
The Witcher: Flaming Rose

This story will tell you a story about a kid that got unlucky and lost everything. His naive dreams were broken and crushed into a speck of dust, leaving him lonely and helpless. Will he be able to survive in a world that holds many dangers in face of beasts or monsters? Yet he had to find that the biggest monsters out there are humans. But there are those that are guilty of this feat and he made this like goal, a goal to reach before his death. How will he manage to do that? Only time will tell. Update rate: 3-4 chapters a week. The story will start very dark, but it will be better with time. I don’t plan on making a lot of gore, but it will be there from time to time, however not as extreme as the first one. /// This book will be the first one for the series of 3. This is the start of the story of the MC. In this book, his story will be told of how he came to be a witcher. /// I don't own the rights for the Witcher Universe.

TacetIrae · Book&Literature
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23 Chs

Deeper into the woods. Pt 3

[August Pov]

She is so warm.

This sensation….




And warm….

When was the last time I felt that?



I abandoned you… I left like a coward… leaving all of you to struggle in pain…

Can I be a man you wished me to be?


Wake up August! She is not your mother!

I can't let myself forget about them!

I can't put my mind at ease until her soul can rest in peace…

[General Pov]

August took several steps back, lowering his head, covering his face with his hands.

Freya looked at August, who denied staying in her warmth not a second longer. Her eyes turned soft, but instead of offering him help, she decided not to.

She invited all the boys to sit by the fire. "Let's sit there. It is better to talk in the fire's warmth"

Everyone took a seat around the fire and started frying some food. For boys, it was a rare occurrence to eat meat, since it was hard to obtain in the nearby forest. They were living in the area close to a mountain range with mainly cold climate.

Temperature here could rise to +30 on the sunny summer days and fall below -30 on the chilling winter days. The only available meat that they could get was something like wolves, but even those animals were rare in this region.

During their interaction with a woman, you could see how smiles were appearing on the serious faces of the boys that had been hardened with training and purely male company. After all, they were just children, and all of them required some softness from time to time.

The time went by nicely. While Freya didn't want to bother boys with their personal life, she asked them about how was their routine been, how they spend their free time and what kind of food they prefer.

This was until Freya asked,

"Who do you want to be in the future?" inquired Freya, looking at the boys.

Boys looked around, having their head hallow.

[Lambert Pov]

Hah, question that can't be addressed to those of us.

Our future is already decided for ourselves, either by our parents or by destiny. There is nothing we can do. At least in the future, we will wield power in order to protect something we believe in. One thing concerns me…

Will I make it out alive?

Or will I forever fail to see her? To take her away from the hands of a tyrant?

Hopefully, life will reward me for struggles I have been through with one little thing.

I hope… Life will be kind enough to grant me this wish….Before I fade away…

[Geralt Pov]

Who I want to be in the future?

One to shield those that cannot protect themselves?

One to intervene when injustice happens?

Hopefully, at least one of them.

What my life would be, if she won't give me away? Was she that desperate, or maybe she was forced?

Will I see her again? Will I be able to get my questions answered?

Despite that, I still love her….

[Gwelt Pov]

It is easy to speak for a woman like you about choices of life.

She might be burdened by some obligations, but those that live outside of this sanctuary of titles have little choices to make.


I know being a bandit is not a best destiny, and you knew that. Because of your decision, I found friends… I found family. Family I can trust.

I will make sure to follow your teaching, I will make sure to treasure them..

[Eskel Pov]

Live choices? Future? Dreams?

I don't want to live with hopes of the future. I want to live today!

Life is just too sudden to plan for the future. I want to enjoy the life at this moment, at this instant.

Because I know, the future might never happen

Hah, I hope you are alright there and gods treat you well, so when I see you again

You will sing

And I will listen for however long you can sing to me.

[August Pov]

Dreams are delusional. I experienced that myself.

She asked about the future, but what is there for me?

I want to avenge them, but what lies beyond? Do I even need to search for it?

Life could change any second and right now….

My power is insufficient to fulfill my dream about anything, even about things I want to happen…

I need to grow. I can't walk away from this path.

I stepped on the sharp blade and if I were to take a step left or right, I will slip…

[General Pov]

Freya looked around, searching for at least a single sound that would escape boys' mouths. With time passing, her smile started to fade away.

'I spoke too much, I spoke too much,' she kept repeating in her head, blaming herself for a failure.

[Freya Pov]

I must have spoken too much, they are so unhappy.

How can help them? How can I make them smile once more?

Those faces, they are faces of those that are in pain, children are in pain and you stupid Freya can't help them!

Maybe If I were to be born in a different era things could go different? The world is already filled with too much violence, who need more?


Anna…. I miss you

Children should never pay for the wrongdoings of their parents. They should never face the pain that they never were able to avoid…

If I would have more power, I could change things, but this world is cursed! It is cursed to seal away everything good about people, bringing out only ugly and disgusting things to the surface!

Anna…. You could have turned 5 by now…

I'm sorry…. my little girl….

[General Pov]

Freya covered her face with her hands and run into her carriage, while small droplets of water flew onto the air, dropping to the ground.

She closed the door of a carriage, with a loud sound of wood smashing.


Cry of siren resonated through camp and forest

"Why, why, why, why!" sounds from the carriage slowly died down, and only rare sobs were heard.

Bernard walked towards the boys sitting around the fire. His face didn't express anything in particular. The only thing that could not be noticed by everyone was his violently shaking hand, that remained on the hilt of the sword.

He towered above boys looking down on them, his eyes were searching for something, going from one boy to another.

His eyes stopped, as his pupils enlarged, grip on his sword started to get tighter and muscles on his body started to tense.

His eyes were piercing Eskel's neck on which he saw a chain that went under his cloth.

"Hey boy," said Bernard, keeping his eyes on Eskel.

Eskel turned around and looked towards Bernard, tilting his head to the side. "What is it?"

"Show me what kind of chain you are wearing," said Bernard

Eskel inquired, slightly furrowing, "Why?"

"I said. Show. Me.The.Chain" said Bernard, his voice was devoted of any emotions.

"Alright," replied Eskel with a sigh.

Gwelt, observing the interaction, got tense and squinted.

Eskel revealed a medallion made of silver with the face of a wolf engraved on it.

Giving the young boy no time, Bernard unleashed his sword, attempting to slash the boy's head.


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