
The Witch of Time

Andra is a loner. He was considered a freak after he found a strange boulder at the top of a mountain while vacationing with him grandfather. Since that discovery. Andra has been having strange dreams in which he seems to be in a fantasy world. He sees a white-haired girl whose face he cannot clearly see. Andra began to notice what he was seeing in his dreams. He was considered strange by the people around him, even by him own family. His situation became more and more complicated. Suddenly, Andra woke up in a blue sky. There he met a white-haired girl whose face was clearly visible. The new world he lives in is full of unexplained mysteries. If the past, the future and the present are connected. Andra will continue to live even if he is abandoned by humans.

Agus_S17 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1.6 "The Girl in the Library"

"Aren't you going to the guild?" Andra asked Enca who was walking next to him.

Enca admitted that she was going to the guild during the day. She wanted to spend some time in the center of town.

It wasn't long before they reached the Adventurers' Guild. Enca pointed to a large building next to the royal castle. She explained that it was the library of the city of Arcadia.

The interior was made of stone and looked like it had been built in the nineties. Andra nodded slowly. Then he looked at the sun that was slowly moving overhead.

"I don't want to bother you. It's already daytime, Enca," Andra pleaded quietly, "I'm afraid you'll come home at night to do your guild duties. So, can you explain the procedure to get in there?"

Enca smiled a little and apologized, "Sorry. I can't keep you company much longer. Talking about the method is easy. You just have to come to the administration desk right in front of the door. All you have to do is write down your name."

"Okay, I understand."

Without any parting words. Andra and Enca left each other. Andra went to the library building. Enca decided to return to the adventuring guild and do her daily tasks as a D-level adventurer.

Both steps were steady. Andra opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the people in the library. The first impression Andra had of the Arcadia City Library was very authentic.

There weren't many people in the library. Therefore, it was very quiet. The light coming in from the large windows on the wall made the library a boring place. Also, the arrangement of the shelves was elongated and divided into categories.

Andra looked up slowly. There were more bookshelves on the second and third floors. But there were not as many visitors as on the first floor. Besides, the only light came from a petromax fire.

Satisfied, he looked around. Andra walked over to a table occupied by a blonde girl with shoulder-length hair. She adjusted her glasses and looked at Andra coldly.

"Can I help you?"

"I'd like to read a book," Andra replied briefly.

The blonde girl was silent for a moment. Then she nodded as if she understood what Andra wanted to know.

"You must be someone who just came into this world."

"That's right."

"Well, there aren't many people like you who come straight to the library," the girl said quietly, "I've even set up a special shelf for people from other worlds."

"Thank you," Andra replied happily, "This will help me a lot."

"Before that ... How about you sign your name in this guest book first?"

The blonde girl asked after she had done so. The girl stared at Andra's writing, which surprised her. She was curious how Andra, a person from another world, could write his name directly using the language of this world fluently.

"How long have you lived in this world?" the blonde girl asked, "It is very rare for someone from another world to be able to write their name fluently. Even I have a hard time helping them."

Andra explained that it hadn't been that long. Andra had been in this world for more than a week.

"That's a rare case," the blonde girl replied, "Let's get back to the subject. I'll take you to the bookcase I was talking about."

Immediately, Andra walked behind the blonde girl. Andra went up the stairs and stopped on the second floor. The girl explained that the bookshelf in question was in the corner of the room.

Andra nodded in understanding, "Okay. Thanks for your help!"

Heard Andra's words. The girl shook her head. She introduced herself as Nora. The girl explained that she would be staying at the reception desk.

"Looks like we're not that far apart in age," Nora said with a small smile, "So feel free to ask me for help."

"Thank you."

After Nora had left Andra alone. Andra began to examine the bookshelf that Nora had mentioned. By the light of the lanterns. Andra picked up one of the lanterns and brought it closer to the bookshelf.

Andra was immediately stunned to see that there were many books that he could use as guidelines for living in this new world.

[Magic Concept]

[Getting to Know the Countries of the Continent]

[Getting to Know Currency]

[First Aid for Poison Exposure]

[Understanding the Adventurer & Merchant Guild System]

[Magic Academy]

[History of Witches]

[History of Arcadia City]

[13 Known Types of Creatures]

[The Foundation of Fire Magic].

After carrying all the books Andra needed. He slowly lifted them to the empty table near the stairs. The thick books were immediately read by Andra without stopping.


"Picking a hundred magical plants, huh?" muttered Enca as she walked towards the city gate of Arcadia.

Arcadia City had three entrances. The first gate was near the forest. The second gate was near the mountains. The third gate was near the sea.

The vast forest in front of Enca's eyes made her excited. Her two feet rushed towards the first gate. She immediately handed the gatekeeper her guild card and a piece of paper with the reason why she had left the city of Arcadia.

"Ah, as usual, huh, Enca?" asked the gatekeeper with a thick mustache.

Enca nodded, "Yes, sir."

"By the way, don't wander around at night, okay?"

"What is it, sir?"

The gatekeeper leaned closer to Enca and whispered so as not to be heard by the others, "I heard from the security guards. That some witch girls have disappeared in the last two weeks."

"Eh? How come there is no such news?"

"All the victims were witch girls who went out alone. That was the queen's request. She doesn't want any nationwide riots. You could say this is a secret mission in the works."

"Is there any news about the incident?"

The gatekeeper shook his head, "It is said that one of the B-class magical girls disappeared a few days ago. Because she managed to defeat a B-class adventurer. It is certain that the culprit is a powerful person."

"Okay, that's scary."

"That's why ... You have to be careful."

After leaving the gate. For some reason, hearing the news made Enca think. Enca decided that she would return to Arcadia after getting the magic plant. Enca was afraid of the existence of the perpetrators who targeted the witch girls.

After successfully completing a long journey, she entered the forest. Enca found a field with magic plants. She quickly picked the magic plant and put it in the basket she was carrying.

The sound of the birds still chirping and the silence made Enca hold back her fear. Enca don't know how many magic plants she picked and put into the basket. Her slowly flowing sweat made her panic in the silence of the forest.

Enca had never been so afraid to be in the forest after being left behind by her teacher. Because her teacher always came to help when Enca got into trouble.

Suddenly there was the sound of birds flying together. From Enca's experience in the forest when she was being taught by her teacher. She understood very well that something was approaching her.

For there was the sound of footsteps approaching with the cry of a woman's voice. Enca immediately cast land magic and hid in the ground.

Hiding under a field of magical plants. Enca's eyes widened as she noticed someone in a black robe slowly walking past her. The long chain seemed to be dragging something. It turned out to be an unconscious girl in a witch's robe with an iron collar around her neck.

Enca immediately covered her mouth at the sight. She knew the iron collar very well. It was a tool usually used on slave girls to prevent them from using magic.