
The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

After saving one world from a demon god and earning the trust and admiration of a perverted goddess who wants to be his plaything, Sol's terrible luck causes him to get summoned again to another world with her almost as soon as he returns to his own. However, this time around he refuses to take on the role of a hero. Instead, he decides to challenge a pantheon of gods as a side quest while living as a simple and misunderstood man under the protection of his goddess who took his place as hero. Unfortunately, even without trying Sol can't avoid attracting trouble and is constantly getting dragged into epic battles against the gods without even trying because of his cocky personality and bad habits. But that's fine too, if the gods want to fight then he'll gladly take them on and plunder them into ruin!

Rowan_Eternal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
317 Chs

Against the Goddess of War.

[The pantheon is watching keenly]

[The new members of the pantheon are showing a great amount of interest in your coming performance]

"I'm so nervous I could faint." Dina commented as soon as she opened her eyes to the view of an endless flatland covered in grass and small trees no taller than a person. "We're really doing this... this insanity!" She looked to her side at Arla but found the elf composed and alert. "Why are you so determined, wasn't it you who wanted to become a pacifist and never raise your hand in combat again?" She asked.

[The Godslayer is also curious about this new development]

[Ikaris has expressed increased curiosity on this topic]