
The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

After saving one world from a demon god and earning the trust and admiration of a perverted goddess who wants to be his plaything, Sol's terrible luck causes him to get summoned again to another world with her almost as soon as he returns to his own. However, this time around he refuses to take on the role of a hero. Instead, he decides to challenge a pantheon of gods as a side quest while living as a simple and misunderstood man under the protection of his goddess who took his place as hero. Unfortunately, even without trying Sol can't avoid attracting trouble and is constantly getting dragged into epic battles against the gods without even trying because of his cocky personality and bad habits. But that's fine too, if the gods want to fight then he'll gladly take them on and plunder them into ruin!

Rowan_Eternal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
317 Chs

Is There An Imposter?

"So... Arkadia?" Sol asked, changing the topic before Ikaris even had the chance to respond to the queen's plight.

"Yes, Hero -"

"Please, just call me Sol, I am no hero," Sol delicately extended his hand to the queen, lowering his head respectfully and helping her to her feet once more.

"Arkadia, was once a brilliant and fruitful land, but decades of constant war has ravaged our land of its beauty and bounty, today we are but a small kingdom pushed in the corner of our world by the dark invaders.

"Demons...?" Sol grimaced, he had hoped to never see another demon kin as long as he lived, but after being sent back home he was not spared even a few hours before he was being told he would have to fight demonkind again.

"They appeared with massive armies sixty years ago, and have spent no expense to relentlessly beat against our doors, the neighbouring kingdoms across Arkadia have all long fallen and retreated to our borders, and all that remains now is our kingdom and the coalition that brought us all together, our now little kingdom of Argom is all that remains..."

"Exactly how little, is little?" Ikaris asked, taking charge of the situation again, and earning an estranged look from the queen after she realised something odd about her.

"Lady hero, you have the strangest magical aura I have ever seen."

"I am special," Ikaris raised her nose with a smirk, and the queen diligently accepted that as the truth and continued without another thought on the matter.

"It is said that Argom was once a billion strong, but now, there are less than ten million humans remaining, our armies are a small million and a half compared to the three hundred million before, everything has gone terribly wrong, and I cannot help but blame myself,"

"Well, if this war you have been fighting has been ongoing for longer than you have been alive then it is not really your fault that you are on the losing end, but take all the blame you wish, I will still crush all enemies,"

"Wow... Ikaris, you're so badass," Sol committed to his role and gave her a bland and empty gesture of praise, but the goddess relished in it nonetheless and huffed proudly.

"So that's what's up huh?" Han finally made his way to his feet seething with anger. "You went out and found yourself some rich chick to fight your battles for you?" He asked, and Sol's face lit up with glee at how easily they were believing his nonsense.

"Of course- of course! Ikaris is the answer to everything, why do I need to raise a finger when she is all-powerful?" He asked, and again Ikaris huffed up with pride.

"Shameless coward."

"Say what you will big guy, she's strong enough for both of us, why would I raise a finger when she will protect me?" Sol laughed boastfully, earning looks of disapproval from most of the guards and the rest of the heroes, even Eris.

"At any rate, you said that if we can defeat the demon army we will be sent back home, correct?" Ikaris turned to Queen Vermon again.

"Yes, I will lay down my life and send you back, it would be my honour as the last queen of Arkadia-"

"Let us put a hold on that sacrifice thing, it makes Sol uncomfortable," Ikaris turned to him and took his hand. "He is also hungry, as am I, you are free to explain everything to us while we dine," Ikaris began walking just as the queen gave her an urgent nod and took off towards the staircase.

"How sad, if it was anyone else, she would be taken advantage of," Sol frowned, glancing behind himself as the other five heroes began walking.

"Especially that bastard," He glared at Han who was still furious after being humiliated twice, from what he remembered of Han, he was nothing like what a hero was supposed to be, he indulged in lust and gluttony, sloth and greed, he was more like a demon than any human. "Watch your back, Ikaris, I know you don't believe anyone or anything can hurt you, but we haven't tested or proven any of that, and now you're two whole dimensions away from your homeworld, let's try the slave bond the first opportunity we get to see if it works as well, if this place is as bad as it's been made out to be we need our strengths."

"Understood, my lord," Ikaris smiled because of his concern. "I will be careful,"

"You are now entering her Majesty's throne room," The lead guard announced, stepping to the side after exiting the staircase.

"From here on, you will regard the queen with the utmost respect, failure to do so in her presence will lead to immediatel exile or imprisonment, Her majesty is not a weak woman, she is an undying flame!" The guard continued speaking while they walked pass him.

Sol was skeptical after the weakness the queen had shown, but he was shocked when he saw that same woman dressed regally and holding a much larger sceptre in her grasp while she stood next to her throne.

They were directed in front of the queen once more, and then the entire court knelt.

"All hail Queen Misty Vermon the third, grand priestess and protector of our lands!" Her guard exclaimed.

"Do we bow?" Eris asked, looking around and realising that they were the only ones on their feet.

"Look above her head," the male of the other three unnamed heroes gasped, staring at the thirteen that had suddenly turned into a hundred and thirteen.

"Heroes, my heart is touched by your sacrifice, I promise to do all in my power to help you grow, you will be provided with the best facilities and the best gear imaginable, along with your chosen weapon, once, I will set you on the path to the northern curved mountains, the lair of the demon lord, and there you will defeat Albion the ruler of the demon army, but before then, I will ask the six of you to..." Her eyes narrowed and she stared at them confused.

"Majesty, what is the meaning of this?" A short priest stood next to the queen confused as well.

"Seven... the hero summoning limit is supposed to be six, but seven people have arrived instead?"

"Is there... An imposter?