
The Will of Gil (Gilderoy Lockhart SI)

A 16-year-old boy wakes up in the bed of Gilderoy Lockhart, in the body of the man himself and he receives quite the warm welcome. Watch as he carves a path through the Wizarding World and learns esoteric magic, uncovers ancient secrets and solves magical maladies all the while enjoying himself to the max. This entire world will submit to his will, The Will of Gil. (MATURE THEMES)

DragonField · Movies
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110 Chs

Chapter 41

Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 21– Preparation.


I watch as Randolph Spudmore gets up and leaves my office after shaking my hand, and Andromeda gets up to join him and escort him out. Meanwhile, I sit back and look at the contracts laid out on the desk, pondering on what my next move will be.

Just now, Randolph signed all the paperwork that we laid out in front of him and bound himself to a magical agreement, though it wasn't as easy as I made it sound. Of course, he had come hesitation when the strictness of the magical contract we wanted to induce came to light, but we talked it through, and he agreed. I had already given my bottom line to Andromeda, and I allowed her to handle the meeting while I merely observed.

I didn't have to intervene once during the meeting as Andromeda handled it just fine, and she made sure to stay well above my bottom line. Aside from getting Randolph to agree to the method, we would be using to seal this agreement, I did nothing except say hello and then say goodbye. I could have taken a more active role and probably used my Legilimency to get the best deal possible, but the whole point of this business idea is so that I can sit back and relax as the money rolls in.

It is the whole reason I hired Andromeda and got her under such a stringent magical contract, so I could sit back and revel in my riches as she works her hardest to increase them. And given the way that Andromeda just handled this, with no input from me, I can rest assured that she will handle things just fine. So the question remains, what should I do now?

With this handled now, Andromeda will be handling the rest of the broom makers in the next few days and cornering them into magical contracts, which will demand for them to show results within three months, which is the same time limit that Randolph gave for coming up with a prototype for the Firebolt. Obviously, at least a few, though I am betting on the majority, are expecting to just take the money and run away with it, which they will be unable to do due to the contract, which they will no doubt underestimate.

So in three months, when Randolph has his prototype made, I will have a workforce of broom makers locked in contractually that will go to work for him and start the production. And then we can create multiple different versions that just differ purely in aesthetics and are exorbitant in price, purely so the purebloods can buy them just to brag. So I will get more involved when that step starts, but for right now, Andromeda will be handling operations here, and that leaves me with a whole lot of time on my hands.

A lot of time that, I really need to figure out what to do with, aside from learning all the magic I can using as many books as I can get my hands on. But now that I think of it, having a whole lot of magic at my disposal but not knowing how to utilise it seems pretty stupid. Sure I could turn a rat into a cup or a pebble into a tiger or even duplicate whole objects, but aside from being very cool and helpful when it comes to specific situations, it doesn't really aid me.

With how dangerous I know this world will become in the coming years- no, how dangerous this world is right now, I need to learn how to thoughtfully wield the magic at my disposal and use it in actual fights instead of in the stealth and subterfuge that I have been doing so far. So I have to learn how to duel, but how do I go about that? Sure there are duelling tournaments and leagues, as well as teachers, but with a status such as mine, I can't go to any of them.

Gilderoy Lockhart is known to be a powerful wizard, very famous for his great acts. How would the public react when he starts to get into duelling, and they see him act the fool, getting his ass handed to him. My reputation will go down the drain, and my fame will blow up in my face, and I need my fame. Without it, my current business model will fail, and I will lose all credibility, and in a community as small as this, there will be no way of getting it back without some serious action.

So I need to find someone to teach me, but it needs to be on the down low and out of the public eye. Well, first things first, I am not going to get it anywhere if I don't start asking questions and learning more about the current state of the sport.

Pulling out a piece of parchment, I lay it on top of my desk before placing my inkpot to the side and dipping my quill into it. Right now, there is only one duelling guy I know, and so that is who I will be writing to.


"Tempus," I say, and my wand promptly replies by emitting an effervescent mist which coalesces into four numbers separated into two by a colon. Seeing that the time dictated by the spell is ten minutes before the actual meeting time, I dissipate it and relax back into my seat. I had turned up much too early for this meeting, but I wanted to make a good impression, and if I was late, then I would certainly be setting myself up for disappointment.

I am currently in a private room in the Three Broomsticks that I had booked in preparation for this meeting and after having sorted out the meeting time through correspondence with my current target. It was certainly pleasant to meet Madam Rosmerta, who was a stunning beauty even as old as she was, and while I didn't rightly know the exact number, I know she has been around a long time. Like a breath of fresh air, she actually didn't falter at the state of my fame and my charming face. Sure she spoke suggestively and with slight undertones of flirting in response to my won when I met her, but that was it.

There was no invitation like I usually got from the dozens of floozies I usually met, and she was definitely interested in me, I think. But she didn't follow up on any of it and promptly moved on to another customer after I had finished my business with her, only leading me to the meeting room I had booked. Needless to say, I will definitely be coming back to the Three Broomsticks in the future to see her again. All in all, my first proper time in Hogsmeade was very enjoyable due to the busty blonde woman.

It was actually the first time that I had properly ventured into Hogsmeade, only having memories of doing so beforehand and not having any need to since all my needs are fulfilled using Diagon Alley and London. Plus, I was hesitant to be so close to Hogwarts, as well as Dumbledore, as this was where all sorts of crazy crap went down.

And since this is Harry Potter's first year, then there will be all that business about the philosopher's stone and Volde- fuck... Holy shit, I forgot all about Voldemort being an ugly sculpture on the back of Quirrell's bald head. I knew Voldermort shit was going down, but in my mind, I had just somehow rationalised that it was all going to go down at Hogwarts and be solely contained there, and for the most part, it is.

However, Voldemort has been graffitied onto the back of Quirrell's head, and Quirell is a professor, meaning he can go out and about as he pleases when he isn't teaching classes. And since it is so close, he would probably go to Hogsmeade, which is where I am now. In fact, if I remember correctly, I think he actually did in the story to meet Hagrid at a bar and get information about Fluffy, the three-headed dog, out of him and betting a dragon egg with him.

I am in Hogsmeade, and right now, so could Voldemort be. Even if he is a parasite on the back of a baldy's head, that doesn't make him any less dangerous. He is not someone I would be able to handle right now. I am even iffy about handling Quirrel as well since he would be advised by Voldemort and probably have his body taken over. The whole point of this meeting set to begin in ten minutes is so that I can learn to wield my magic expertly and fight with it. I am not prepared to go into any sort of battle right now. I don't have any type of blood magic placed on me by my mother to protect me.

Damn it, I could have picked anywhere for this meeting, but I stupidly chose this place, forgetting the chronological order of this world and how safe this place would be at this time. So, quickly going through my memories, I review the original story and work out when it would be safe to actually be in Hogsmeade, not to mention England itself. Right now, it is the first year, and Voldemort is hiding inside Quirells purple turban so he can technically move about the whole world. Quirell found him in Albania, after all. But since Quirell is a professor, he will be sticking around Hogwarts and Hogsmead as he has to teach classes, and he can't gain the suspicion of Dumbledore and Snape (who I don't actually know how to feel about).

So Hogsmeade is not safe this year, so as soon as this meeting is finished, I probably will only be coming back if strictly necessary. Next year the Basilisk will be restricted solely to the school because it will only be travelling through the school's apparently massive pipes, so it should be safe to come here, though that might be cutting it close. Unfortunately, the third year will not be safe since there will be Dementors roaming all over the place with no supervision whatsoever, plus the slightly unhinged but innocent Animagus wandering around and the dangerous, even if pitiful, werewolf on the scene.

The fourth year should be fine, even if there is a disguised death eater going around, but he needs to stay in disguise for his lord's plan to work, and he is a fanatical follower, so I should be safe to be here up until the third task. The fifth year should not be okay at all since Voldemort will be back, though keeping subtle in front of the magical world, but I should have a plan by then and, at the very least, have a few places abroad to hang till it all blows over.

And then, moving on from there, I should stay abroad until Harry Potter fulfils his prophecy and liberates Magical Britain. At this point, I will come back to pick up the pieces and take advantage to buy up as much as I can, what will all the affluent death eaters dying and getting locked up or running away.

But... all of my businesses will be in England at that point and would also be destroyed. So I should make my company international in preparation for that, so profits won't suffer during the war. But, then again, my whole business will probably rely on and be heavily influenced by my reputation as a famed magical adventurer. There is no escaping since I am so well known right now. And if I run away and hide while the war is going on, then my reputation will drop, my business will suffer, and everyone will view me as a coward instead of someone who knows the outcome and just decides to wait it out.

Shit, I need to plan out my future actions properly, or my future will be screwed. I am walking a tripwire over Inferi infested waters with flying dementors surrounding me on all sides, and if I make the slightest wrong move, then I will be fucke-

The door opening serves to bring me out of my rapidly spiralling thoughts, which I am thankful for. If I were to panic and try and sort those things out here and now, no doubt there would be some mistakes made. I can deal with it all properly in the future as it comes and make proper preparations. Now not being the time to focus on that stuff, I look towards the door to see the person I had risked Hogsmeade for coming into the room.