
The witch is raising a child

Have you ever wondered what it was like to raise a child? Especially a one who was very....unique Well if you are curious, try reading this

Mildred_Horace · Fantasy
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9 Chs


after about 4 hours of being asleep, Luna was woken up by a violent tug. "ugh" she screeched as she lied up from beside sola. "that must have been one incredible drop in magic power, because you look ready for death" a rather tall woman siting on the sofa made of palm leaves said. "why are you here" Luna asked, as she stared the woman down. "don't be so mean, I'm just here to see your new pet project" the woman responded with a rather mocking expression. "did those rude witches send you" Luna asked her. "that's quite the foul mouth you got there" "now, is that that the role model you want your little pet to have" the woman responded with a taunting smile plastered on her face.

Luna stare at the woman as if she wanted her dead "so up tight, have you never heard a joke" "anyways, I'm actually here to give you a massage" the woman said ignoring Luna stares "what is it" Luna asked, quite curious who would make such a prideful demon come all this way to deliver a simple message. "before that, how is the lil pet doing?" the woman questioned as she walked over to sola. "by any chance, is her health of any relevance to your message" Luna asked with furor brows. "ooh, you catch on quick" the woman said, as she sat beside sola. "I'm sure you have a little clue of how important this pet is" the woman continue while looking at Luna. "so, do well to remember, if what happened today, took place again...you might face a lot more obstacle than was intended" the woman said, with one of the scariest smiles. "so who send this message" Luna asked with conflicting emotions running through her face. "the messenger isn't of any importance, just keep the message in mind" the woman said, as she stood up from sola's bedside and began heading towards the door. "Ahh, this is a personal message from yours truly, put your little demon on a leash, or he might just end up-" it happened too fast, before the woman could finish her sentence Luna had already appeared where she stood.

"if you touch a single string of hair on his body, I will take it as a declaration of war on all you demons, and believe me salvonna, don, del loranh, your bloodline would be the first one wiped out" to call a demon full name was never a simple thing, their name held such power that those who dare call upon it, if they weren't strong enough would die on the spot. the mere fact that Luna had just utter the name of her full bloodline, proved how strong she truly was. the woman now looked ghostly pale, as if she had heard the call of death itself. she turned towards the door, gived a light but terrified smile and disappeared. she probably realized that today was not the day to piss of luna, because even if she had a huge drop in magic powers, she was still one of the strongest witches in this world. once she was out of sight, Luna whispered under her breath "so those witches had nothing to do with her message huh". The witches in question were Luna sisters, who seem to exist simply to ruin her live. they were the ones who reported her use of magic in the human world, which is what got her into this current predicament, or so she believes.

The truth is, due to how strong luna powers are, even a simple repelled can be felt through the spirit world, coupled with the fact that she has no self control, her powers are so often stripped away because of the danger she poses to humans and spirits alike.