
The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

After saving one world from a demon god and earning the trust and admiration of a perverted goddess who wants to be his plaything, Sol's terrible luck causes him to get summoned again to another world with her almost as soon as he returns to his own. However, this time around he refuses to take on the role of a hero. Instead, he decides to challenge a pantheon of gods as a side quest while living as a simple and misunderstood man under the protection of his goddess who took his place as hero. Unfortunately, even without trying Sol can't avoid attracting trouble and is constantly getting dragged into epic battles against the gods without even trying because of his cocky personality and bad habits. But that's fine too, if the gods want to fight then he'll gladly take them on and plunder them into ruin!

Rowan_Eternal · Fantasy
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317 Chs

I see you

"Lady Arla Amastacia," Sara gestured, and then stiffened when the woman who she had mentioned leaned her head and looked around Dina at her. "S-she's a very observant and eccentric woman,"

Her eyes were a dark brown, and her auburn hair caught her at the base of her thighs.

She was wearing a robe that dragged along the ground, but one could see at a glance that she had a tempting body beneath the dark cloth, but what stood out even more were her ears, they were easily three times the length of a regular human's.

[Name: Arla Amastacia

Race: Half-Elf

Level: 170

Title: Captain

Skills: Collapsing star, Earthen wall, Cataclysm, Flood, Hurricane, Absolute Zero, infernal magic

Class: Mage

Buffs: All elemental attacks lose 30% of their potency against the subject

Blessing: Luck on the battlefield

Curse: None

Special: Blessing; Subject can share her life essence and conjure mass healing at the cost of shortening their life, consequence of overuse is death.]

"Hoho~" Sol grinned when Arla looked at Dina and continued introducing herself. "She's pretty impressive too, and those skills, I'd love to see them," he grinned. "And even more unexpected, I know the system keeps saying 'human' but I never expected that races like elves existed here too," He looked at Sara with a curious grin.

"Elves, Humans, orcs, trolls- the list goes on and on, there are even dragons and dragonkin hybrids here," Sara seemed confused at his statement.

"Do you not have these on your homeworld?"

"The only truly sentient race on earth, is human, there, we're alone, angels are horrendous-looking catastrophic beings, and demons have no physical body," Sol explained unenthusiastically. "It's not that interesting.

"...right," Sara pointed to the man in front of Usami, holding a black spear in his grasp. "That is Lord Morn Castillon, he is a high noble who earned his position through his own hard work on the battlefield," She explained and watched Sol's eye going as he checked the man's status.

[Name: Morn Castillon

Race: Human

Level: 149

Title: Duke

Skills: Dark spear

Class: Spearman

Buffs: Persere; Skills of the abyss have no effect

Blessing: Child of the abyss

Curse: Child of the abyss; Subjects lifespan is shortened by 10%

Special: Reaper; upon death, all who are deemed enemies within the vicinity will be cursed with abyssal magic and die immediately].

"Hm, he's the least impressive of the first three, but considering he's going to be fighting the demons, he has the best counter to their dark magic, interesting," Sol nodded and then started walking over when the general gestured that he join. "You can tell me more later," he waved at Sara.

"Of course,"

"Ah, the imposter," Arla addressed Sol with a lick of her lips before anyone else could say a word. "May I?" She walked past Dina and extended her hand toward him.

"Uh-sure?" Sol reached his hand toward her with a smile, but instead of taking his hand, Arla roughly grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss, shocking Ikaris so much she froze for a full second before she stepped across the shocked crowd and picked up the mage by her collar like a kitten.

"Do I need to start making rules, how dare you lay your filthy lips on my master?!" Ikaris seethed but made no attempt to harm the woman.

"Oh my, what strength~" Arla chuckled in her hung state. "If you would kindly put me to stand, dear hero,"

"That was unexpected," Sol wiped his lip with his collar and took a few steps back, thank you for the knowledge, lady Amastacia," He slightly lowered his head, and everyone looked at him shocked, while the half-elf smiled at Ikaris who slowly placed her to stand again. "Please refrain from doing that again though, I can't protect you from Ikaris if you manage to cross her," Sol warned her as he raised his head again.

"What just happened?" Dina stepped forward, and Sol leaned his head and turned to the other teachers rather than the heroes.

"That is between the three of us, Hero," Sol answered while extending his hand toward Morn. "A pleasure, Sir Dark Spear," He smiled with his eyes closed, and the Nobleman's eyes widened.

"As impressive as you seemed from afar last night, I had not expected such a polished man in person," Morn took Sol's hand in a firm shake.

"Polished?" Sol asked grinning when he realised Morn didn't want to let go.

"Yes, you have the body of a warrior, and I could not help but notice your first chosen weapon was a spear," Morn laughed back applying more pressure to Sol's grip. "It makes me want to take up the user of that impressive 'mimic' ability as my pupil instead hehe!"

"What?" Usami gasped holding on to her spear. "Sir!"

"There's just no way that I would be a good pupil," Sol squeezed back with a smile, allowing his magic to slightly seep out after being challenged. "I can't accept such a bold offer,"

"Master," Ikaris grabbed Sol's hand and pulled him away easily, and that's when he realised that Morn's spear was on the ground and he was cradling his hand with the other with a panicked expression. "Remember to not be too harsh with them," She looked around at the others who were looking at Morn shocked while Eris approached and extended her hands toward his bruised hand.


"They are fragile," Ikaris narrowed her eyes, and Sol sighed and closed his eyes regretfully.

"Fragile...?" Arla heard Ikaris while nobody else did. "Morn is not a fragile man," She mumbled to herself. "As you said to general dearest, he was simply too weak to contest you," She looked up at Sol who was staring at the man worriedly. "How strong do you need to be to so easily break one of the nation's most powerful warrior's hand so casually you do not even realise?" She questioned quietly as a smile crept across her face once more. "What an interesting man, Sol Vestic."

"Of course," Sol slapped his forehead and looked to the skies.

[The goddess of war is watching intently]

"How stupid of me,"

[The goddess of war is staring at you]

"These little people aren't my side-quest are they?"

[The goddess of war is curious about the imposter's goal]

"I don't have any intention of fighting for these dned gods that cursed me, but the gods themselves are a whole other story, aren't they?"

[What is that supposed to mean, does the insolence of that man know no bounds?] Dr'ul sat on a golden throne in a room made of light staring at Sol through a system window.

[System Error]

[Huh?] She leaned forward when the message came through.

Back on Arkadia, Sol had a grin while he was looking to the sky, and Ikaris next to him seemed to notice what he was doing when he started chuckling to himself and staring through his fingers.

His left eye lit up with golden light, and magic engrams and circles rapidly rotated through it.

[Activated: Eye of divinity]

"That's where my goals are set."

[H-how dare he!] Dr'ul stood from her throne furiously staring at the system window.

[Warning, Sol Vestic is observing you]

[Warning, you have gained the attention of the tarnished warrior]

[Warning, the warrior's spite is being directed at you]

[Sol Vestic is laughing at your expression]


"I see you, Dr'ul!"