
The Witcher:Raging Fire

I decided to rewrite this. The rewrite will be split into 3 books to tell the story in a more understandable way. Name of the First Book is The Witcher:Flaming Rose It will cover the childhood of the MC, as a rewrite I mean a rework of the plot and events that the MC experiences. —————————————————————— The boy that lost all of his memories finds himself in an unknown place. With only a few minutes lived, he faces his first trials. With nobody to support him, he tries to figure out where should he go. But destiny already had a path set for him. Strange force showed him a way that he is going to take. From the place known as Kaer Morhen his journey starts. August will have a lot of great and sad moments, but in the end, he will come out victorious. How? This is what this book will tell you.

TacetIrae · Book&Literature
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90 Chs

Chapter 61:Just as expected

August spend the next several days trying to look for Brehen's remains but found nothing. Leaving this matter aside, August decided it is good to continue the journey and go for the giant hunt finally.

A squad of soldiers, August, Francesca and Baldwin, went ahead through the narrow paths of the mountains, leading them towards one of the paths that are not littered like others.

The entry looked quite big, about 10 meters in width and 5 meters in height, allowing for a safe passage of all people with no problem.

Everyone made their way inside when Baldwin was the last one to walk through the entrance. Just when he crossed, the entrance cave started to violently shake.


The cave rumbled and shook before everyone was hit with a vigorous shake that made rocks fall from the ceiling all around.


"Please Help!" shouted someone that was pinned by the rocks, leaving nothing out of his legs but meshed mix of bones, blood and flesh.

August walked nearby Baldwin, dragging him by the hand to avoid all the rocks falling from above, using his signs as a way of pushing the rocks away from them.

Rumble continued for about 5 minutes, almost entirely closing the passage that they walked through to get here.

Baldwin, expecting the situation that looked quite pitiful for the start of the rally, said, "Oh god, what should we do now?"

August, feeling the situation being quite off, said in a quiet voice, "Be careful, there is something that is not right."

There were too many things happening in the recent weeks of the rally, including this one. There is no way that is earthquake was something that happened for a natural reason. There should be someone else behind that.

Francesca was the first one that August suspected, but that would be impossible since she was here all the way and could not do something like that. There is only another option. There is someone else that planned this to happen.

Suddenly August dragged Baldwin in his grasp and created a defensive barrier around himself using Quen, turning his back towards the soldiers that came with them.

Soon enough, 2 bolts from the crossbow bounced back from the back of a Witcher, making those that fired them in the first place curse aloud.

There, in fact, was a squad of soldiers hiding in the depths of the cave. They were waiting for them to arrive.

With a war cry, many people dashed at the remaining alive soldiers that were still present from the prince's party, finishing them off quite fast.

Suddenly Francesca moved close to August and whispered into his ear "Dargonfot ensh'eass me. Essea evellien aen te. Minnie, glar and carme"

August froze without moving, just looking into her eyes like an addict. Dropping his sword to the ground, he dashed at Francesca, kissing her while also tightly hugging her body. The kiss lasted for several seconds before all passion from August's face went away, leaving his stony face.

Grabbing Francesca by the throat, August took out the dagger into his hand and brought it close to her throat.

All it took was a few seconds. Francesca could not even understand what was happening. It went from a passionate kiss to a knife that is next to her throat.

August brought his mouth close to her ear and whispered, "It was a nice night back then in Lan Exeter."

"Fucking witcher, release me or I will make sure that you will regret it!" said Francesca, hissing at August.

With a slight chuckle, August replied, "Are you sure that your magic will be as fast as my knife next to your throat and other than this, can you really do anything with your magic?"

August enjoyed having the sorcerer in his hands, having the pleasure of ending her life in a second just by the single move of his hand sliding his knife across her throat.

However, in the situation he is facing at the moment, it was not something that he could allow himself to do.

August looked at the gang of soldiers that had their weapons pointed in his direction and their crossbows that are directed toward Baldwin. He had no time to move away, and it was not like there was a way out of here at the moment.

Francesca tried to say a spell, which was totally ignored by August like he didn't care at all. But as soon as she finished it, nothing really happened.

She tried once more, and it didn't work either. She tried to call for magic within her, but nothing happen. It felt like she couldn't control magic at all.

Felling something metallic on her hand, she looked down at her wrist, which had a poorly made bracelet that hang on her wrist. It was made of the only things that mages could not resist. Metal called Dimeritium.

In fact, back in the time when August talked to the king when he heard his offer and that he will work with a sorcerer, he had a word with Estril Thyssen.

During their dialogue, August asked them to make him a bracelet out of this particular metal. August was nowhere near trusting mages, with them usually having two faces. So in order to avoid being at a disadvantage, he asked for something like that made with a lock that could not be unlocked without a key.

Masters had little time to make the decent piece, so the outcome was a quite poor looking bracelet, but for August the only concern was how efficient it was and it worked just alright for its purpose. Easy to put on, hard to take off.

August looked at the gang of soldiers that were aiming at Baldwin while August held Francesca hostage.

"Get out of here and I might let go of her." said August, just loud enough for them to hear.

August expected them to have a deal and there were exactly 2 ways out of this situation. One they do need her, and the second one, where they will try to get rid of her using his hands since she proved to be useless in the current situation. In both situations, August knew just the right plan to get away alive.

One man walked out in front of others with a smirk on his face and inquired, "Are you ready to endanger Baldwin's life like that?"

August didn't reply to the question but repeated once again, "Get out of here and I will leave her intact, or do you want her head and body separately?"

The one that spoke on behalf of everyone that created this ambush chuckled lightly, saying "I don't think it will help you, after all…


Support the story and make August and maybe the Author smile.

Have a great day, this is it for today.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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