
The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

After saving one world from a demon god and earning the trust and admiration of a perverted goddess who wants to be his plaything, Sol's terrible luck causes him to get summoned again to another world with her almost as soon as he returns to his own. However, this time around he refuses to take on the role of a hero. Instead, he decides to challenge a pantheon of gods as a side quest while living as a simple and misunderstood man under the protection of his goddess who took his place as hero. Unfortunately, even without trying Sol can't avoid attracting trouble and is constantly getting dragged into epic battles against the gods without even trying because of his cocky personality and bad habits. But that's fine too, if the gods want to fight then he'll gladly take them on and plunder them into ruin!

Rowan_Eternal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
317 Chs

Backwater shop

"Listen, Ken," Sol stood firmly in front of his past bully with an annoyed frown. "I'm not the Sol you remember, I'll mess you up if you come at me," He stared at the fuming man. "Truth be told, though, I am tired of being seen, I just want to disappear into the crowd and never gain any kind of attention, I want to live the life of a side character for once," He grabbed Ken by his face and pinned him to the wall in a split second.

"Thanks for making my life a living hell ten years ago you bastard, it gave me the strength to overcome everything thrown at me in Ikaris's world," Sol admitted but Ken was barely able to hear anything over the sound of his own screaming as Sol squeezed his head with his one hand. "Well, you're not paying attention, and it doesn't matter anyway, but I'm over it now, if you ever show up at my place again, I'll reduce you to a pile of ashes on the sidewalk," Sol threatened the man.

Ken screamed out when he felt the sensation of something was breaking inside of him, but then moment later he was outside of the cheap apartment complex with his pants wet after peeing himself from pain and terror.

The man did not even try to understand what happened, he got up and ran off in the first direction he saw, leaving his car and everything else behind.

"My dear hero, that was very un-hero-like of you, was it not?" Ikaris asked Sol, staring at his back as he watched Ken from the rooftops.

"Are you surprised that I never made much of a hero? Sol replied with a bitter taste in his mouth after being called 'Hero' again.

"You were not a great 'hero' my lord, I admit this, but you were the perfect hero that my world needed, I admired the person you were, and I am still impressed with the specimen you are," Ikaris answered with a blush, attempting to go on her knees again.

"Don't do that, rooftops here are filthy," Sol pulled her to her feet. "Come on, if you are gonna be a part of my world you have to look the part, right now you are gonna draw too much attention to me.

"As you wish, my lord," she obediently followed as Sol took off running across rooftops, it was like a trip down memory lane seeing his city Q again, just as riddled with crime as he remembered, just as polluted as he remembered, just as sick and corrupted as he remembered, compared to Atla, the humans on earth were mostly pitiable scum.

Somehow though, the only thing about City Q that troubled him was the fact that he used to do supplies for the corrupt Mayor's son; Ken.

Sol had made it into the best college in the state through his own hard work, but he needed money, and he was never able to find a job on his own, so he was exploited by the rich and was on his way to an early grave, until that day he choked on his cup ramen and died. "It is just like I remember," He spoke aloud, staring at the mall entrance with disdain. "Can I truly live a normal life here after everything I have gone through?" Sol asked himself.

"You are destined for greater things, my lord," Ikaris answered his empty query, but he scoffed and took her by her hand when she started wandering on sight of her first plane in the air.

"Stay by my side, Ikaris."

"Certainly," She glued herself to his side, making a spectacle as the two of them entered the mall.

"I have never seen such a market, you told me before that the structures from my world and even the beasts of the land were very different, but even then, I have never seen such structures, the gods of this world must be pleased with his subjects!" Ikaris exclaimed as soon as she saw the interior.

"Well, if they are they sure has a funny way of showing it," Sol chuckled to himself looking across the mall, to the food court then the clothing store, and then the machines in the corner.

"That's right," Sol groaned and pulled out his wallet and took out his card. "My card was declined the day before I died," Sol grimaced at the shoddy old card.

"Hey, you can charm things right, like bless them to work when they shouldn't?" He asked Ikaris, and she smiled and took the card from his grasp.

"I can do nothing to influence the laws of this world any more than I already have," She looked at Sol with an apologetic smile. "I used all my power to resurrect you, so until I have access to magic again, I am also reliant on this contract we share," She stuck her tongue out at him. "for it to work, you need to initiate-"

"Intimate contact, I get it, you lewd woman," Sol reached up and grabbed her cheeks with his free hand, staring at her lips. "How can I ever be a side character when you are like this?" He asked, and then stuck his finger in her mouth without warning, causing everyone around them to stop and stare when she suddenly moaned loudly against his hand.

Sol wanted to kick himself, of course, she would overreact because of the sensation the slave binding caused, wherever it was the marks would cause magic to surge, and if she had actually put it all those places where it had no business being then it would cause her entire body to be exposed to pleasure.

"Keep it down It's just a finger!" Sol snapped at her, embarrassed at the scene she was causing.

"I will try, my lord," Ikaris took hold of his hand and stuck another of his fingers in her mouth, squirming and breathing heavily against him.

"Okay, that's enough," Sol turned from her and took her hand again as she tried controlling herself.

"My lord," Ikaris handed the card to him. "it will work."

"If it doesn't, I'm not impartial to stealing them either, It's just clothes," He answered, pulling her into the clothes store where they were met by an attendant who stood opposing them.

"Sir, we have a dress code to uphold-"

"Dress code?" Ikaris sobered up and stood at Sol's side with a frown, she knew immediately where this was going, Sol barely cared about his appearance, so it would make sense that others saw him as poor because of the shabby clothes he was wearing. "Do you have any idea who I am, do you even know the wealth I possess?" Ikaris took the lead and approached the woman.


"Shut up and move, and consider yourself lucky his lordship would even want to spend in this tiny backwater shop!"

"L-lordship?" The woman swallowed and looked around frightened while her manager came running over in a panic.

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