
The Witcher:Raging Fire

I decided to rewrite this. The rewrite will be split into 3 books to tell the story in a more understandable way. Name of the First Book is The Witcher:Flaming Rose It will cover the childhood of the MC, as a rewrite I mean a rework of the plot and events that the MC experiences. —————————————————————— The boy that lost all of his memories finds himself in an unknown place. With only a few minutes lived, he faces his first trials. With nobody to support him, he tries to figure out where should he go. But destiny already had a path set for him. Strange force showed him a way that he is going to take. From the place known as Kaer Morhen his journey starts. August will have a lot of great and sad moments, but in the end, he will come out victorious. How? This is what this book will tell you.

TacetIrae · Book&Literature
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90 Chs

Chapter 60:Battle against yourself.

An ugly grin appeared on August's face as he noticed something missing on the neck of the fellow Witcher. The missing piece of the equipment was a witcher tool that they carried with them wherever they go.

Ripping his medallion off his neck, August brought it closer and closer to the one that is supposed to be 'Brehen' with every centimetre that it got closer to the body of a Brehen, the uglier his face turned, before turning into panic with a hissing sound and his eyes running wild looking for ways out.

With a quick move of his hand, August brought his Witcher medallion towards the creature's forehead, causing it to hiss and create vapour and create an imprint on its forehead.

Almost immediately, his body started to change into something different.


Screamed the creature in pain moving further from August. His body changed, and as his face turned into something hideous, all of his skin started to get covered in ugly blisters. All hair disappeared like they were never been there as his constitution started to get smaller and a big humpback started to appear.

In front of August, an ugly monster appeared. All of his body was covered in blisters, with a huge humpback. Baldhead, with a long nose and yellow small eyes that were concaved into his skull, with elongated limbs and a tongue that peeped out of his mouth.

It was Doppler. They were creatures that were much different to other monsters. They were mainly peaceful and gentle beings that didn't fit with their kind of 'beauty'. To compensate for their lack of claws and sharp teeth, they were gifted with an ability to polymorph into any being harnessing their personality, skills and mindset.

Usually, they lived as normal humans. Living, while disguising themselves between humans inside of human settlements and hiding in the crowd. However, they were quite harmless in comparison to anyone in the world.

August got a hang of the creature by its throat, lifting him up and asking in deadly serious voice, "Where is Brehen?"

Doppler almost instantly tried to get away from August, trying to get free from a tight grip that August had gotten around his neck.

Suddenly it started to polymorph into August himself. Obtaining August's strength and skills and using those to push August away from himself.

Doppler and August faced each other, seemingly having the same appearance and the same mindset.

Towards the sound produced by them, others started to gather around seeing 2 Augusts in front of them facing each other, with the same swords and the same pieces of equipment, but one thing that Doppler was missing was a chain with a medallion around his neck that is made out of Silver.

August observed the creature that was looking at him with the same eyes as him, doing exactly the same moves and observations.

August knew that defeating himself using a sword will be impossible since it will be like fighting yourself. However, even polymorphing had its disadvantages, including an inability to use real magic.

People that gathered around were clueless about the situation that was happening in front of them, 2 similar witchers fighting against each other. At first, they thought that they were just too drunk to have objects double in their eyes, but the problem with this theory rose almost immediately. They didn't drink alcohol for those symptoms to appear.

Baldwin was one of the last to arrive and, making his way to see what was happening, he saw 2 Augusts facing each other with their swords out, having their focused eyes on each other, preparing for a battle.

"What the hell is happening here?" Inquired Baldwin, looking quite confused, moving his eyes from one August to another, finding no difference.

Before long, both of them dashed at each other, clashing their swords, creating sparks that flew in all directions.

Every clash of their sword was identical, and every move they did was made with identical techniques, making it impossible to see who is the real one.





Every step, every breath, every single muscle movement was identical, like fighting against the mirror, having no ability to win or lose.

Both of them used sign Aard pushing each other back, almost making them fall to the ground. However, they were able to retain their balance, remaining on their legs.

August solely concentrated on his opponent, making everything around blend and blur in his eyes, leaving only one figure in his sight: his copy.

Foreseeing how Doppler would go for a piercing attack, August slid under the creature, injuring his hand and making him drop the weapon to the ground.

Upon touching the ground, the sword turned into a piece of flesh filled with blisters, turning into something like a goulash. Getting close to the unarmed creature, August pressed his medallion against his body, forcing him to turn back into his original body, making everyone around hold their breath in slight shock.

"Don't move or I will cut your head off," said August.

With panic in its eyes, the creature replied with a shaking voice, "It does not matter. You will kill me anyway!"

"Tell me, who was the one to place you here and where is Brehen?" inquired August, holding his silver sword close to the creature's throat.

With a shaking body and small tears running down its cheeks, Doppler replied, "I don't know! I was ordered to do that, but I do not know who and why I should do that. All I saw was the body of a dead man that was tossed at me like a bag of dirt and an order to be him. I could not resist that order. I promise there is nothing else I know!"

August looked at the shaking creature in front of him with slight pity for a minute before moving his sword from his throat and releasing a tired sigh.

"Go away," said August quietly, turning around to walk away.

The eyes of the creature were enlarged in shock as he inquired with his shaking voice, "You won't kill me?"

Giving a slight glance at the creature, he said, pushing soldiers out of the way to walk through, "I only kill actual monsters, not those that are only a parody for them"

The creature almost immediately dashed further away from August, running in the opposite August's direction.

Soldiers that were surrounding doppler, inquired, looking at their prince, "Should we kill this creature?"

Baldwin looked towards August and then towards the creature desperately running for its dear life and replied while rubbing his forehead with a tired voice, "Let it go, if it was dangerous August would kill it with no hesitation."

"But Prince!" argued one of the guards. That upon seeing the creature had been disgusted by the looks of the creature, therefore making him hateful towards Doppler, almost for no reason, but for their real body appearance.

Baldwin looked towards the guard with stern eyes, with his furrowed brows and said in a stern voice, " What you could not understand from my order, soldier?"

"Nothing Sir, I'm sorry!" shouted the soldier, while also gulping saliva.

Baldwin caught up to August and, knocking him on the shoulder, inquired, "Are you sure of letting go of this" Baldwin struggled with the last word before spitting one word, while also being unsure "Creature?"

"It's useless. They are very fragile and gentle in their original form and under the silver. They would have no guts to lie to me while being in their original body without morphing into something that might give them those traits," explained August slowly walking around the camp looking around, searching for some clues that he could find about the things that happened in such a short time when he didn't see Brehen.

But nothing came out of that, there was no trace left, it almost looked like Brehen was Doppler all the way, but it could not be possible since August knew that medallion on the neck of Brehen was real and there is no way this creature could have ever worn anything that had silver with no consequences.


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