectors.

Killing him was also out of the question.

While the girls were failing to come to a consensus, Shivan spoke up.

"Why don't we bring him with us?"

Chloe and Alexia immediately realised the merits of that plan. Firstly they could always keep an eye on him. They could implicate him in their plan, meaning if they got in trouble, Arlo would also get dragged out.

Alexia also added that Arlo could also serve as a meat shield in an emergency. It was unclear whether she was joking or not.

Alexia carried Arlo's body in a princess carry as they left the school. Chloe ran ahead while Alexia and Shivan waited in a small parking lot a small distance away from the school.

The surrounding area was empty at this time which worked well in their favour. This area was home to several stores, restaurants and fast-food chains that students often visited before and after school.

 Alexia and Shivan didn't have to wait long as Chloe arrived in ten minutes inside a jet-black sedan. One of the things Chloe did in preparation was buying a car. It wasn't anything special, just functioning as a car is supposed to.

She had one of her associates in the Syndicate buy it under his name and was allowed to use it whenever she wanted. Though Chloe didn't have her full licence, she at least had a learner's permit and had driven before.

Alexia sat in the passenger seat next to Chloe, while Shivan sat in the back, watching Arlo and ensuring he didn't wake up. 

As Shivan got settled in the seat, Chloe started the car and drove away. 

The car was already packed with things they would use in their mission. It included the gun MAWs from their escape, personal weapons, medicines and other equipment.

While driving, the two girls in front chatted as Shivan stayed mostly quiet. It didn't take long for them to arrive at their destination.

Though it was still a decent distance from the Hollow Forest where they wanted to enter.

Grabbing all their tools and equipment, the trio walked with Alexia carrying Arlo's body (which they tied up as well) to the perimeter.

The walk wasn't long as they passed through some shrubbery to get to the desired location.

The area where they arrived was lightly guarded allowing them to easily sneak past. They soon arrived at the barrier. They could feel an eerie sensation from past the barrier as if warning them to turn back.

Alexia confidently walked up to the barrier holding some tools. It was at this point that Arlo started to stir awake.