
The, Wingless

A world with magic and mystery. A young girl named Raina sets her sights on becoming a monster hunter to become stronger. but fate has it out for her, for she found herself in a terrible situation looking into deaths eyes until someone saves her. This someone agreed to take her under his wing to become stronger in this monster hunting world. But her teacher has some secrets himself and soon to be discovered the stronger Raina becomes.

Zgr · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Disgusting Faith[ [3]

At the small Hybrid village inside the church, cult members are scattered around the church dead, with stab wounds and slashes on them. Some are missing limbs and others are missing heads. A man in a black and red robe had 2 blades piercing his sleeves, keeping him pinned to a wall, while Tamaki held a Dagger to his throat to interrogate him.

Tamaki: "Now you're going to tell me who your boss is and why he wants to bring back the god of destruction"

Worshiper: "And why would I tell you that? You fucken brainwashed piece of shi-"

Tamaki stabs him in the gut, but not in any vital places. He only wants to torture him for now.

The worshiper screams in pain as Tamaki stares at him with cold dead eyes.

Tamaki: "You willing to talk now?"

The worshiper coughs up blood in front of Tamaki. He looks up at him with a psychopathic smile and with blood drips down his chin to his neck.

Worshiper: "Why- why are you working with humans you-"

Tamaki cuts off his head faster than the man could notice, ending his life. Blood splatters onto Tamaki but he is unfazed as he wipes it off his cheek.

He takes a deep breath.

Tamaki: "I let my emotions get the better of me again"

He walks out to see villagers burying their family members and crying over their graves. Tamaki looks over them and walks through planning to leave them to grieve. But then he felt a tug on the back of his coat and it was one of the Hybrid mother's kids whose mother stabbed him. 

He was holding a basket of food for Tamaki as a gift to him.

Tamaki: "Oh I can't accept this, keep it for yourself"

He pats him on the head and the boy doesn't speak, he only nods and walks away. Tamaki gave a warm smile to him before more villagers came up to him offering him gifts for saving them from their cruel fates. He tried to back them off down but it was becoming too much. 

Until he felt his magic stone's mana glowing. He disappears from the crowd and goes to the top of a house. He pulls out his stone and a voice comes from it. It was Raina telling him about the worshipers. He clenches his fist and jumps full force away from the village.

Tamaki: "Those bastards won't give me a break huh"

As he lands he speeds through the forest. Tamaki's magic detection is top-notch, allowing him to follow the remnants of magic coming from the magic stone.

He runs past acres of trees, and water and then jumps over a cliff with a massive fall. He goes through a portal he made and lands on the ground and continues to run.

Tamaki: "Hopefully I can make it there on time"

Raina sits in her cell waiting for Tamaki, she is incredibly bored. She wasn't very scared in her current situation. The training that Tamaki put her through sort of dulled her sense of fear, so the only time she becomes afraid is when a foe with strength is greater than hers. She would be terrified normally, in fact, she doesn't have very pleasant memories with the cult. The cult influenced and traumatized so many people's lives to the point, that some paladins became what they are to fight against them to get over trauma or revenge.

Raina and Tamaki are no exception.

A couple of guards came down to get them out for the sacrificial ritual. They open the cell and attach chains to each one of their cuffs pulling them. Tsuki starts to cry but more quietly. Another guard had 3 more people around the same age chained up following him.

They were underground and a singular door was the only way out. It was a small hallway going up with dirty stone tiles as steps.

Before the guards came Raina had already planned their escape. She told the others to wait for a signal before they could attempt to escape. Samuel agreed. 

Raina's ears turn in a certain direction and then she looks behind her. She smiles and looks over to Samuel. He nods as Raina yanks back her cuffs, pulling the chain the guard was holding out of his hand Raina twists around to slam her cuffed hands into the guard's face, knocking him out. The other guard pulled out his sword and dark magic surrounded Raina's cuffs, disintegrating and falling apart.

The black flames followed the chains making Samuel's, Healia's, and Tsuki's cuffs fall apart.

This spell was decay. This spell works only on magical tools or people who possess magic. It sucks out the magic within the target, and whatever was built with the foundation of magic will fall apart (this spell only works if the user's magic is greater than the one imbued into the object or person).

The guard charges at Raina but Samuel empowers his arm with magic, snapping the guard's blade with his elbow before backhanding him into a wall.

The cuffs halted their abilities, but now with them gone, they were free to use their abilities.

Raina freed the 3 other people who came, but then Samuel walked up to Raina.

Samuel: "Alright what's the plan now?"

Raina puts her finger over his lips silencing him.

Raina: "Just listen"

Suddenly a violent rumbling shakes the ground they are under. Tsuki and Healia barely steady their footing. 

Outside the cage, there was a massive tent with a pile of dead bodies of people around the same age as the Raina hanging or left on the ground. The raid leader was standing over a giant stone with a flat surface. The Raid leader's name was Zoldic and he was one of the higher-ups of the Church of Kagutsuchi. He had a dark black robe with red markings and golden outlines. 

He laughed maniacally as he had a staff in his hand that was stained with blood. He stood on top of a stone with a magic circle meant to summon a Dragonoid from the sealed dimension.

Zuldic: "HAHAHAHA! With this many young sacrifices, we could bring a sin into this world"

Suddenly a follower came from the outside. 

Follower: "Sir Zuldic we detect a high magical presence coming this way"

Zuldic: "Is it a paladin?"

Follower: "Not likely. The record says all current paladins are on different missions and aren't anywhere near our location"

Zuldic: "No need to worry. Once we finish the ritual, we can kill that person easily"

Follower: "Understood"

He bows his head to Zuldic before leaving.

Zuldic: "Now where was I?"

He looks over at a Beautiful 19-year-old girl crying as she has chains on her neck and her hands behind her back.

Girl: "Pl-please…d-don't kill me"

Zuldic walks over to her and then lifts her chin before his hand clutches her jaw and holds her head.

Zuldic: "Such a pretty young lady you are"

Then he chokes her.

Zuldic: "A perfect sacrifice"

He slams her against the rock, raises his staff, and starts a chant.

Zuldic: "Oh great Dragon race-"

The rumbling interrupted him.

A follower runs through and falls to the ground.

Follower: "SIR!"

Zuldic: "What now"


Zuldic: "What now?"

Zuldic runs outside to find all the beastkin slaves getting cut down swiftly and all their men trying to fight back but falling into nothing but pieces of flesh.

Tamaki stands in the middle of the slaughter holding a blue katana with a light blue blade and a navy handle. Zuldic's eyes connect with his as fear spreads throughout his body. His legs were paralyzed, his spine shivered, and his hands and face sweat uncontrollably.

He slowly raises his right hand. And slams his fist into his chest.

Zuldic: "Come with me!"

He grabs his follower by the collar and pushes the naked girl onto the ground. And slams his follower onto the rock.

Zuldic: "You will stockpile with the sacrifices to summon something stronger"


He stabs him with the staff. The blood from the follower flows into the magic circle and the magic circle starts to glow. The blood evaporates. And the circle grows as it gets more powerful.


He looked over to the Beautiful girl, grabbed her by her collar, and looked into the girl's closed eyes and terrified face. 

Zuldic: "I need a virgin host that has not aged past 20"

He licks her cheek before throwing her even hard against the rock and starts to chant.

Zuldic: "Oh great dragons with our sacrifices and this host manifest into this world and bring it CHAOS"

Tamaki goes inside to see the unholy sight. 

As Zuldic lunges his staff down, Tamak moves swiftly.

Not a single stab, nor even a collision happened. Tamaki had the girl in his hand along with his staff. Zuldic's blood was on Tamaki's katana. Tamaki chopped off one of his hands faster than the human eye could see.

Blood spewed out of Zuldic's hand as he cried in pain.


Tamaki: "Shut the hell up"

Back outside, the prisoners ran outside to find the dead bodies of beastkin and worshipers. In front of the hideout was a giant crater that Tamaki had made.

Samuel: "Raina, just who the hell is your teacher!"

Raina: "His name is Tamaki, a former undercover paladin"

They were all dumbfounded. The fact is, Raina has a bad habit of leaving out key information when describing people.


Raina: "My bad, but shouldn't we get our weapons first before worrying about anything"

Samuel: "Yeah you're right!"

They run to the armory. But before they could take a step, something exploded within the giant tent Tamaki was in, sending him flying out while holding onto the girl.

They all look to see him flying into the forest from the explosion. Then a foot walks out of the damaged tent.

The air went silent as the only thing that could be heard was the sound of bare feet against the dirt ground. The air froze, and their shoulders felt heavy as they were overwhelmed by the demonic presence coming from the tent. 

It became indescribable as a boy looked to be around the age of 14-16, walked out with nothing but the robe Zuldic was wearing. His hair was blond and he looked to be blessed with devilishly good looks. He had red beast-like eyes and bore razor-sharp teeth. His skin wasn't normal for he had scales that were very visible on some parts of his body. A horn protruding from his forehead signified he was a Dragonoid.

Next Chpater is gonna come faster because its almost finished : D

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