
The Will of Gil (Gilderoy Lockhart SI)

A 16-year-old boy wakes up in the bed of Gilderoy Lockhart, in the body of the man himself and he receives quite the warm welcome. Watch as he carves a path through the Wizarding World and learns esoteric magic, uncovers ancient secrets and solves magical maladies all the while enjoying himself to the max. This entire world will submit to his will, The Will of Gil. (MATURE THEMES)

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110 Chs

Chapter 6

"Indeed. Gilderoy Lockhart is the greatest wizard born in the past century. there is no doubt about it." After the portrait finishes his words, I hear a loud creaking sound from behind me. I spin around to see that one of the bookshelves on the back wall has swung open to reveal a passageway or something behind it, so I move closer to investigate it shocked that this arrogant man actually had a Hogwarts common room password-type thing set up with a long ass paragraph like that being the fucking answer which is kinda fucking brilliant as he would be the only one who is able to think up so many brown nosing things about himself.

Shaking my head at the idiocy and unexpected brilliance of such a foppish waste of a wizard, I move closer to the new opening in the wall. But, unfortunately, I discover that it is not a passageway that has been revealed but a whole other room behind the bookshelf, which is full of more bloody bookshelves all around the secret room.

Still, to my disappointment, there are only a few books that are placed together on the shelves with the space being wholly empty apart from that, which saddens me as I expected more. Still, then again, I had nothing at all 5 minutes ago, and so I went to inspect the books because at least I got something out of them, and for these books to be hidden like this, it must mean that they are important books.

I reach my hand out to pick up the farthest book on the left. As I do so, I feel the old black leather which is cracked in quite a few places and feels rough to my fingers. As I pull it out and look at the front cover, I see that there is no name on the front at all. I move my fingers to the edge to pull the book open when I remember that scene from the first harry potter book where he is in the restricted library, and a book he takes has a face inside that begins to scream. I wonder if there may be anything inside this book that is as if not more horrendous than that.

And then I remember that this book belongs to Gilderoy Lockhart. My hesitation flutters away because there is no way that this cowardly man would ever go near such a book, let alone bring it into his house and so flip open the page. I come to a contents page, and I read the title at the very top of the first page, which is 'How To Ensnare The Minds Of Witless Humans' which instantly grabs my attention as I then pour through the contents page to find headings such as 'Invading The Mind', 'Corrupting the Mind', 'Subverting The Minds Of Muggles', 'Subverting The Minds Of Animals', 'Subverting The Minds Of Magicals' and one of the ones which I am ashamed to say caught my eyes which is 'Molding The Minds Of Women' and I feel great excitement at the fact that I have found Gilderoy's secret stash of illegal/reputation damaging books.

Leafing through a few pages of the book, I realise that this book is about as dark as you can get when it comes to the mind. It is evident that Gilderoy never really read or learnt from this book, probably scared of its contents because if he had divulged all the secrets from this book, then Gilderroy Lockhart would have been one of the most dangerous men on the planet having the ability to mould the minds of anyone. He would have been able to use it to get whatever he wanted because I know for a fact that only a few people are cautious enough to have prepared and learnt Occulemency, and they are in positions of power.

But they would not be able to do anything without the workforce, which is made up of simple men and women, and those could be easily controlled. So it would not be hard for the entire muggle world to be in my hands as I could manage all the important people at all levels of government. While it would take more effort, I would eventually be able to control the magical side of things as well as any wizard can cast a killing curse.

I could just keep taking over random wizards' minds and implanting subtle orders into their heads to kill Dumbledore or whoever else with a killing curse. So eventually, the old fogey would be worn down, and I would be king of the world and free to take whatever I want from the sheep of the world and to enjoy anyone I want in this new world that is ripe for conquering.

I shake my head and push the thoughts to the back of my mind knowing that I would have to learn other things first and sort out my own mind before I could invest myself into the highly advanced magic of this book. So I go to put it back in its place on the shelf, and the moments my fingertips remove themselves from the rugged black leather, my body uncontrollably shudders as I feel some kind of dark evil remove itself from my mind and all of those dark thoughts that I was thinking dispelling and receding from my mind. I am quick to jump backwards and away from the dark book stumbling and falling onto my back with a thud, but I don't care as I quickly scoot backwards and away from the bookshelf.

I didn't think that the book had any dark magic in it, but it turned out that the magic was much more subtle than I had expected. It brought forth dark thoughts in my mind about how to use the spells within. The worst thing is that it did not give me those thoughts but merely fed the ideas inside of my own head. Even if I had only thought that thought for a millisecond ten years ago, it would be able to draw it out and fester inside it until it corrupts your very soul. I know that I had random fantasies about what I would do with access to Harry Potter Magic and some pretty wild thoughts about the women in the world, and they were all brought to the very forefront of my mind and amplified to an insane degree.

The only reason I put the book back was that the book must have also amplified the dark thoughts and feelings that were inside me. One of my most prominent feelings was my intense jealousy at Lockhart for having everything that I have ever wanted and squandering it and being undeserving of it as well, and that emotion fed into my rage. I wanted to completely destroy Lockhart, but I am now Lockhart, and so the next best thing would be to altogether remove him from my mind and rid myself of him.

So I put the book down in order to go and get a book about Occlumency to gain complete control of my mind and purge myself of the blight that is Gilderoy Lockhart, and that is the only reason that I am still around right now and not a homicidal egomaniac hellbent on ruling the world. So I find myself worrying about how this book affected Lockhart but ultimately shake my head, thinking that he probably had very selfish, self-absorbed goals, which the book brought to the front or some bullshit like that.

Getting back to my feet and dusted myself off while thanking my lucky stars that I had escaped such a horrible fate because the plan I was cooking up was really idiotic as Dumbledore had The Order Of The Phoenix (Or the only valuable and efficient member, Mad-Eye Moody) who would investigate and eventually track me down to stop me, so it seems that book brought out my dark thoughts and also made me stupid as there is a better way to assassinate Dumbledore.

The correct way, or at least the most likely way, to assassinate Dumbledore would be to set mental orders on all the people in the Wizengamot and have half of them throw lethal spells (not the killing curse) at the other half of the room at some kind of signal like a muggle alarm clock which would force Dumbledore to move in front of them to protect them. Then that half of the room would have the mental command to throw killing curses and other spells at Dumbledore when they see his back and him protecting them, which would most likely kill him as he would not be expecting such an attack. I just thought that up quick. I am sure there is a more efficient way.

Of course, I am not going to do anything like that since doing that now would mess up my life a lot since his existence is crucial to the development of Harry Potter, who would go on to kill Voldemort, which would make my life easier, so I don't really plan on doing anything quite so drastic anytime soon though I suppose for the storyline to continue correctly, I will have to teach Harry Potter's second year, but I will worry about that later.

Right now, I do actually have to sort my head out and make a clear partition in my head between myself and Lockhart in my head or, at the very least, restrict those memories' effects on my thoughts and actions, so I move back over to the bookshelf making sure to keep a healthy distance away from that dark book and looking at the rest of the books on the shelf but making sure not to touch any of them and read what it actually says on the text.

Of course, if there is no title, then I am not going to touch that book with a ten-foot pole because if a magical book does not have an obvious title on it, then that could only be because the maker wanted the book to remain hidden and inconspicuous. Still, the only reason to do that for a book would be if the contents of the book were private and or illegal, and if that book is in Lockhart's personal secret library, then I really don't want to be reading it.

I look through the collections of books and spot some very interesting reads such as 'Living With Legilimens: Choose Your Minds Wisely' by The American Society of Legilimens, 'The Memory Charm: The Incantricities Of The Forgetfullness Charm' by Johnathan Applecough, 'Memory Charms: A Full Lexicon' by Arthur Longtrough, 'Protection charm Your Mind: A Practical Guide to Counter Legilimensy' by Franciscus Fieldwake which I quickly pick up and then I pick up the final book that I need right now which is 'A Guide to Advanced Occlumency' by Maxwell Barnett.

There are quite a few more books on the shelves that look interesting and that I will need to read through later. But, still, for right now, I only take these two as I first need to read all I can about Occlumensy before I start to learn it and hopefully use it to sort out this messed up mind of mine and hopefully hack into all of the residual Lockhart memories in my head and salvage them of all their use for me to use in the future and hopefully gain all of the knowledge that is needed to continue my life as Gilderoy Lockhart and start actually making that name worth something and I don't mean in the literary sense but in the power and magic sense.

Leaving the secret room with my two books in hand, I turn around to see the bookshelf magically close and move back into its position. After marvelling at the wonders of magic for a moment, I turn around and make my way over to the desk-

"Haha, aren't I amazing? What would you say is my best feature? Come on now, don't be shy. I know I am amazing"- I make my way out of the library and over to my nice quiet living room, nicely decorated with only a few magical portraits that thankfully don't talk. I can only assume that the limited amount in the living room compared to the rest of the rooms is because he probably receives guests here.

They don't want to see a hundred more Gilderoys than they asked for. So I settle down on my surprisingly comfy fancy sofa (so comfortable that you would think it was made with magic, and it probably was) and get ready to absolutely binge these books and sort out my mess of a mind.