
The Witch of Time

Andra is a loner. He was considered a freak after he found a strange boulder at the top of a mountain while vacationing with him grandfather. Since that discovery. Andra has been having strange dreams in which he seems to be in a fantasy world. He sees a white-haired girl whose face he cannot clearly see. Andra began to notice what he was seeing in his dreams. He was considered strange by the people around him, even by him own family. His situation became more and more complicated. Suddenly, Andra woke up in a blue sky. There he met a white-haired girl whose face was clearly visible. The new world he lives in is full of unexplained mysteries. If the past, the future and the present are connected. Andra will continue to live even if he is abandoned by humans.

Agus_S17 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1.5 "Growing Knowledge"

It's been more than two weeks since Andra stayed at Enca's house. Unexpectedly, he had read all the knowledge books in Enca's house. Seeing this, Enca was of course very surprised by Andra's progress while quietly watching him from a distance.

With the white and gray clothes from his old world. And his black school shoes. Andra asked Enca to introduce him to the outside world. Enca agreed to Andra's invitation because she also wanted to go to the Adventurer's Guild.

She wore a white short-sleeved shirt, a black skirt and a brown sling bag. Enca came out of her room and told Andra to hurry. Because the streets of the royal capital would be very crowded when the sun slowly rose over the city.

After closing the door of the house. Enca asked Andra to stand behind her. Then, without a signal, the house that should have been in front of them suddenly disappeared from sight.

"What kind of magic is this?" Andra asked curiously, "I don't remember such magic in the books I've read."

Enca laughed and was proud of the result, "This technique magic is indeed not in the book. I learned it from my teacher as well."

Andra clapped him hands, "By the way, Enca can do how many kinds of magic?"

"I have two types of magic in my body. It is water and land magic," Enca explained and then paused for a moment, "Oh, yes. That's right ... I forgot to tell you. Do you have urgent business in the city? If you're not too free. How about coming to the guild? I want to check something out."

"About what?"

"Your magic ability," Enca said firmly, "Everyone from the other world will definitely come there to check their magic ability. It's true that not everyone on the list has magic in their bodies. But I want to make sure...."

Hearing Enca's words, Andra fell silent. At first, Andra wanted to go to the city to find a library. Besides, he has mastered the language and writing of this world. But Enca's invitation, which sounded interesting, melted Andra's heart.

Andra had not yet answered Enca's request. Just then, Andra turned to Enca, whose look was like that of a begging kitten. Success made Andra really want to grant it.

"Alright ... I'm in," Andra replied in a low voice, "But next, take me to the library in town."

"Take it easy."

The sunlight slowly shone on Andra. Deep in conversation with Enca, she was mesmerized by the scenery in the city of Arcadia. The straight road Andra and Enca were traveling towards the city was flanked by trees on both sides. The road they were on was not good for carriage drivers. Nevertheless, the road was reminiscent of the situation in Andra's village.

In fact, the distribution of roads in Indonesia is very uneven. In settlements far from urban areas, there are often damaged roads everywhere. On top of that, corruption is rampant. So Andra is used to injustice.

Slowly, Andra found a large green field on the right side of the road. The field was quite close to a rocky cliff that looked like it was often dug up by the locals.

A feeling that lingered in Andra's body. It made Andra believe that all of this was something that existed in him dream. Andra began to accept that he was living in this world. After all, he was already dead, and if Andra returned to the previous world ... It would be terrible.


[Fairy Tales]

The Three Great Witches.

Part Two.

Originally, the Three Witches lived in peace. The three decided to create a beautiful world in a place called the World.

The Witches were known to have created the Thirteen Creatures in the past. So did the Thirteen Creatures. All of them are still alive today.

First, "Human"

A living being with five senses. They are capable of advancing civilization with great minds. However, they also set back civilization with dangerous thoughts.

Second, "Dwarf"

A creature similar to humans. However, they are known for their short bodies and powerful muscles. Not to forget, they are characterized by bushy beards for men and long hair for women. They are very competent in their work.

Third, "Elf"

A creature similar to humans. However, they are known for their long ears. They have a long life and live in the forest. It is said that they really hate humans. There are rumors that elven blood can be used as medicine to cure all kinds of diseases. Elves are very skilled in melee combat and light magic.

Fourth, "Dru"

A creature similar to humans. However, they have extra ears on their heads. It is said that the extra ears indicate their type. Some have rabbit ears, some have tiger ears, and some even have horse ears. They are close to nature. They are also able to shape-shift to resemble animals.

Fifth, "Demi-Dragon"

A creature that is half human and half dragon. They have large wings on their backs. They are very good at aerial combat and fire magic.

Fifth, "Orcs"

A large creature that is very greedy and strong in battle. They are known to be destructive creatures. However, not all Orcs are destructive. They are very good in melee combat.

Sixth, "Lizard"

A lizard-like creature known for being stupid. They love to fight and make a fuss over their own problems. They always carry a spear with them when they travel.

Seventh, "Angel"

A human-like creature who lives in the land of clouds. They have beautiful white wings on their backs. Angels are known to be thoughtful and help bring peace to the world. They are experts in light magic. However, they are very hostile to Fallen Angels, who are said to enjoy destroying the world. Fallen Angels are considered a threat to the entire continent.

Eighth, "Gnome"

A creature with a small body that lives in the forest. They are said to have many hidden treasures and are known to be good traders. They hate Leprechauns, who like to bully people and make people lose faith in them. Leprechauns are considered a threat to the entire continent.

Ninth, "Goblin"

A green-skinned creature known for being thieves, vandals and perverts. They like to kidnap women. They are known as stupid creatures. But if they have a goblin leader. It is certain that they will become strong and wise. Goblins are considered a threat to the entire continent.

Tenth, "Undead"

A creature that is already dead. They usually appear as bones and are notoriously troublesome. However, in legend, there are undead that still have flesh on their bodies. The undead in legend are said to have the will to return to life. Because the undead are capable of harming humans. The undead are considered a threat to the entire continent.

Eleventh, "Slitheryn"

A human-like creature with mermaid-like legs. They live in groups in the sea. They always carry a trident and are experts in water magic. They are the villains of the sea, known for destroying ships. Slitheryn are considered a threat to the entire continent.

Twelfth, "Demon"

A human-like creature with small wings and horns on its forehead. They have fiery red eyes. Their whereabouts are unknown. They are said to be the masterminds behind the great wars of the past. The demons are considered a threat to the entire continent.


Andra was surprised by what he saw in front of him. It was a two-story building that he often saw in fantasy worlds. Many different races were going in and out of the place.

Enca pointed to the place in front of her, "Our destination is there. This is the guild for adventurers!"

Andra was fascinated by the place. Like a dream in daylight. Because he was curious if the guild resembled a fantasy story. Andra decided to ask Enca.

"Since this is an adventuring guild. Are there levels in the adventurer's rank?"

"Of course there are," Enca said while nodding, "The top level is A. The second level is B. The third level is C. The fourth level is D. Then the last level is E."

Andra was silent for a moment. Sometimes it was good for him to read fantasy stories in the previous world. Then Andra asked the question he really wanted to ask.

"So why are we going to the guild?"

"We're going to check your magic ability with a magic detector," Enca answered, "It doesn't take long. Just touch the device and it will react quickly."

Without further ado. Enca immediately pulled Andra into the guild building. The first thing Andra saw was the huge hall.

There was a wide board filled with paper applications. There were many muscular men. Swords and sticks. Then a scary man in front of Enca.

"Good morning, Mr. Proto!" Enca greeted and introduced Andra to the man who looked fifty years old.

"Unusual, huh?" Proto teased, "Who is the man next to you?"

"His name is Andra. He's a person from another world."

"Ah, I see. You want to test his abilities, don't you?"

Enca agreed, "Can we check in your room? The problem is that the hall is so crowded this morning. I'm afraid to disturb the hall."

"Well, there's a big dungeon conquest mission in the neighboring country," Proto replied, "You can just go straight to my room."

After saying goodbye to Proto. Enca invited Andra to go up to the second floor. The squeaking stairs were so loud that several people noticed the two of them.

Arriving at the second floor of the Guild. Andra found that there were several more rooms, and the corridor it led to had a door with a sign hanging on it.

The name Proto, which was hanging at the end of the corridor, made both Enca and Andra immediately want to approach it. Enca slowly pulled the doorknob and opened it.

The room looked so tidy. There were several shelves filled with books. There were several swords hanging on the wall. There was a table with a map of Arcadia on it. Then in the corner of the room was Proto's desk with a window near the wall.

Andra saw a chair and told Enca about it. Without further ado, the two picked up the chair and moved it to the front of Proto's desk. While waiting for his arrival. Andra muttered that this room felt like a story out of a fantasy book.

"What do you mean?" Enca asked curiously.

"You know what? In my world. That kind of world is called a fantasy world. There are many books that contain this fantasy world."

"What a strange world, huh?" she replied with a smile.

"Well, you could say that my world is filled with people who are depressed about life. So it's only natural that many of them would like to live in a world full of magic like this one."

"Are you one of those people?"

Andra shrugged, "I don't know. But I've read a few books about fantasy worlds. So I can only be fascinated by what exists in this world."

There was a knock at the door. It was Proto again, carrying a white ball with a purple cloth. Proto immediately put it on his desk.

Proto asked Andra to touch the ball. As Proto requested. Andra touched it. However, there was no reaction to Andra's touch. Proto squinted his eyes and saw a speck of red light inside the ball.

"This is strange," muttered Proto, "I have never seen anything like it. I knew Andra was a fire magician. But I've never seen a ball react by showing a red light with a dot like that."

Enca patted Andra on the back, "Isn't this great? Now we know you can use fire."

Suddenly there was a short knock at the door. A girl in a green shirt with a short skirt, a hat on her head and white rabbit ears. A pale face asked Proto for help.

"What is it Akisaki?" asked Proto.

"There's a problem downstairs. I hope you can come down and calm the adventurers."

"Alright then!"

Without a signal. Enca thanked Proto for giving his time to Enca and Andra.

Proto smiled slightly. He admitted that he was willing to spend his time with the student of the greatest adventurer in the city of Arcadia. Because he didn't want to disturb Proto's time. Enca and Andra decided to leave the room.