
The Witch of Time

Andra is a loner. He was considered a freak after he found a strange boulder at the top of a mountain while vacationing with him grandfather. Since that discovery. Andra has been having strange dreams in which he seems to be in a fantasy world. He sees a white-haired girl whose face he cannot clearly see. Andra began to notice what he was seeing in his dreams. He was considered strange by the people around him, even by him own family. His situation became more and more complicated. Suddenly, Andra woke up in a blue sky. There he met a white-haired girl whose face was clearly visible. The new world he lives in is full of unexplained mysteries. If the past, the future and the present are connected. Andra will continue to live even if he is abandoned by humans.

Agus_S17 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1.3 "Something Unknown"

Andra woke up in a dark place. Both hands slowly felt around the place, which felt endless. Andra stood up and noticed that the ground beneath his was wet.

Because the place was dark. Andra was curious which puddle he stepped on with both feet. Slowly, his right hand picked up the puddle and he felt the texture of the water.

Andra had not yet experimented with what he had found. A fire flew quickly and crashed backwards into Andra's body. Andra immediately felt something hot on her stomach.

Without thinking about what had happened. Andra found him school clothes on fire and made his take them off. The hot flames slowly consumed Andra's clothes. The light caused by the burning fire began to make Andra fall.

The puddle that Andra stepped into was not water like a pond. Instead, it was a pool of blood in an endless dark place.

Then suddenly a hand wrapped in fire came from behind Andra. The hand plunged into Andra's stomach. Then the hand of fire was pulled out of his stomach and caused his intestines to disintegrate.

Andra had not yet realized what was happening. A voice echoed in his ears.

"Apparently he's very weak. Very disappointing. If this continues, he'll die for sure. It's useless for me to give him this extraordinary power."


Andra awoke from his bed. Hes sweat was all over her body. It made Andra look messy. Andra looked at the roof of the wooden house in front of his. He just remembered that he was invited by Enca earlier.

"It was a horrible dream, wasn't it?" said Andra, exhaling heavily.

Without further ado, Andra got out of bed and left the room. He found something on the dining room table. There was a note saying that Enca was going to town and there was a bowl of bread.

Andra pulled out a chair and sat down. His right hand immediately took the bread, which was as big as his hand, and tried to eat it.

Immediately the bread was successfully bitten into. Unexpectedly, the bread was hard. Andra clearly had difficulty swallowing it. Quickly, Andra gave up and dropped him face to the table.

He saw that there was more writing on the piece of paper he had read earlier. Andra chuckled, embarrassed. It turned out that behind the paper was a way to eat the hard bread.

"The bread is covered in warm tea, huh?" muttered Andra, who immediately got up from the chair and checked the kitchen cupboard.

Andra saw many jars. Each jar contained many food ingredients that Andra didn't understand. Luckily, Enca had attached a piece of paper with the name of each jar.

In a flash, Andra found the paper with the name tea on the jar in the top row. After getting it. Andra was thoughtful for a moment. There was a stove with a lot of water on it. There were also some tree branches as the stove.

Seeing his condition. Enca deliberately prepared everything for Andra. But here's the problem. Andra couldn't use fire magic to burn the pile of branches.

With the knowledge of the old world. Andra began to make fire by rubbing the branches on the bark of the tree. It took a lot of effort. Nevertheless, Andra managed to start the fire and immediately set the stove.

Andra took a glass. Then he added a few leaves from the tea urn. The water on the stove boiled. Andra took another glass and poured hot water into the glass filled with tea leaves.

Andra immediately returned to the dining table and followed Enca's instructions. The tea was poured slowly onto the hard bread. Andra ate it immediately. The previously hard bread suddenly became soft in his mouth.

"Ah, are you awake?" asked Enca from the front door.

She was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, a black skirt and her white hair was tied up in a ponytail. Enca came in with a small smile. She complimented Andra for making the tea. Enca immediately went to the table.

"By the way, I left the Adventurer's Guild and contacted the people who came to this world," Enca said with a haggard face, "Everyone said that the blessings of the witches exist. There are those who don't have the witches' blessing. But the people who don't have the witches' blessing... The percentage of people who behave well is quite small."

"Is that so?"

Andra lowered both shoulders. Hearing that made his sluggish. Andra hadn't expected his life to be like this. He was quite eager when he entered the fantasy world. He has great power and is invincible.

"Well, the interesting thing is here," Enca continued, raising her voice to give hope, "There has never been anyone who has no memory when they meet the witches. It can be said that you are a rare case. Because the witches can't possibly erase their memories when they meet them."

Andra was at a loss for an answer. So he interrupted his conversation with Enca and asked her to let him read the book that came from the living room.

Enca heard Andra's request. Enca immediately said yes. Realizing that Andra was so far away. Making Enca feel that Andra didn't seem to remember their memories together a few years ago.

The white haired girl whose face Andra couldn't see clearly was Enca. Unfortunately, Enca didn't know that Andra couldn't see her face clearly before.


[Fairy Tales]

The Three Great Witches.

Part One.

In ancient times. The world was empty and void. A nameless figure, curious about the future of the world, created the three witches.

The three witches were sent down into a world full of magic. The witches wondered what they had been created for.

The three decided to go on adventures to many places. With simple clothes and their magical wooden wands. The witches traveled across seas, continents and oceans.

The three witches were known as the center of the world. Because they controlled everything.

They also have their own nicknames. But of the three witches. There is one witch who is said to live forever. It is even said that she will die of her own accord when all living things die.

This witch is known as The Witch of Time.


Andra awoke from his sleep. His whole body ached from falling asleep in the wrong position. He also fell asleep on a chair with many books on both sides.

A blanket covered Andra's body. Seeing this, Andra was sure that it was Enca who did it. I don't know how many times Andra thanked her.

For witnessing everything. Obviously Andra didn't want to be a burden for Enca. He must be able to survive on his own in this new world.

The sunlight that slowly came in between the holes of the house. It forced Andra to move. The house he lived in was quiet again. Watching the sun that was already above them. Andra wondered how long he had slept with that pile of books.

Stretching his muscles. Andra walked to the bathhouse near the kitchen. Before he reached the bathhouse. There were some unused clothes with notes left by Enca.

"She really is too kind," Andra muttered to herself, "One day. I will definitely repay her kindness."

After cleansing his body with clean water. Andra immediately washed the clothes he had worn before and put on Enca's clothes.

Like the clothes in the fantasy world Andra knew. A rather thin short-sleeved brown outfit. Not to forget the black shorts. The clothes Enca had given her were perfect for Andra.

After tidying up all the places Andra had used. Andra decided to read books again and learn more about this new world. Andra understood this very well. The first rule of adapting to a new place is to master the understanding of the new environment.