
The witch is raising a child

Have you ever wondered what it was like to raise a child? Especially a one who was very....unique Well if you are curious, try reading this

Mildred_Horace · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Encountering the little girl again

As if a prophecy came true, every where they went in the market place, people seemed to avoid them like they just encountered the plague. "So this is what you meant," Luna asked with a visible smile on her face. In response, sola nodded slightly. "Well this won't work, I can't really buy anything if everyone is afraid to be near me, guess I have to do this alone" Luna said. "I will just wait for you then," sola replied while looking at the people staring and pointing at her. "I'm going to that stall," Luna said while pointing to a table guarded by a little girl "go somewhere safe and wait for me" she continued as she walked up to the little girl stall. "Don't you find humans so cruel" Luna said, while talking to the little girl "what do you mean?" The little girl said with a tilted head and a smile on her face "well, they claim to love individuality but can never accept any one whose different" Luna said while looking at sola with a sad expression. "you can't really blame them, after all, this is how they were made," the little girl replied. "you are right, but I'm wondering this, why did you send her to me,?" Luna asked the little girl with a interrogating smile on her face. "Why have such a frightening smile, didn't you say you were bored, I just handed you something very interesting, why, you don't want it?" the little girl replied half jokingly. "I just want to Know, what are up to again?" Luna asked with suspicion in her eyes. "I promise, am up to nothing, I'm just trying to help a friend out," the girl responded, with a hand over her heart and a innocent smile on her face. "Any ways, how do you even know sola,?" Luna said as she began picking things from the table and putting them in her basket. "Oh..you give her a name?, aren't you getting attached too quickly? The girl said with one eyebrow lifted. "Well, I needed to call her something, and since she doesn't have a name, I just gived her one," "Anyway, stop changing the subject, how do you know her?" Luna asked. "Why wouldn't i, after all, she's infamous in this town" the little girl said with a smile "have you heard of the ice cold princess? The cruel witch?, or the unlucky child,? The little girl continued. "Aren't those names straight out of a fairytale,? Luna questioned "aren't you a witch yourself?" The little girl said with a chuckle. "So you are telling me they are all referring to her,? Luna replied with confusion and disbelief written on her face. She had thought sola was extraordinary but never to this extend. "how come I've never heard of her,? "I'm here almost every day after all,?" Luna continued, looking even more confused than before. "Than you probably just wasn't looking hard enough" the little girl said with a sly smile on her face. "I call bs, what did you do,? "don't tell me you put a spell on her,? Luna said while looking visibly angry. "I did nothing of a sort, you know I can't do that, at least not anymore," the little girl replied with a saddened look on her face. "Then, what did you do,?" Luna questioned again. "I just made sure the both of you never ran into each other," the little girl said with a smile "how," Luna asked once more not believing what the little girl just said. "That's my little secret,? The little girl replied. Having already gotten what she needed and feeling physically exhausted from talking to this girl, she prepared to leave. "Guess I'll see you tomorrow," the little girl said as Luna walked away from her stall. as if it was magic, the stall completely disappeared, reappearing in a different location. Luna walked up to where sola was, but she couldn't see her because of the many people that were now crowned around sola. As Luna drew closer to the crowd, she murmured to herself "Wow, she really is popular,". As she made her way through the crowd and to the front, what she saw made her questioned if sola had a run in with demons.