
The World's Greatest Conductor

A conductor can transfer heat, electric charge, and sound. If you became a conductor, how would it feel? Maybe you can become an inventor, or maybe you can smite all and become a recognizable face among everyone. Evren might do both.

Sulphisix · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Evren wakes

In a small village in the north, a young man named Evren was born, and a new life graced the icy hills with joy for weeks. Everyone was particularly interested in this young boy because of the color of his hair. It was a bright blue. His mother and father were confused, but they accepted the young boy with all of their hearts. A week had gone by.

Evren opened his eyes and looked around for the first time. His parents had passed down their blue eyes as well as their happy smiles. His father looked close and asked, "Are his eyes supposed to be blue yet? I thought they started really dark."

His mother chuckled and responded, "Well, no. not unless he was a southerner."

"That's right, isn't it?"

Evren began crying, and his mother lifted him up for feeding. He quickly settled, but was greedy with his meal. His father went outside in a coat and grabbed an axe hanging from the top of their porch.

"Orin, honey, you need to find a different spot for that axe; its not in a good spot for young Evren."

Orin winked, and a green light shone from his eye while his wife's hair blew in a breeze. "I'll move it, but I will make sure he is safe either way."

She giggled and shooed him off. They were a young couple that lived together, with both of them being only 20. Evren's ears rang, and he began crying again. His mother noticed the blue light emanating and calmed him down. She smiled and began baby-talking him. "It seems you are an early bloomer. You will be a strong man. Yes, you will!"

The night ended with the three around a fire in the middle of their home, smiles on their faces, and a good meal before bed. Orin turned over in the bed and held Lillia close. "Hey Lillia, I am glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

She smiled and shared the moment. "Me too."

Evren started crying again, and both of his parents tried comforting him again. His mother giggled, "Seems he is a bit emotional like you, Orin!"

"Am not!"

"Yes, you are; don't lie! Remember when I said yes when you proposed?"

"I just got emotional in the moment. I'm not like that all the time."

She kissed him and smiled, "Sure."

They all nodded off for the night. The occasional owl was the only noise piercing the night, followed by Evren crying after each hoot.

A month had passed, and Evren cried less and less; it got to the point that he didn't cry anymore. His parents were worried, but that all changed when they heard him say, "Rin, Lili."

It was shocking. A kid usually doesn't learn until they are half a year old, but he learned in a month.

Orin laughed and rocked Evren between his arms. "No, you should call me dad; don't call me by my first name."


"You are one smart kid."

His mom intervened and kissed Evren on the forehead. "My baby is growing up quick! I am your mama. Can you say mama?"

Evren seemed to have something click in his mind; the blue energy surrounded his body, and he responded, "Mama."

Evren smiled and began giggling; he seemed to have understood and been proud of his achievement. His parents celebrated, and Evren was fed well that day.

Spring had come, and the once-thick snow was just a thin layer that covered the grass. It was still cold, but the plants around there thrived during this time. Up in the north, winter lasted half of the year, starting in August. Fall was never seen due to the trees not dropping leaves and the leaves never turning brown.

By this time, Evren could walk and was seen roaming along the porch with his mother. His blue hair stood out from the cold snowflakes that covered it.

Evren ran up to his mom and got picked up. "Mama, look! The snow is in my hair."

She held him and asked, "Isn't it cold?"

Evren giggled. "No, it makes me feel better with it there."

At this point in time, Lillia was convinced that Evren had awakened his abilities soon after he was born. When he got upset and cried, his temperature would rise greatly. This was unusual for a normal child, but the hair was a telltale sign of his powers coming into fruition.

Things went on fine until the day they discovered what Evren could do with his powers.

On a cloudy day, Evren was playing with some of the older kids from the village. They were kind enough to play in a way that a one-year-old could be safe. It was going well, and everyone was having a good time, until a storm rolled in out of nowhere. It started pouring, and the kids returned home in due time. Lillia and Orin quickly went to retrieve him, but they saw a happy look in his eyes as the sky glowed bright. Evren reached up, and Lillia ran to go get him, but it was too late. The biggest bolt of lightning she had ever seen engulfed the young boy to the point where he seemed to vanish. She was on the verge of tears when she saw him standing there, static electricity making his hair stand on end, his clothes singed, and a smile grew on his face.

What Evren experienced in that moment was more than joy; he could finally think clearly; he didn't know where he was or what he was doing, but he understood everything in his eyes.

He looked over and saw his parents with shocked eyes and dry mouths from having them open for so long. "Mom, Dad, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"Lillia, He just said a full sentence."

"Honey! Lightning just hit our son. See if he is okay before saying something like that."

"Sheesh, if he is standing there smiling, he is obviously alright. Besides, he just said so himself."

Evren thought to himself for a moment and held his hand out towards the sky. "I wonder if i can do it."

Evren began pulsating with vibrant blue energy, and sparks of light and friction caused his hair to spike up further. After a bit, his arm turned a bright red, and a beam of pure lightning flew out back towards the sky.

Evren shook off his red-hot arm. "So it turns hot as well?"

Evren smiled wide and laughed. "Interesting"

Guys let me cook with this, it takes time to get to the good part :)

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