
The Witcher: Flaming Rose

This story will tell you a story about a kid that got unlucky and lost everything. His naive dreams were broken and crushed into a speck of dust, leaving him lonely and helpless. Will he be able to survive in a world that holds many dangers in face of beasts or monsters? Yet he had to find that the biggest monsters out there are humans. But there are those that are guilty of this feat and he made this like goal, a goal to reach before his death. How will he manage to do that? Only time will tell. Update rate: 3-4 chapters a week. The story will start very dark, but it will be better with time. I don’t plan on making a lot of gore, but it will be there from time to time, however not as extreme as the first one. /// This book will be the first one for the series of 3. This is the start of the story of the MC. In this book, his story will be told of how he came to be a witcher. /// I don't own the rights for the Witcher Universe.

TacetIrae · Book&Literature
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23 Chs

Deeper into the woods. Pt 4

Gwelt, who was nearby, jumped towards Eskel, covering him with his back.

Bernard's sword touched Gwelt back with a tip, slicing Gwelt back open.


Gwelt shouted.

August and Geralt reacted fast.

Getting on his legs, August shouted, "Eskel, take Gwelt and run! Lambert help him!"

August picked up a stick and prepared to use it as a sword.

Bernard shouted, looking at August that stood opposing him.

"Guards, kill them! They are witchers!" his voice was loud as saliva was spit in all directions.

August eyes started to turn red, as his breath pattern turned uneven.

Geralt, seeing guards that were coming close, said, "August, I will take those on me, take care of this one so Eskel can take away Gwelt"

With his entire body trembling, August dashed at the knight in front of him, having only a stick in his hands.

Bernard released a small sneer and said, "A stick? Against a knight? haha"

August slashed his imaginary sword at the opponent.

With a taunting grin, Bernard slashed his sword against August's stick and broke it in half.

Despite that, August continued his assault, attempting to slash Bernard once again.

"Stupid," said Bernard, looking down on August.

Slashing against August stick, it broke into pieces.

August stood in a stupor, looking at how Bernard was getting closer, slowly taking steps back.

"Your parents should be ashamed of you, a witcher? I tell you what a joke you are!" said Barnard.

August's eyes got cloudy. As his heart raced, his hands were searching the ground for something that he desperately needed, but found nothing.

Looking at the man in front of him, August blabbered, "I will kill you! I will kill you!"

Bernard released a chuckle, asking, "Might I ask how? Hahaha!"

August attempted to stand up.

Using his leg, Bernard pushed August into his chest, sending him rolling for several meters back.

Geralt witnessed how August was losing, shouted with all of his power, despite being cornered by other knights.

"August! Stop relying on what you learned! Use your instincts! They will tell you what to do!"

[August Pov]


So that's what you meant?

So I have been a foolish child all the way?

I looked up at the man that was getting closer. I can sense how my blood boils just staring at the dirty face of his.

Stop being a wimp!

[General Pov]

August stumbled back, trying to recover the distance in between him and the knight.

When the distance was decent, he stood back on. Despite the searing ache inside of his chest, his eyes went clear as his face turned emotionless.

Like a wild animal, August shot at the knight that had the same provoking smirk upon his face.

Seeing August approaching, Bernard didn't even consider taking a step back or trying to avoid it, instead his hand got a firm grip on a sword. Bringing his sword to the side, preparing for a powerful swing.

With eyes solely focused on one target, his body didn't even flinch, witnessing the attack.

As the distance shortened, Bernard swung his sword towards August's body, attempting to slash him right across his ribs.

August, seeing an incoming attack, instead of trying to stop and take a step back, ducked down, turning himself into a wheel , rolling right towards Bernard's legs.

You could see how Bernard's face flinched, as his teeth got visible.

August, like a rock, rolled into Bernards legs, making an unprepared man, to fell for such a move and lose balance.

Without even giving away a single scream, August endured, hitting his back against the plating armor on the knight's legs.

Instead, he quickly stood back and pushed the knight once more, making him fall on his stomach.

Jumping on his back, August delivered powerful punches on the skull of the man, but his strength was insufficient. Seeing no actual results, August screamed, "Screw you!"

With a skewed face, he bit Bernard's ear, biting till his teeth pained.

Bernard's body screamed as an agonizing scream escaped his mouth, giving him an adrenaline rush.


Pushing himself up, Bernard was able to recover his posture, sending August to the ground.

Bernard looked towards August with blood-shot eyes, pressing one of his hands against his ear.

August pierced Bernard with his eyes, while having half of the ear pointing out of his mouth.

With a nasty grin, August spit it on the dirt, stepping on it with his foot.

Right at this moment, Freya's voice resonated throughout the forest "Bernard! What have you done to the kids?!"

She walked out of the carriage, witnessing the scenery of Geralt and August fighting against her guards,while all being covered in blood, with a lot of bruises all around the body.

Her eyes went wide as a moon. She was blabbering something to herself, while shouting at her guards with furious anger.

You could see how August was about to attack Bernard once more, seeing that he put his attention towards Freya. But at this exact moment he heard Geralt shout,

"August, we need to retreat. Right Now! Run!"

August didn't move, but his eyes slightly changed.

You could see how they were going from one side to another.

Face of his friends appears in his memory. Biting his lips and letting blood flow, he dashed towards the forest, running away, trying to catch up to the rest.

All the boys turned back into the keep, carrying Gwelt that was slowly dying right on their hands. All of them were breathing heavily, running inside of the keep, despite today's rules that forbid them from doing so.

Running inside of the hall, where all mentors were sitting behind the table, speaking about something. Geralt was the first one to speak, not giving a chance for any mentors to speak even a single word.

"Please! I beg you! Save Gwelt, without your help he will die"

Geralt dropped to his knees, looking at the floor, not daring to look them right in the eyes.

Hans rushed to his students and inspected Gwelt, whose back was torn.

He looked towards Barmin, that had straight face, speaking " He needs immediate help, I'm leaving!"

"Hans" spoke Barmin

Hans rewarded Barmin with a momentary gaze, and without wasting another second, left the room carrying his student along.

Boys attempted to follow behind, but Hans looked at them and said "Not.Another . step. You are staying here until I hear all you have to tell me!"

He left, closing the door behind with a loud smash.

Leaving the room in tense silence.

Brows of their mentors were furrowed, while Barmin looked at the boys with cold eyes.

Decision was yet to be made.


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