
The Women who could call Fire

From the moment i could remember my life never completely made sense , I remember moments in my life where it all made sense, from love to hate.. family and friends..but those moments where nothing never makes sense is what scares me the most that's until i met them the others . The others who knew more about my life than i did That's when it all changed every single detail ..

Creativesoul98 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 10

Talking to the healer had eased my thoughts about my mate not being interested in me, not to mention seeing lily over these past few days have helped me more than i knew it would.

Every since the healer gave me the green light they moved me and lily to the medical house until they was positive we were healed up. But i knew deep down it was to keep us under surveillance cause obviously they still couldn't fully trust us yet,

but no matter how much i tried to not think about all the events that had happened; i couldn't help but let my mind wander over all the possibilities, or questions that rose the moment we arrived here.

I just couldn't get him out of my head, i don't know if it was the meds but i even was beginning to smell him Causing me to sit up in the bed sniffing for that intoxicating earthy smell.

"Find anything" i heard a deep voice say jokingly and

If it wasn't for the bond enlightening me that it was my mate i would have been shocked by the sudden intrusion.

"Omgforfuckssake" i whispered to myself embarrassed that i had been caught sniffing the air like some stalker,

"I didn't even see you there, i just thought I smelled food" i said honestly, forgetting how much my bluntness still shocked people.

"Are you hungry" he said immediately coming to my side.  "No I'm okay not really tha-t" i said getting cut off by my shamefully loud growling stomach ;

" your belly says otherwise" he said raising a eyebrow, well if i wasn't already embarrassed i would have been.

"Gosh I'm so embarrassed" i said covering my face, but to be honest i was getting more and more comfortable with him; time didn't matter when it came to him. But I didn't want him to know that

"Don't be you've been wandering for days, while almost getting mangled by a rogue wolf, i would say you deserve a five course meal" he said reassuring me. I found myself forgetting all about being embarrassed all I could think about was simply him, the love i held for someone I didn't even know was addictive.

"Can i possibly get a shower and also a hairbrush before i eat if that's okay" i said sheepishly, causing him to smile knowingly.

"Of course! I should have offered right a way i know you must be drained not to mention uncomfortable"

he said hurriedly helping me up from the comfy cot i was sleeping in. Things were a bit different here i had noticed from the moment i was brought here, the way the doctors treated me with care or how they looked at me; i could tell even though they had no clue who i was or of my intentions they loved me. That confused me,

"Penny for your thoughts" Zekiel said snapping me out of my wondering mind.

"Sorry i just have so many questions and i am so thankful for everyone's help but i need to know why I'm here" i said quickly afraid he would interrupt me.

No matter how much i felt connected to this man I couldn't shake the sudden surprise that my mother was alive; but also the urge to dive in to save her before i could lose any more time with her.

"I know I haven't answered many questions you obviously deserve to know but it's because I don't want to scare you away when I've only just met you" he admitted to me deeply,

"So on that note how i about after you get washed up  and once you have ate i give you a tour and explain everything to you plus answer any questions you have" he said to me with a sudden determination.

"Okay deal" i said falling into step silently on the path towards I'm guessing where everyone else lived.


"Everything I'm going to tell you i trust that you will protect this information with your life because we all do" he said with a sudden change of energy,

"As much as i want to believe that you just fell here by a coincidence i know it's to good to be true" he whispered trying not to look at my face.

His words shocked me but I couldn't blame him for wanting to protect his people; his family,

I wanted to do the same.

"i would never jeopardize anyone especially for my own needs i know there is just as much information i have to tell you as well" i said truthfully.

I could feel the awkward tension surrounding us, start to disappear the moment he started to show me around his land.

It didn't make it any better that his land was double the size of the kingdom of helia; not to mention for so long we thought Arvaniah itself was one of the biggest areas in helia, but the warmth in this place was new to me and I don't mean the climate.

No wonder the royals were so obsessed with finding out information on the north,

"So i guess your wondering what exactly we are, and also what you are" he looked at me questionably

"I can't deny that as much as I'd love to just ignore the obvious I can't" i admitted. Looking away from him

"I need to know why the queen sent me and lily here" i asked out loud sitting down on the small bench outside of the infirmary.

I could tell the moment i said that sentence he had no clue as to why the queen sent us here,

"I wish i could tell you why but this is news to us" he said with frustration.

I was already starting to notice the smallest details about him,

"I'm from Arvaniah, before i came here I thought i was a human but now i can control fire and apparently I'm a werewolf " i rushed out quickly, what i was didn't shock him but the news of where u was from definitely did, if he didn't know who sent us he couldn't possibly know where i was from.

"Well that stays between us" he said just as quickly

"I don't understand" i prodded,

"Listen to me, nobody must ever know that you two are from the kingdom of helia; they will never accept you here, you will understand why soon" he said waiting for me to agree,

I nodded my head urgently i was to anxious to know the truth finally.

"For you to understand what i am you need to understand where we came from, before there was any lands there was only one; the kingdom

Of Vernilia" he started causing me to cut him off in shock.

"Vernilia! But those were just fairytales" i rushed out in shock not even acknowledging that i had rudely cut him off.

"So was werewolves, fairies and elementals" he said pointing out the obvious.

"True sorry for interrupting" i said sheepishly

"Don't be; I understand but this part is important

Once upon a time we were all together, we worked together, mated with one another and we even practiced our powers together not to mention we battled together we was one kingdom and one family" he said looking away in sorrow

"One day the humans decided to appear, at first they loved us ; even worshipped us. They learned from us, they wanted to be just like us even, every single sign of betrayal my people missed it all because we wanted to be praised and worshipped" he said almost seething in anger,

I reached over to grab his hand to show him support, i could feel the same fire burning through his veins that ran through mines as well.

"Then one day they turned on us ambushed us all they used what we taught them and became generic powerful beings in this day you might call them; witches, when the time came most didn't want to harm or kill them and for the others they didn't want to risk losing they children so with little to no choice we fought back but we was outnumbered, they had won by the weapon of surprise. They knew the life of our people meant more to us then revenge, that's when my aunt teresa created a portal for us to enter through" he continued on

"The forbidden forest" i guessed

"Only my family and other children my age made it, maybe a few of the elders. The alpha of my pack was my father unfortunately he didn't make it. I'm guessing by now you have some idea of what i am" he looked at me waiting for my answer

"Your a hybrid like me"i answered with no doubt at all.

"And if your a hybrid then that also makes me a hybrid meaning that i was born in the kingdom of Vernilia" i questioned him but by the look on his face i could tell he had already pieced that together as well.

But for me this news was devastating; my entire life was a lie, for so long i never felt like i belonged anywhere now after a few days i had already started to feel at home it all made sense now.

"I know this is a lot but you need to know that even though you are from here just the simple fact that you know the location of the people who slaughtered mines is enough for my people to go to war. They won't risk the lives of millions for one person no matter if you belong here or not cause to them you don't" he said not looking at me.

Those were the words i was waiting for i knew it was to good to be true to think that for one moment in my life i had finally found a home, I couldn't deny that it did hurt to hear that

"Even though i am your mate" i asked him causing him to look at me in shock. I guess he didn't expect the doctor to inform me,

"Not going to ask how you knew that but to answer your question i would never let anything hurt you not the humans and definitely not my people; the view they have is not the view i carry i am alpha and at the end of the day i make the last decision but the council rules it so until i can talk to them it's best not to start a revolution" he said caressing my face.

"I've only just met you, trust me i am not ready to lose you" he said taking my hand to help me stand up.

"What's next now" i asked him as we walked back to the medical house.

"Next we train; i think it's time we teach you how to control and also tame your powers, you need to know how to protect yourself just incase i am not there in time" he said urgently.

I could tell he was trying to seem as calm as possible about everything,

I could see why he became alpha not just cause of his fathers death but because of his aura his love for everyone around him is just astounding.

"For now you need to rest, tomorrow we begin training with you and lily" he said walking me to the door of the medical house.

"I just want to say thank you" i said before he could walk off.

"For what" he said looking back at me curiously.

"Everything" i said staring into his eyes,

The more we stood by one another i could feel the fire exploding between us pulling us together more and more.

"No worries, i would do anything for you" he said with all seriousness before leaving me to my thoughts.

The moment I entered the medical house lily bombarded me with questions more so about my mate than the upcoming problems we will face or the news i had found out.

No matter how much she talked though all i could think about was; Zekiel.