
Chapter 8: The Tempest of Cidaris

Author's Note:




(Royal Cidarian Council Chamber, Castle Cidaris, Duchy of Cidaris, Kingdom of Cidaris, Northern Kingdoms, The Continent, Witcher-Verse)


(Time-Skip: Two Months Later)


(King Aethan I Jaenerys POV)


A lot could happen in two months, and Cidaris was under siege. Not by armies or siege weapons or soldiers, but by an unseen enemy. Someone was attacking his business, his Trade League, he didn't know who, but someone was attacking him.

Businesses and warehouses burned, merchants beaten within an inch of their lives, and stock stolen. Aethan's spy networks within the city had proven inefficient, thus Aethan resolved to settle it quickly and surgically. He'd excise the cancerous rot within his city, and take back what was his.

''My King, we finally have one of them.'' Lucia says, interrupting Aethan's thoughts.

''Bring him here, and get me two poisons one that induces a violent death and one a peaceful death, we'll get to the bottom of this.'' Aethan orders, going to the nearby table.

''Yes, my King.'' Lucia responds, but Aethan doesn't hear her leave.

''Something else?'' Aethan asks.

''He's one of Princess Zaoirya's merchants.'' Aethan clenches his fist around the goblet he was pouring wine into.

Zaoirya had set up shop shortly after his wedding, becoming a member of his court, he continued to enjoy her company, but he no longer slept with her.

''Call for her as well.'' Aethan orders. ''Be gentle with her though.'' Aethan adds.

''Yes, Aethan.'' Lucia adds.

''What are you up to Zaoirya?'' Aethan asks, before turning to his new Captain of the Household Guard, the old one having been killed during a riot in the last few months. ''Have your men search he rooms, but do not ransack them, make sure it's discreet.'' Aethan orders, his captain silently nodding before departing.

''My king, allow me to present Dullo archiaedi Korenz, he was caught redhanded trying to destroy Trade League buildings with barrels of Mahakam spirit and a torch.'' Lucia says.

''This is an outrageous exaggeration!'' Dullo responds. ''I was in the process of transporting them.'' He adds.

''Then please explain why we watched you open them and soak a nearby wall and promptly empty them in a line from the building to where we arrested you.'' The Guard asks contemptuously.

''King Aethan, if you would just give me a moment to explain uninterrupted, I'm sure you'll understand my decision.'' Dullo barters, but Aethan doesn't really care.

''I think you'll find I don't particularly care, you have two choices Dullo, take one of these goblets of poisoned wine or talk. But rest assured, if you take one of them, I'll make damn sure that your family, friends, and their families get the poisoned wine you don't pick.'' Aethan says.

''That would cause a diplomatic incident!'' Dullo refutes.

''I put the safety of my Kingdom ahead of diplomacy boy! This is your one chance, talk or condemn innocents to a fate worse than death, This wine has been poisoned with a type of poison that will ensure a painless death, this other one…not so much.'' Aethan informs.

''I don't know anything, I just did as I was told.'' Dullo says, and though he's defiant there is desperation in his eyes.

''You just told me you did as you were told, so who gave the order.'' Aethan says, sliding the painless poisoned wine towards him, but as Dullo goes to reach for it, Aethan smacks it away against the wall. ''I want a name.'' Aethan says.

''S-she'll kill me.'' Dullo says hopelessly.

''It's you or innocent people, make up your mind.'' Says Aethan, before motioning to the guards. ''Seize his family, mayhaps some time in the darkest cells would do his children good.'' Aethan says.

''P-princess Zaoirya! She ordered it! She's trying to find out who's running the Trade League, but she's not behind all of it, she's only recently begun moving against the league.'' Dullo answers.

''Seize the Princess, arrest her entire group.'' Aethan orders.

''As you say.'' Lucia says.

''As for him, I should hang him…but he chose right, so send him to the Island, he'll spend five years thinking about his actions.'' Aethan instructs.


(POV Shift: Princess Zaoirya Karenade Nivras of Ofier)


Zaoirya was a princess, but now she was also a Prisoner. Never had she imagined that moving against the Trade League would land her and her entire faction and household arrested and detained.

She at least was allowed to be under house arrest as opposed to the dungeons, as her household and people were sent to. She supposed she should be grateful Aethan hadn't cared enough to have ordered a Purge of her household.

''Zaoirya, what am I to do with you? You said you came here for business. Yet one of your men confessed to receiving orders from you to damage the economic Stability of my Kingdom.'' Speaking of the devil.

''I asked you for help identifying the leader of this league, I told you they were affecting my business. But you refused to help me, I only did what I had to. But imagine my surprise when it turns out I'm not the only one with a bone to pick.'' Zaoirya tells him.

''So your not denying your guilt?'' Asks Aethan, causing Zaoirya to scoff.

''You of all people should know I deny myself few things. Apparently, you're just as guilty, as the League's leader clearly has you in their pocket.'' Says Zaoirya, and at that, Aethan walks towards her.

''Let me be absolutely clear Zaoirya, I'm in nobody's pocket, you were insignificant until you were implicated. Well, congratulations Zaoirya, you have your introduction to the leader of the Trade League…me.'' Zaoirya feels all the pieces of the puzzle click into place for her; Aethan's response to the attacks had always been assumed because he was a supporter of the Trade League, maybe even a member of the Council that led it.

But here he stands, admitting to her that he leads it. Which means that she is guilty of a crime that would seriously damage Ofier's reputation and hurt her family's position in Ofeiri politics.

''That changes things.'' Zaoirya says as she realizes just how deep the amount of trouble she had originally believed to have been facing actually is. She could easily cause a war between Ofier and Cidaris because of this. Cidaris would go down in flames, but if she knew Aethan half as well as she thought, he would go down in flames just to make sure he burned Ofier with him. Not that he'd take them down with them, at most her royal dynasty, but knowing Aethan he'd be content to at least cripple them.

''Indeed it does, my Royal Council as we speak is drafting two letters to be delivered to your father, one details in greatly exaggerated fashion the role you've played in trying to destroy my Kingdoms economic stability, your father will be offered the choice to take you back but at the cost of Hengfors, Temeria, and Cidaris actively attacking and destroying every Ofiri merchant ship they send north or letting us judge you according to our laws with the promise we won't have you executed.'' Aethan tells her, and Zaoirya can imagine just how well that will go over at Court.

All her detractors would suddenly gain legitimacy and could dictate how her father is forced to respond to her actions would be the best outcome. But it would also allow their rivals the chance to play for the throne.

''And the second letter?'' Asks Zaoirya.

''Sings your praises and offers an alliance. You have a choice Zaoirya, cover your own ass and benefit or risk everything for a slim hope of survival.'' Aethan tells her.

''I have no desire to start a war.'' Zaoirya decides.

''Good, then you are willing to cooperate?'' Aethan asks her.

''I am.'' Says Zaoirya.

''Then you should understand fully what this will mean You will become my concubine so that I can keep a constant eye on you and ensure that you never scheme against me again. Your Cartel will be absorbed into my League, and in exchange for giving up names and anything and everything else related to your co-conspirators, I will grant you a seat in the Trade League's Council, uniting the Cintran-Cidarian League with your Ofiri Cartel. You will continue to enjoy all the benefits of being a Princess, but you will never be my Queen.'' Aethan tells her.

''And will Queen Adda or her father accept this?'' Zaoirya asks.

''Let me worry about my wife and father-in-law, in the end taking you as a Concubine is the only way you're allowed to stay in my Kingdom and the only way I could ever hope to trust you again.'' Says Aethan, and Zaoirya accepts that fate because even as an infertile Concubine, the power she would be able to wield to benefit herself, her family and her business would be immense.

''As you wish.'' Zaoirya decides.

''Lucia will question you, I have to prepare.'' Says Aethan, leaving without another word.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan had called Adda to him, while he dressed in armour and prepared himself. With the names that Zaoirya was providing, a plan would be put into motion, a complete purge of the mercenaries and simultaneous raids to capture their employers. He had called a meeting with the generals, the commanders, and the City Watch.

They would be launching simultaneous and precision strikes to finally put an end to this matter, but before he could attend that meeting, he would have to sell Adda on taking Zaoirya as his concubine, if he got Adda on board it would make the fallout from Foltest's reaction smaller and would save him a lot of issues. For the sake of his marriage, Aethan wouldn't officially claim Zaoirya as his concubine for at least another five to nine months minimum. But he needed to have Adda support him.

Aethan had been spending a lot of time with her, sometimes it was sex, but mostly he was helping her learn, trying to further educate her. Vysogota of Corvo had been a big help in that regard, providing him with names of people who would be able and willing to help Aethan educate his wife, and providing various books that would accelerate her education.

Speaking of Vysogota, the man didn't really believe him and told him as much. When Ciri arrived, that would be his proof of the truth. And since Aethan had assigned about a dozen operatives to ensure Vysogota was there for Cirilla, and to also help him survive, it mattered little. It was just a matter of time. As far as

''A-aethan? You called f-for me?'' Adda says.

''I did have a seat.'' Aethan says. ''Zaoirya had revealed to me who is responsible for the unrest within the city. I'll be heading into the City to directly deal with it personally, but Zaoirya's information is not without a cost. She wants an alliance and she wants it now. Leaving me but one option. Taking her as a concubine. Ordinarily, I wouldn't even consider this, but the benefits strongly outweigh the problems, plus she's told me she's infertile. It would largely be symbolic, but it will allow us to forge a critical alliance with only other economic powerhouse to the south other than Nilfgaard. And Ofiri merchants and goods could allow us to not only recover financially but massively increase profits from the trade of these new goods when we do recover.'' Aethan tells Adda, handing her a stack of papers to palm through.

Aethan waits patiently for Adda to read through each paper, and to his satisfaction she goes over each paper several times just to be sure of its contents and her own conclusions.

''I don't l-like this A-aethan. I can see the l-logic, the benefits, b-but I don't like this.'' Adda says, with a frown.

''I know we've been married a short time, but there is little chance of her suddenly becoming fertile, and honestly, I was planning to wait to take her as a concubine.'' Says Aethan as he hands Adda the contract that Lucia had drawn up.

''Nine m-months to a y-year and a half? T-that's better I s-suppose.'' Adda says.

''Adda listen to me, Zaoirya's father can do a lot for us, for our Kingdom and our family. If taking her as a concubine satisfies him, our children stand to benefit immeasurably.'' Says Aethan as Adda smiles lightly.

''Our c-c-children? Aethan.'' Adda says with a small smile putting the parchments down.

''What?'' Aethan asks as Adda approaches him and sits beside him, before taking his hand and placing it on her stomach. ''Are you…are you sure?'' Aethan asks, Adda's actions dawning on him.

''I'm very late, and the S-s-sorceress confirmed it. I a-asked her not t-to tell you.'' Adda says.

''Then I have all the more reason to come back from this, for you and for the baby.'' Aethan says.

''Babies.'' Adda corrects, and Aethan has to fight his smile from swallowing his face.

''Twins?'' Aethan asks.

''Triplets.'' Adda replies, causing Aethan to kiss Adda deeply. ''Now g-go make s-sure they have a f-future to look f-forward to.'' She mock orders him.

''As my Red Queen demands.'' Aethan says bowing his head, before kissing Adda again.

''Go.'' She tells him after breaking the kiss causing Aethan to laugh and depart.


(POV Shift: Queen Adda ''The Red'' Dezmoiden of Cidaris)


Watching her husband leave her, Adda turned to the papers he'd left her and tried to resist the urge to scream. She'd seen the way Zaoirya looked at him. She lusted after her husband. Adda saw it in her eyes.

Adda was grateful that Aethan hadn't chosen to set her aside.

She could see the logic in taking Zaoirya as a concubine, the conniving bitch was infertile meaning she couldn't bear Aethan's children who in turn could have potentially been able to usurp Adda's own offspring's birthright. And her father could inject a lot of trade and profitable incomes into Cidaris.

But Zaoirya had convinced Aethan to take her deal.

And while Adda understood it logically, that didn't mean she had to like it personally. She would have to work doubly hard to ensure Aethan remained hers, and that the attention he paid the Ofiri Princess was minimal. Call her spoiled, call her vain, but she wanted to remain Aethan's favourite.

He was good for her, and treated her the same way, both personally and sexually. He was an attentive lover, Adda had heard stories of men who would care only for their own pleasures, they'd spill their seed in a woman and not have a care for her own needs. Aethan had done the opposite, he rarely finished inside her before she had first been sated. It had become something of a game between them, whoever succumbed to the pleasure first had to fulfil the desires of the winner.

But only for the duration of until the victor remained unsated. After that, the game began again.

Outside of the bedroom, Aethan had also helped her a great deal. Spending time with her trying to help her condition. She still couldn't always form words properly, but she was getting better. She had greater difficulty whenever her emotions were rising and the words were getting more complex, but thanks to Aethan, he mind was beginning to heal faster and her words were slowly becoming less difficult.

''Queen Adda.'' Lady Lucia says, bowing her head.

''Lady Lucia, assign agents to watch Princess Z-zaoirya and d-don't hide it. Let her k-know that Aethan is m-mine.'' Adda orders.

''Yes, my Queen.'' Lucia responds.

That was another thing, Aethan had invested in her his authority. In his absence, she was in charge. But even in his presence, she still had a voice and power. Aethan encouraged her to speak up at the Royal Council and speak her mind, he wasn't interested in her being by his side to enhance his image. He wanted her with him because he wanted to empower her. Lady Lucia had been among the first to acknowledge Aethan's decision and support her. Lucia had been able to clue her in on many of Aethan's hobbies and what he liked.

He liked to hunt, to fight, to train. But he also enjoyed gardening and herbology, not to mention painting, reading, and sex. Through Lucia, she'd learned of Aethan's past lovers, how the brothel madam supplying them with ample information had been the only whore Aethan would ever sleep with. From said whore, Adda had learned how to please Aethan. From the Court Librarian, she had learned what he liked to read. From the master-at-arms, she learned what Aethan liked to use in combat. And from the Priestesses, Adda had learned what plants Aethan cared for and tended to.

Adda wanted to further her relationship with Aethan, and she would not lose out on her goal to some infertile Ofiri Princess with no hope of providing her husband an Heir.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan stood before a table with a map on it, the men stood around it with him watched as Aethan placed figures on the table.

''The priestesses tell us it will be a stormy night tonight, allowing us sufficient cover for what we're about to do. Princess Zaoirya has provided me names of the people responsible for this unrest and the poor economic situation. We'll be leading a purge. Spare the families, but clamp these men in irons and drag them to the dungeons. Any questions?'' Asks Aethan.

''Just one. When we hit them, eventually word will reach the conspirators, what's to stop the remainder fleeing after we have begun?'' Vissegard asks.

''We'll be hitting them as one, all at once. Casimir has provided us with the explosives necessary to sink their ships at anchor, and according to Zaoirya, the bastards have hired close to a dozen mercenary guilds to protect them. I'll be handling the Guilds myself alongside my Household Guard and certain select operatives. Meanwhile Vissegard, you will lead five hundred men to target the merchants in the east quarter, these men are relatively poor by comparison, but I want you to give Prince Anseis his first taste and first test respectively for battle. Prince Stennis will be accompanying me. While our two groups are handling that, General Aider will lead a force of two thousand men to occupy the trade quarter, his primary job being to contain it, Lucia has already placed around a hundred agents at all the little escape vectors in the trade quarter, leaving the crossroads. General Gregor, Captain Erland? You two will lock down the crossroads and detain the individuals there. When the first explosions hit, that's everybody's cue to start their duties.'' Aethan instructs.

''Who will plant the explosives on the ships, they'll have to be pretty skilled and deft at infiltration to pull it all off unscathed?'' Duke Algovol asks him

''I've hired three Witchers to do it, they plant the bombs and deal with any premature witnesses to save us the men and the trouble. After the explosions and we're all converging, take out the guards, detain the families, but try not to scar the families. The merchants will be held to account, the families thus far have no proof of guilt, so don't be too rough with them. The explosions happen at midnight, so let's get going.'' Aethan instructs, placing his helmet on his head, and walking out of the room. The Generals and others gathered there quickly follow after him.

''Remember, I want them alive and their families unharmed, fight to maim if you must, but prioritise their lives. Nothing that can't be survived.'' Aethan reminds his officers and generals as they leave.


(POV Shift: Antso Garrin)


He wasn't always like this, oh he was ambitious and a tough negotiator sure, but try to find a successful Cidarian merchant who wasn't. But all that changed when he was unable to compete with the new Trade League. It was comprised primarily of Cintran and extremely wealthy Cidarian merchants. Despite his wealth, he was not invited to join it.

When he tried to, they flat-out refused his entry.

The reasons why? He did business with Skellige Pirates, sicking them onto his rivals in exchange for leaving him alone and helping them smuggle in goods to Cidarian markets for a piece of the profits. Eventually, King Aethan got involved or at least his council did, but rather than throw himself and the other merchants a lifeline, they supported the league, and King Aethan's products became exclusive to the league.

Thus a plan was hatched out of desperation.

They began targeting the league's businesses and storehouses, arson had never been his preferred method, but he had little choice. He couldn't afford to pay the fines for selling the goods in the league's storehouses if he got caught and make a living. So they all got together and began to plan. They decided to wipe out the league, or at least damage it enough that King Aethan took notice and took decisive action. This plan relied heavily on secrecy, and to his shame, Antso had had to take coin from Nilfgaard.

He didn't know what their issue with King Aethan was, but he had the choice between his Kingdom and his family. So he chose his family, and since Aethan hadn't given him incentive not to, it wasn't a difficult choice.

Thanks to that coin they'd been able to hire a number of mercenary guilds for their final plan, they would destroy the league's main headquarters, and with the aid of Princess Zaoirya of Ofir, they would have an ally of immense importance in King Aethan's court, who also had his ear. It was a shame she hadn't come earlier to them, they could have gotten to King Aethan more quickly, but there was no time for regret.

They had a duty to themselves and their families to end this trade league.

The sudden sounds of a thunderous echo washed over him, and turning to the Window, Antos was shocked!

''What the Fuck?!'' He shouted, he saw repeated and large explosions from the Port, and it was the part of the port where his and the other like-minded merchant's ships were anchored. ''What is going-'' He was cut off by the sound of a large crash downstairs, quickly he grabbed the sword from the mantle and headed downstairs.

''Antso Garrin? You under arrest for high treason and economic sabotage!'' Antso saw a contingent of soldiers in Cidarian colours before him.

''So, King Aethan had chosen a side then? Shame.'' Antso said, dropping his blade. No doubt some would fight, but Antso hadn't gotten this far by being stupid, he knew when he had a chance of survival, and in this scenario, fighting would result in his death. The troops before him belonged to the King's personal honour guard, Men who were responsible under King Ethain for the training of and the protection of the then Prince Aethan following the debacle with the Cat of Poviss.

''For what it's worth, King Aethan has ordered we detain your family, but that no harm is to befall them before, during, or after their detainment. More than you deserve in our opinion.'' One of the guardsmen says.

''So the King is not entirely without mercy? I suppose I should be grateful for that.'' Antso admits.


(POV Shift: Caurvast Aep Laenird)


Caurvast had spent months ingratiating himself and his team into the Blackbird Mercenary Guild, all for the assignment that they were to support the unrest in Cidaris. From what little he understood, the riots and unrest in the outer provinces had been traced back to Cidarian agents. Now whether or not King Aethan knew or not was irrelevant, an example had to be made, and Viscount de Rideaux wanted them to support these merchants.

They'd supply them with coin and convince the Mercenaries they worked with to work against the Crown of Cidaris. So far it had largely been a successful endevour. Until now, the storms lit up the sky, and when the sounds of rumbling came, they assumed it was thunder, but then the entire area was flooded with Cidarian troops, and at the head of that small army?

King Aethan.

The man took the perfect night to strike against his enemies.

A night when storms were aplenty, and nobody who wasn't close to the explosions would assume they were anything but thunder. The lot of them were now in a fight for their lives. King Aethan had cut a bloody path into the heart of the guilds.

And he was winning.

Or rather…he had won. The others began to drop their weapons, signalling surrounding and the slaughter slowly began to cease until Caurvest and his compatriots were the only ones still alive with weapons in hand.

King Aethan looked at them expectantly, and when he and the others exchanged glances, they knew there was but one choice and this was the reason they carried poison-coated blades.

''Gloir to Nilfgaard!'' They say in their native tongue almost in perfect sync and promptly slit their own throats. It's not pleasant, but it's what is expected of them, thankfully - at least for him - the poison almost instantly dulled the pain and let him die relatively peacefully.


(POV Shift: Prince Stennis I Vengerin of Aedirn)


He'd seen blood before, seen fights.

But nothing had prepared him for the amount of blood or the brutality he'd see fighting with the King against the dissidents. He'd tried.

He'd honestly tried not to throw up at the sight. But he just couldn't hold it in, he got to his quarters and just couldn't hold it in. He felt shame for being so weak of stomach that he couldn't remain as stoic as King Aethan.

''Thought I'd find you here.'' Turning, Stennis found King Aethan.

''King Aethan, I'm sorry, I know I should've stayed, but I-''

''It's not easy at first, actually expected you to vomit before we got back. I wasn't as lucky the first time. It's a normal reaction, and honestly I'd be concerned if you hadn't, doing it means your human and that you aren't a sadist.'' Says King Aethan.

''Does it…does it get any easier?'' Stennis asked.

''Not at first, but eventually you get desensitised to it. It's an unfortunate thing getting used to such a thing, but it is what it is. At the end of the day, it comes down to you or them, you either survive and get past it, or let it consume you and potentially die from being distracted by it.''Aethan tells him. ''You should try and get some sleep, in the morning I'll send someone to check on you.'' Aethan tells him, patting his shoulder, before departing.

''Survive.'' Stennis mutters.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


After checking on Prince Stennis, Aethan moved to baths in the room adjacent to his chambers with Adda. They'd let the prisoners sleep and judge them in the morning. After that, it would be a short trial and shorter execution of the trial. But Aethan would't announce the news of Adda's pregnancy, he'd send a notice to Foltest eventually, but only after about another three months. Adda didn't really show much to be honest, so even if his royal physician said so, there was no point in telling anyone least of all Foltest until Adda started showing more signs of it. After what just happened he felt justified in not immediately revealing the news of Adda's pregnancy. He didn't know whether or not she truly held triplets given how rare it was in the real world, but rarer still in the Witcher Universe, especially since the only known recorded occurence of royal triplets in history was not a true trio of triplets.

He still didn't know for sure if he had gotten all of his enemies this night because those individuals who slit their own throats shouted glory to Nilfgaard as they did so, He didn't know if that was a true indication of their allegiance, but if it was…then clearly this was paypack for the riots he'd started in their territory as a cover for General Vigo's family, or maybe Rideaux or Emhyr just hated him hard to say really.

Either way, he'd have a constant guard on Adda, he was probably just being paranoid, but…under the circumstances he just couldn't ignore the new dangers. A twenty four seven guard on Adda seemed appropriate and Lucia would have to work overtime in improving their intermediaries for foreign oeprations and of course extra protection for Adda. He'd also have to afford this protection to his wards and his remaining sisters within the Castle.

It was a shit life, being King, but he's always been a staunch believer in Monarchies even before his reincarnation, better one man fucks it all up than the entire government, less messy.

''Thought I'd f-find you here.'' Turning Aethan saw his wife, she shrugged off her gown, standing before him naked, before climbing into the bath with him. Facing him, she began to help him scrub and clean the blood, grime, and whatever else he had collected on himself when he was fighting.

He could remeber it all so vividly, the weight of his weapon in his hand, the vibrations traveling up his arms as he swung and met weapons, armor and bone. But as his haze of memories faded, he saw Adda looking at him concerned.

''It's never easy, taking a life.'' He tells her, before drawing her closer to him, and pressing her against him, wrapping his arms around her. ''But sometimes it's harder still saving one. I could execture Zaoirya, but while she's more valuable alive, I promise you Adda, you will always be my wife, you come first. Zaoirya will never be my wife.'' Says Aethan.

''I d-don't like this A-aethan, but I d-do understand it. S-she's more useful alive a-and she b-brings a p-powerful alliance with h-her.'' Adda says.

''Adda, in the short time we've been married, I've come to care for you, even love you dear I say it. I will never be able to love Zaoirya, not half as much as I do you. It will only ever be lust, with you…it will be both but more love than not.'' Aethan says, before kissing his wife deeply, but breaks off before it goes further. ''And while there will be others, you will always be first. Our children will stand first in line for succession, and we will raise them…together.'' Aethan promises, and this time, it's Adda who kisses him deeply.


(POV Shift: Princess Zaoirya Karenzade Nivras of Ofier)


Zaoirya woke up as she did everyday, but unlike previous days it was different. She was a prisoner in all but name, and though she did find her guilded cage preferable to the alternative, it was a little suffocating.

Queen Adda had clearly not taken it well, she now had constant shadows and they made no secret of it. But that was all it was at least, and no doubt her father would be pleased. Cidaris was one of the three most valuable stops on their primary trade route into the North. In addition to Aethan's letter, Zaoirya had written her own, detailing an experience which claimed she was satisfied with King Aethan and would gladly became his concubine, she mentioned the benefits to her and to the Kingdom, and the fact that as Aethan was the only Northern Ruler permitted to have Concubines by his relgion it would be less of a religous problem, and a bunch of other crap. At the end of the day what mattered was she was becoming a concubine to an invaluable trade partner in the north strengthening the ties to the north and becoming even more valuable.

She might not like being tied down, but…she'd gladly let Aethan tie her down, if only to see that animal he kept caged unleashed again. Men had been rough with her before, but it was different with Aethan, he clearly was lusful, but he kept most of his passions restrained.

Zaoirya had no such restraint, and would gladly use Aethan in that regard, because aside from the immense pleasure she'd get from it, it would slowly bring her closer to him, and allow her to improve her position. She'd never be able to supplant Queen Adda, but there was greater power in having some power to rule from the shadows.

''Time to prepare I suppose.'' She said to no one in particular, this would be a long day. She'd be called in to testify in a shame trial and she would, because that brought her closer to her goal of bringing greater strength to her family and Kingdom. The power she could use or have Aethan use for her to benefit Ofeir, the better her families standing would be and the better their political position would be in turn.

Such was their game, such was their duty.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan had awoken to Adda in his arms, he hadn't had sex with because of the trials of last night. Plus he was paranoid of hurting the baby despite Adda's reassurance he wouldn't. But he was paranoid he would.

He had a long day today anyway, so he could ill afford to do anything else that would tire him out. Thus he and Adda had fallen asleep in each others arms. Don't get him wrong, he was lustful and he enjoyed sex, especially with Adda. But it was nice just being able to fall asleep with Adda in his arms.

Fun as it was, he didn't want his marriage to be more sex than not. He wanted a balance, and Adda's pregnancy gave him the out he needed. Now that she was actually pregnant, he could shift from his fucking duty to his dynasty and take care of Adda. But…he'd be lying if he said the danger to Adda in the form of birthing triplets didn't concern him.

Adda had beauty in spades, but because she was born a striga her intellect was slightly damaged, no not even her intellect just her mind. The trouble she had with her words in his opinion was largely because of her traumatic experience being a striga straight out of her mother/aunt's womb. The fact she was born from a brother-sister relationship doubtless didn't help her.

So he was obviously concerned.

''Thought I'd find you here.'' Turning, Aethan found his wife taking a stand next to him. They were stood overlooking the city. The Harbor was still smoking, or rather parts of the dock were. That meant that they would undoubtedly have to reinforce or repair certain parts of the docks. Actually Aethan would reinforce it anyway, just to be safe, so repairs however minor would be done and then they'd be reinforced.

''It starts now, we judge these men and we find them guilty, depending on what they have to say, guilty may not happen. But we'll see. As far as punishment goes…I'm not sure execution is the right way for all of them. The unrepentant ones certainly, but those who show regret may yet be spared.'' Aethan tells her as she leans up against him.

''Do w-what you have to, just don't b-become a b-butcher.'' Adda tells him.

''That all depends on them, they tried to ruin our Kingdom Adda, they have to pay a price for that. They can pay for it with their lives or they can repent and be handed die a better sentence than they deserve.'' Aethan says resolutely.

''Must y-you be so r-rigid, there are o-other ways.'' Says Adda.

''We're talking about the economic stability of our Kingdom, They'll have one chance to compromise, after that if they don't take it, their lives are forfeit if they remain unrepentant.'' Aethan tells her.

''Even so, you need not kill them all, imprison them, give them time to think about what they've done.'' Adda presses.

''No promises Adda, no promises.'' Aethan tells her, before pulling her close to him. ''But I'll try, for you.'' He tells her.


(POV Shift: Queen Adda ''The Red'' Dezmoiden of Cidaris)


It was a sham trial, Adda knew that. Thanks to Zaoirya's information, they had the names needed, and from there it was a simple matter of determining punishment. Adda didn't like executions, why execute someone when sparing them made them indebted to you? You hold their lives in your hands, their freedom. It didn't make sense to kill them.

Not all of them at any rate.

Take the repentant ones, make them yours, the thoroughly unrepentant ones need not be allowed to live. But Adda knew the final say was Aethan's. He might listen to her, head her counsel, but ultimately it was his decision…and so far he had been Unyielding in his decision until their last conversation.

No promises, was better than not at all.

''Watch him, not what he says, but watch his body language.'' Lucia says coming to stand beside her. ''See how his body tenses as he hears some of the testimony, and how his face hardens at some but softens at others. He's not completely without compassion, but he's far from indecisive.'' Lucia tells her, and she watches how Aethan's mood shifts through the various testimonies and how the various merchants defend themselves and their actions.

''He's not w-without mercy. He's s-said that b-before, but only n-now do I u-understand what specifically h-he meant.'' Adda responds, after watching Aethan listen through some merchants blame others, and some blame their desperation and need to support their families.

He's notably more tolerant to those who claim they did only what they had to spare their families, but even that has limits, if someone for instance goes from trying to gain sympathy to their situation with family and tries to lay blame on the Trade League, Aethan's compassion and sympathy dims considerably.

''How has the p-populace reacted to the a-actions of A-aethan?'' Adda Asks Lucia.

''There's talk in the streets, we've heard whispers of people calling Aethan the Tempest of Cidaris, or the Tempest of the North. Saying he called lightning down to strike his enemies. The fact he openly practices his faith in Freya simply enhances the spread of the title since Druids are known to be able to control storms.'' Says Adda.

''H-how had A-aethan reacted to i-it?'' Adda asks Lucia.

''He's given the order for us to encourage it's spread, I think he quite likes it.' Says Lucia.

Adda goes to respond, but the sound of silence captures her attention.

''Aethan is making his final judgment it seems.'' Lucia says.


(POV Shift: King Aethan I Jaenerys of Cidaris)


Aethan had heard defense after defense, plea after plea, argument after argument until finally he had been prepared to make a summary judgment. He wouldn't execute them all, but he would make exceptions.

''On the counts of Economic Sabotage and treason, I find all of the accused guilty, however…I am not without mercy, and thus the following will be spared the rope: Antso Garrin, Gretel Mari, Alton Basi, Martin Gretsz, each of you has shown the required remorse, and I have found your arguments satisfactory enough to spare you from harsher penalties. Therefore, you will be fined and you be set free, however I'm instituting a two year trading ban on each of you within Cidarian Borders at the time of this ruling. Additionally, Hanz Grell, Joris Naarm, and Lucien Feld, I find your defense satisfactory, but your remorse false. Because of that, and your more extensive involvment as well as accepting aid from Nilfgaard to be heinous from you clearly believe. For that alone I should have you beheaded. However, because your crimes are not the greatest here, you each will spend five years in a cell on the Isle, and you will be banned from trading within Cidarian Borders at the time of this ruling for ten years in addition to heavy fines. The rest of you, will be hanged or beheaded, whatever your preference is.'' Aethan declares, and stands up and departs.

''What about our families?'' Someone calls out, causing Aethan to stop.

''Those that are determined innocent of participation or knowledge of your crimes shall be set free, those that are not, will be detained for a year before being released. Your children will be released into the custody of other family members in the event their age removes them of their guilt.'' Aethan decides before going to move again before stopping again. ''This happened because I let another rule the most poweful trading group in my Kingdom. Never again. In order to ensure this never happens again, I will take control over the leadership of this League and reform it into a more profitable venture fo all parties.'' Says Aethan before walking on, as he passes by Adda, he offers his wife his arm.

''Call the Council Lucia, we have a lot to discuss.'' He tells his spymaster.

''Yes, my King.'' She replies.


The Council had been called as instructed, and Aethan wanted to be clear in what would happen.

''Clearly we need to adjust our trade laws. That whole trial sets a precedent. Time to enact new laws. I'll let you all hash out the finer details as I need a nap after all that, but one critical thing I want made law is that accepting aid from a foreign nation to destablize or destroy the Cidarian Economy is punishable by Death. I will not compromise on that, but I will allow them to be able to petition the Queen for amnesty after a period of time. These merchants were desperate enough to accept aid from Nilfgaard, we'll start to retaliate on Nilfgaard by placing an embargo on their goods and taxing their ships heavily.'' Aethan tells his council.

''Their merchants guild won't like that.'' Lucia notes.

''Then tell them this is a reprisal for Vattier trying to destroy our economy based on Emhyr's orders. They have complaints, take it up with one of those two.'' Aethan replies, before turning to the rest of his Council. ''A final note, call a meeting with both Cianfinelli and Vivaldi. I want to better secure the economy and treasury of this Kingdom. Call them in a week from now.'' Aethan adds, it was time to create a new organization, or rather a trio of them.

A new bank, a tribunal for trade disputes, and an enforcement arm of said tribunal. Hopefully this will cut down on all of the extra bullshit he's been dealing with for two months.


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Thanks to Lewis Wilson, Mitchell Howard, David Martinez, Ken Harris, Axlii, ROGUE505 Saver, Morgan Sinn, Nathan Just, Dragonslayer29, and Mathew T Linderman for their support on P-atreon.

Also a big thank you to Cody, Luci Alarra, TJ Cruz, Beastmode2003, Kunta, and Availon90 for their past support on Patreon.

The next Chapter is currently available on my relaunched and rebuilt P-atreon, to access simply search the following link, but without the dash between the P and A, Two tiers with the same benefits but different contexts. The chapters on P-atreon will be published when the chapters following them are done and dusted and ready to publish over here on this site.


back to regular updates again pleased to say, enjoy.

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