
Chapter 11- The Mysterious Man

Lucas's POV

After my bother mentioned Shane I passed out. I couldn't take the pain anymore and since I'm technically a human I don't heal as quickly as the others. How could he even think of doing something like that. He's a monster. Shouldn't really judge considering I'm part of a necromancer coven but still. He's one of the most powerful warlocks I've ever come across and not only that he's always been gunning for Midnight Star. Why would Micheal even joke about something like that.

Looking around the cell everything has been cleaned up and made to look like this is a normal bedroom. Haven't even had a normal room in about 4 years. I'm already 18 and having to beg for them to allow me to marry her. I couldn't help myself. She is supposed to be mine. But what did my mom mean by if she allowed herself to claim me I'd be dead?

"So you're finally awake I see." A man with deep black eyes growls as he comes closer.

I'm still weak from the beating but I can still tell the power this man puts off.

"Don't worry I'm not here to harm you. I'm here to help you get that goddess to claim you." Looking at this guy I'm getting this horrible vibe that is nothing but destruction and chaos. Why would he want to help me? "I can see that you don't believe me. Which is understandable. But when it comes to claiming a light goddess to marry a necromancer you can't be to quick to give up. That little peach is ripe for the picking."

"How do I know I can trust you to help me? Your energy isn't one I've felt before."

The man grins and walks closer touching my shoulder heavily making me wince.

"Because I'm your last hope to survive a claiming with her." He smiles, "And I can't have my new apprentice looking like he's on deaths door step now can I?"

Once he said this I feel heat running through my body. The pain was excruciating feeling all the bones mend and my lungs filling with fresh air like a normal summer night. This power this nothing I've ever felt before.

"Now that you are completely mended you will follow my instruction on how to win over the goddess."

"If I'm going to be your apprentice can you answer one thing for me?" I ask while looking at myself in the mirror.

He nods, "Why is it that I would die if Xanderia were to claim me as her partner?"

His smile sent shivers down my spine and my breath hitches as I look in his jet black eyes.

"You are the reincarnate of a death god."