
The Witches Of Devona

I ran as fast as I could. " you can't run away from me forever sweetheart, you are mine." He said, " what do you want from me?" I screamed at the top of my voice. I was frightened. "Isn't it obvious by now?" He asked but it was more of a statement. Suddenly, he was in front of me making me stop abruptly. He placed his hand on my face, and his fingers pierced into my skin, drawing out blood, I winced in pain. He brought his face close to mine. "You, I want you, Deva," Following that, he disappeared into thin air. My eyes flew open. My breathing was faster than usual. I had been dreaming. "It's him... Again" I whispered. "He's the one turning my dreams into nightmares." He's been doing this since the day I turned 15. I'm Deva Devona, a 20-year-old princess and the only daughter of Queen Devina. I grew up without the love of a mother. My Mother, Queen Devina, is a very powerful witch whose only worry is her kingdom. She's very powerful so she's feared by many including werewolves, vampires, and demons. Demons... Excluding the man who has been tormenting me in my dreams, even my mother fears him which means whoever he is, he's a mighty being. Little things I could gather of him told me he was indeed a very powerful person. The most powerful person in the world.

Angel_oz · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5

I entered the beautiful garden, filled with various types of flowers, serenaded by the melodic chirping of birds. My mother had never allowed me to visit the palace garden before. Among the lush greenery, I spotted a golden chair beside a medium-large table. Lucifer occupied one of the chairs, so I settled in the one nearest to him.

"Good morning," I greeted loudly, but he only responded with a glare before resuming his breakfast of neatly arranged bacon and eggs. I couldn't help but watch him closely, searching for a spark in his eyes, but found none. He ate with such precision and grace.

"Eat and stop staring," he muttered, breaking my concentration. I grabbed a cup of coffee from the table, needing something to occupy myself. After a sip, I realized I needed to delve deeper into my investigation. Setting the cup down, I stood and took a seat beside him.

"Now what are you up to, little witch?" he inquired without looking at me.

"Hey, look at me," I demanded.

"And why should I?" he retorted, taking a sip of tea.

"Nothing, I just want you to," I replied.

"No," he stated firmly.

"You are crazy, annoying, and stupid, devil indeed," I taunted, hoping to provoke a reaction. He sighed, seemingly unaffected.

"That is because it isn't coming from you," he remarked. Wait! Was he reading my thoughts?

"That is my privacy," I protested.

"Privacy," he repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"Privacy," I repeated, meeting his gaze. Suddenly, I reached out and held his face, staring into his eyes, but they appeared as mere silver orbs.

"You want to see the world?" he asked, smirking.

Suddenly, I could see different scenes, places. The kingdom of Devona unfolded before my eyes, even the palace. I witnessed my mother weeping on the floor, grandmother comforting her. Then, horror struck as my mother brandished a dagger.

"No, no, no, don't do that," I pleaded, but it was futile as she stabbed grandmother.

"I-i do-don't want to..." I stuttered before blacking out!!!

When I regained consciousness, I felt overwhelmed by the collision of emotions. My wicked mother, my deceased grandmother... Why couldn't I have a perfect life? Even as a commoner, living happily with someone who loved me, would have sufficed. When I was four, my mother and father loved me, until my father's death shattered our happiness. My mother's subsequent neglect left me feeling like my life was in shambles...

Opening my eyes, I felt weak and despondent. Lauren rushed to my side, concern etched on her face.

"How are you feeling, my princess?" she asked, offering me a glass of water.

"Better," I replied weakly, taking a sip.

"I was really worried; the lord didn't seem concerned," she explained.

"How many days have I been here?" I inquired.

"Five days," she responded, her worry evident.

"Five days?" I echoed, surprised.

"Yes, you fell unconscious, and the royal guard had to carry you here," she explained, adding, "Are you hungry?"

"Yes," I admitted.

"I'll inform them," she said before leaving. Rising from the bed, I noticed I was in a different dress. Heading to the bathroom, I observed my worn-out reflection in the mirror.

I took the toothpaste and toothbrush, applying the paste before staring at my reflection in the mirror. My aqua-blue eyes appeared full, the whites tinged with brown—a sign of exhaustion. "Perfect," I murmured to myself, finding a moment of levity in the mundane. "Kpom kpom kpom," I chuckled softly, then opened the door to find Lauren waiting.

"Your food is ready in the dining room, and the lord wants you there immediately," she said, trembling slightly.

"Why are you like that?" I inquired, noticing her unease.

"I almost looked at his eyes, and he wanted me to," she confessed, nearly tearing up again. I hugged her, offering reassurance.

"I want to take my bath first, I stink," I admitted.

"You can't, my princess. He said he wants you now," she explained. Reluctantly, I donned a black robe and slippers, following Lauren to the grand dining room where Lucifer sat upon a magnificent chair adorned with gold and diamonds.

I quickly dressed in a black robe and slippers, following Lauren's lead into the expansive and breathtaking dining room. Lucifer occupied the grandest chair, adorned with gold and diamonds.

I settled into the chair across from Lucifer, his presence looming large in the spacious dining room. The aroma of the freshly prepared meal filled the air, a stark contrast to the tension between us. With a subtle grace, he lifted a forkful of salad to his lips, chewing methodically, his piercing gaze fixed ahead.

"Good evening," I ventured, hoping to break the silence that enveloped us like a suffocating cloak. However, my greeting was met with a stoic silence, his expression unchanged as he continued his meal.

Undeterred, I surveyed the array of food before me: succulent baked chicken, vibrant salad greens, and a jug of water accompanied by a bottle of wine. Despite my hunger, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease under Lucifer's watchful eye.

Determined to ignore his disapproval, I eagerly dug into the salad, relishing the crisp freshness of the vegetables. The savory aroma of the chicken beckoned, and I couldn't resist cutting into a tender piece and savoring its juiciness.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable," I apologized, but Lucifer's response was chilling silence, intensifying the unease in the air.

"You are acting so weird," I retorted, frustration bubbling within me, such an annoying thing.

" You do not fucking call me a thing" His next words were like a thunderclap, accompanied by the force of his hand slamming into the table, shattering it to pieces. Fear gripped me as I stared at him, his anger palpable and overwhelming.

"I'm sorry, Lucifer," I muttered, my voice barely audible amidst the chaos. The events of the evening weighed heavily on me, each moment etching itself into my memory as a terrifying ordeal.

The shattered table reminded me of the volatile environment I had grown accustomed to in my own home, where my mother's rage often went unchecked, leaving destruction in its wake


As Lauren tended to my injuries, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that hung over me like a dark cloud. The broken table symbolized the shattered remnants of my former life, leaving me yearning for the safety and comfort I once knew.

Drinking from the glass of water offered little solace, the chill of the liquid doing little to dispel the cold that had settled deep within me. As I lay on my bed, wrapped in the black duvet, a sense of isolation washed over me, leaving me feeling more alone than ever.

The figure by the window only added to my sense of foreboding, their presence a haunting reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

"Do you like it here, right?" their voice pierced the silence, sending a shiver down my spine.

To be continued...

I wonder who came?