
The Witch Hunt

-Volume 1: Deities vs. The King- Born in a chaotic world where Witch Hunt serves as the bread and butter to most mortals living in Gilead- whose sole purpose is to kill every living being known to be born with magic powers, correctly known as 'Deities' but mortals prefer to call them as 'Witches'.... A young deity was pre-destined by the supreme deities to kill the tyrant king of the Gilead Empire and to put an end to this Witch Hunt system set by the government. And her name will be... Charm. === -Volume 2: Deities vs. The Pope- Having experienced a near-death situation from the hands of the government itself, eighteen-year-old deity Lianne came to realize how mortals have been deceived by the Church to believe in their lies for them to raise their weapons against their kind... thus making her want to destroy the customs and beliefs set by the Church to convince mortals that they are not what they thought them to be with the help of her newly-found friends along the way... and to bring down the Pope once and for all! *** Author's Note: This book will consist of three volumes (subject for change) Volume 1- Deities vs. The King Volume 2- Deities vs. The Pope Volume 3- Deities vs. Deities (coming soon) Book cover art by: HARURI Discord accnt: AteJanz#0657 Instagram account: ate_janz

AteJanz · Fantasy
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207 Chs

The First Mortal Who Smiled At Me

Charm's POV

-Five years later-

I took a deep breath while I focused my gaze on the lifeless doll that is currently on top of my wooden table which was placed in front of me right now. The mentioned doll has a form of a rabbit and has a black color.

What I'm exactly doing at this moment is I'm trying to give this doll a life with the help of some little magic I learned from the books of Deity Morrel's temple library.

I am so sick and tired of talking to myself in the mirror in my room and exactly doing nothing, and maybe I'll die from boredom here. So it came to this point that I practiced so hard to make a doll who could exactly talk just like a normal human being.

Five years have passed since the day I came to this temple. I can still recall that day when I was nearly dying caused by a soldier's poisoned arrow, but then Deity Morrel's guardian animal Baal -who is a talking tiger by the way- saved me from death.

Even if that grumpy tiger could actually talk, we never ever have casual and lively chitchats . I can make him talk, if and only if, we are talking over some serious matters. And so again, it came to this point that I am making this huge effort of learning and practicing how to make a talking doll to save me from boredom.

However, after years of research and practicing, all of it were put to waste since I can't even make just one talking doll. Just one. And I still fail, over and over again. But then here I am, taking a shot again towards reaching that goal.

So, going back to what I am currently doing...

I stretched out my left palm towards this lifeless doll in front of me, and a hint of white light emitted from my palm and was then transferred to that doll. Few seconds passed, that light was gone from my palm and from the doll and waited patiently for the outcome from all of this.

I waited... and waited.. and started to grew frustrated when it didn't bulged one bit. As I was about to give up, I saw it's ears twitched upwards, and so the once lifeless rabbit doll came to life and is jumping it's way towards my direction.

My eyes immediately sparkled the moment I saw my rabbit doll came to life, and can't help but to hope again for the nth time that this time... it can actually talk.


What. The. Heck

All of my hopes of having a talking doll was suddenly shattered into pieces when all I could hear from this doll are just these two words that no one could comprehend, not even a powerful deity can nor the smartest mortal can. I can't help but to smack my palm on my forehead out of frustration as I look at this epic fail doll I made for the nth time.

"Ugh, this doll is such a failure!" I muttered out of my frustration.

"Pyu pyu?" said by the doll in a questioning tone..

"Nevermind. I'll just call you Trash since you're just a waste of my time and effort that I will have to dump you into the trash, again. Happens all the time." I rolled my eyes as I make that statement.

I was about to pick up Trash but I was a bit surprised to see that doll took several hops away from me and is now angrily looking at me.

"PYU PYU!" Trash muttered in a somewhat angry tone.

Wait a minute, does this doll have feelings? Wow, that's kinda new.

"Fine. I won't be throwing you away. I might as well keep you. You're one heck of a unique doll out of the epic fail dolls I made in the past." I said. Trash is still looking pissed right now.

Anyway, I guess I have to research some more in order for me to create a successful doll in the future.

I unconsciously looked at the windows and noticed that it is almost sunset. Oh no, I have to do some bounty hunting for mine and Baal's dinner later.

And so I immediately left the temple and went straight to Misty Forest.

Honestly, ever since I came here, I never have to worry for mortals to pass by. This forest is known to have some ferocious beasts and creatures that willingly attacks any mortal who sets foot on this place. So I can happily pass by any time with nothing to worry about except for our food to eat.

And that is the very reason as to why I taught myself some bounty hunting skill techniques.

I am now happily humming to myself as I pass the grassy part of this forest. And then I immediately stopped when I finally saw our dinner for tonight. I quickly hide behind an oak tree while my gaze is fixed on the wild boar that is slowly making its way towards my direction.

When that boar is just beneath my reach, I then raised my wand as quickly as I could to cast a sleep spell to my prey. But I must have underestimated its skills since this little boar seemed to sense my presence and quickly ran away from me.

Why you little chunk of meat! Get back here!

I quickly chased after our dinner who is now making its way towards a cave.

"Come back here! I promise I won't hurt you, I will handle you with care as I cook your tender meat!"

It seems that this boar can understand what I just said and doubled its speed in running away from me. What the heck!

As I continued to chase after our dinner, I wasn't aware that I was now inside the Misty Cave. Well, I have no time to wander in awe because I have a little chunk of meat to take care of.

And speaking of which, I spotted the boar that is now several meters away from me.

Noooo... I can't lose him! Baal gets a bit 'grumpier' if he's hungry. And it's too unbearable for me to see! I made an extra effort and run an extra mile just to shorten my distance with the boar.

"Aha! Got'cha!" I said to the boar when I finally cornered it.

I raised again my wand and is now ready to aim my sleep spell at this sly little boar when he again disappeared in front of me and went towards a small hole behind it that I never even noticed in the first place since it was covered in thick grass. I attempted to stop it by jumping my way towards it but this smart little creature was able to enter that small hole, or what I prefer to call as their secret hideout.

"Ouch! That hurts!"

Huh? I sure heard someone just talked.

I hastily dispersed my wand in fear that someone will discover that I'm a witch.

I am pretty sure that was a guy's voice! I'm sure of it! And I think that voice is just few inches away from me, literally...

And that's when I realized that I am currently on top of a human being when our eyes met. His hazel brown eyes are now fixed into my rosy eyes, as if looking beneath my soul. Well, as they say, our eyes are indeed windows to our souls.

I suspect this happened when I fell the moment I decided to jump my way towards that sly little boar earlier. No wonder it didn't hurt when I fell.

"This is kinda awkward." This mysterious guy suddenly talked!

"Huh?" I said. Confusion is obvious on my tone right now.

"You know, we just met and here we are, on top of each other." he stated the obvious in an awkward manner.

That's when it hit me what he is trying to imply, so I immediately stood up and bowed down to show my deepest apologies.

"Hahahaha! No worries! We can just forget about it and move on." he casually said, quite amused. I looked up again and barked a nervous laugh to match his energetic tone.

This guy sure is weird, I must say.

Wait a minute... he's a mortal, right?! How come he's here, alive and kicking and is now happily laughing in front of me?! I can't trace any magic power from him so I should know that he's a mere mortal.

But what is a mortal doing around here?!

However, to be honest, he's the first ever mortal that I came across with after five long years.

"Oh! By the way, I'm Lance! And you are?" he suddenly introduced himself in his still energetic tone. I kept my silence.

I shouldn't be here, let alone having a conversation with a mortal like him!

"Charm." was all I said. Wait, what the heck am I doing right now? I should run, like literally right now.

"Nice to meet you Charm! Your name sounds pretty, just like its owner." he said, letting out a grin that reached to his ears. That made me pause for a bit.

He's also the first mortal who smiled at me like that within that five long years that I've been in this place.

"Well then, it was nice seeing someone around here. But I have to go, I may have wasted some of your time talking to me. My nap time here is over. I am actually looking for something." he said in his never-ending energetic tone of voice. Does this guy have an unlimited supply of energy or what?!

As he is about to walk away from me, I let out a sigh.

"You know, it's quite dangerous to wander around here. So just keep safe." I warned him. That's when he faced me again.

"Thanks for the concern Charm, but I'll be fine. I can take care of myself." he answered, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Well, again it is nice meeting you. I better go now." He was about to turn his back on me, but then he halted and made a quick side glance. "I hope we will meet again."

I saw his smile for the last time before he finally turned his back and started to take a few steps away from me. I was just here, standing, as I watched the lad with the golden hair and hazel brown eyes slowly fading out of my sight.

I really don't know why, but somehow... I can feel that he will be an important part of my life in the future.

Hello! I am still a newbie writer, so please impart thy wisdom for me to improve. Tysm <3

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