
The Witches Of Devona

I ran as fast as I could. " you can't run away from me forever sweetheart, you are mine." He said, " what do you want from me?" I screamed at the top of my voice. I was frightened. "Isn't it obvious by now?" He asked but it was more of a statement. Suddenly, he was in front of me making me stop abruptly. He placed his hand on my face, and his fingers pierced into my skin, drawing out blood, I winced in pain. He brought his face close to mine. "You, I want you, Deva," Following that, he disappeared into thin air. My eyes flew open. My breathing was faster than usual. I had been dreaming. "It's him... Again" I whispered. "He's the one turning my dreams into nightmares." He's been doing this since the day I turned 15. I'm Deva Devona, a 20-year-old princess and the only daughter of Queen Devina. I grew up without the love of a mother. My Mother, Queen Devina, is a very powerful witch whose only worry is her kingdom. She's very powerful so she's feared by many including werewolves, vampires, and demons. Demons... Excluding the man who has been tormenting me in my dreams, even my mother fears him which means whoever he is, he's a mighty being. Little things I could gather of him told me he was indeed a very powerful person. The most powerful person in the world.

Angel_oz · Fantasy
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9 Chs

chapter 4

**Deva's POV**

As we entered the palace, a gasp escaped my lips at the breathtaking sight before me. The opulence was almost overwhelming, a stark contrast to the man leading me through its halls.

"Stop drooling over my palace," Lucifer's voice cut through my reverie. Ignoring his remark, I continued to marvel at the splendor around me. Everything seemed to be adorned with gold and diamonds—truly a display of immense wealth.

"Show her to her room," Lucifer instructed a demon in a hushed tone.

"Yes, my lord," the demon replied with a respectful bow. I trailed behind him as we made our way down a passage.

Several minutes later, we seemed to have traversed what felt like an entire street within the palace.

"Is this still the palace or have we entered a different realm?" I quipped, feeling weary from the journey.

"And where is my chambers?" I inquired, but the demon remained silent. Exhaustion weighed heavily on me as we finally arrived at a door. With a simple nod, he opened it, revealing a stunning chamber beyond.

"How was your journey?" a voice, reminiscent of Lucifer's, greeted me. I turned to find him already inside the room, seemingly having arrived before me.

"How did you get here so quickly?" I asked in surprise, then remembered who he was.

"Oh...right, you're Lucifer," I muttered to myself. Seating myself on the bed, I regarded him curiously.

"How old are you?" I ventured, to which he chuckled cryptically.

"Old enough to be the devil of all," he replied before vanishing into thin air.

"Devil of all," I whispered, contemplating the implications. He could be over a million years old, making him impossibly ancient. I resolved to tread carefully around him.

"Good evening, princess," a voice interrupted my thoughts, and I turned to see a girl standing at the doorway. Who was she?

"Where were you coming from?" I inquired, puzzled by her presence.

"The throne room," she replied, her expression perplexed.

"How long did it take you to get here?" I pressed further.


"Maybe three minutes," she answered, her demeanor unchanged. How did she cover that distance in such a short time?

"What's your name?" I asked, attempting to make conversation..

"Sare," she replied simply.

"Nice name. Mine is Princess Devalina, but you can call me Deva," I offered, and she nodded in acknowledgment. She entered the room and arranged a cushion of clothes on the bed.

"Thank you," I said, and she nodded before exiting to the bathroom.

As I soaked in the tub, the scalding water stung my skin, a reminder of my vulnerability. I couldn't help but wonder why Sare, whom I assumed to be a maid, had failed to adjust the temperature properly.

"How old are you?" I asked her as she scrubbed my back, only to receive a curt reply of

"32." I frowned at her abruptness, but she remained indifferent. She looks so young....

"That's because I'm a demon," she retorted rudely, continuing to scrub with unnecessary force. I winced as pain shot through my back, the skin peeling under her rough ministrations.

"Stop!" I cried out, hastily inspecting the damage in the mirror. Blood trickled down my back, staining the pristine porcelain.

"It's just a cut, my princess. It will heal," Sare dismissed my distress call, but I couldn't shake off the sense of betrayal.

"Just leave," I ordered, my voice trembling with anger and pain. Without a word, Sare hurriedly exited the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Slipping into a black silk nightgown, I collapsed onto the bed, the softness a comforting embrace amidst the chaos of my mind.

"You've probably forgotten about tonight," Lucifer's voice suddenly broke the silence, startling me. He lay beside me, his gaze fixed on me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

I scrambled to my feet, but he mirrored my actions.

"I thought you wanted your ex-fiancé to have you. Why not let me have you instead?" he suggested, seizing my hands in a vice-like grip.

"I don't want this! Let me go!" I pleaded, attempting to free myself from his grasp, but he held firm.

"You can't run away from me forever, sweetheart," he said, his tone chilling. "I don't want to repeat myself, but only if you love fire," he added with a sinister edge.

"Leave me alone!" I exclaimed, but he remained unnervingly calm. Desperation flooded over me as tears trickled down my cheeks, their salty taste mingling with my lips. He approached me from behind, his presence suffocating.

"Please," I pleaded, my voice trembling with fear and uncertainty. His touch sent a shiver down my spine as he traced his fingers along my bare back. Regret gnawed at me for wearing such revealing attire.

"Well done," he whispered, his voice sending a chill down my spine. His hand lingered on my injured back before withdrawing. The threat in his words left me paralyzed with fear.

"Do I need to throw both father and daughter into the pit of hell?" he spat in frustration.

"Sleep," he commanded, and with that, he vanished into thin air, leaving me trembling with fear and uncertainty.

I lay in bed, grappling with conflicting emotions. What if something had happened? I yearned for intimacy with someone I loved, like Marvan, not this twisted encounter. But I feared this nightmare might repeat itself sooner than I expected.


As the sun's rays pierced through the window, I begrudgingly greeted the new day.

"I hate mornings," I grumbled to myself, rising from the bed to face the mirror. My reflection revealed a disheveled appearance, evidence of a restless night.

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. "Come in," I called out, and a beautiful woman entered, her warm smile brightening the room.

"Good morning, my princess," she greeted me warmly, her teeth gleaming in a flawless smile. Her kindness was a welcome contrast to the darkness lurking in this palace.

"What's your name?" I inquired, genuinely curious about this friendly presence.

"My name is Lauren," she replied, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm.

"Nice name. I'm Devalina, but you can call me Deva," I offered, reciprocating her warmth.

"Oh, sorry for the inconvenience," I apologized, noticing her surprise at my formality.

"No inconvenience at all," she reassured me before excusing herself to prepare my bath.

As she attended to me, her gentle touch was a soothing balm to my weary soul. But her inquiry about my back stirred painful memories.

"A maid did it, her name is Sare. You must know her," I explained, my voice tinged with frustration.

"Sare is not a maid, she's a lady," Lauren corrected me, her expression grave.

"Then why is she working as a palace maid?" I questioned, puzzled by this revelation.

"Her father was thrown into hell yesterday, and she's facing punishment as a result, no one disobeys the lord or even dare to look into his eyes" Lauren explained, her tone solemn. The mention of hell sent a chill down my spine.

"I've looked into his eyes many times, but nothing happened," I mused aloud, recalling my encounters with Lucifer.

"How is that possible? Another maid once dared to look into his eyes and was blinded instantly," Lauren revealed, her words sending a shiver down my spine.

"I once called him crazy, he only gave me a warning" I confessed, bracing myself for her reaction.

"You're lucky he only gave you a warning," Lauren remarked, her shock evident in her expression.

Adorned in the regal attire, I felt a semblance of composure return. The red velvet gown draped elegantly around me, accentuated by the shimmering white pearls and matching velvet shoes. Lauren's deft hands worked through my hair, untangling the knots with practiced ease.

As we busied ourselves with the morning routine, a knock on the door interrupted our preparations. Lauren hurried to answer it, revealing the familiar palace guard from yesterday.

"The Lord wants you to join him for breakfast in the garden, and he said I should accompany you," he relayed respectfully, bowing his head in deference.

I acknowledged his message with a nod, turning to bid farewell to Lauren. "See you later," I said softly, grateful for her companionship in this unfamiliar environment. With a gentle bow of her head, she exited the room, leaving me to follow the guard to breakfast with Lucifer.

**To Be Continued**