
The White Stag (A Game Of Thrones Fanfiction)

An ex-special forces operative and revolutionist is sentenced to death, resulting in him waking moments later in the form of a newborn. Reborn into an alternate timeline of Game Of Thrones, he will grow to become Jon Baratheon, son to Robert and Lyanna, future King of the Seven Kingdoms. SPOILERS!! Abilities: -Valyrian Bloodline (Atavism from his Great Grandmother) -Disease, Poison, Fire & Cold Immunity -Greenseer Comments and other forms of feedback are greatly appreciated! Updates Every Monday & Friday Spell Checked by ChatGBT & Grammarly

Ilikefords44445555 · TV
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8-The Royal Scandal

(18+/Smut Warning, and no...it has nothing to do with Sansa fyi)

"Marry Jon...is it normal for cousins to marry?" Sansa asked her mother as Catelyn prepared her daughter's hair for the feast.

"It is perfectly normal. Normand Tully, my grandfather, wed his cousin, Lyanne Tully, my grandmother. You and Jon have grown up together, love each other dearly. he is a strong, kind and wise boy beyond his years who one day will be King. Few girls are ever so lucky" Catelyn replied while her hands slightly shacked.

"Will we marry before leaving for the capital or later..." Sansa asked.

"Your father has yet to agree. We can never know with such things" Catelyn stated.

"Why would he say no? Father would be the second most powerful man in all the Kingdoms, next to Jon who is third, until he becomes King" Sansa questioned.

"He'd need to leave home, and so would Jon along with you. Jon fortunately fit in rather well when he arrived, but I've seen how difficult it is to leave your home at such a young age. It was difficult for your uncle Brandon, and it was difficult for me" Catelyn half-mumbled as she pretended to pay close attention to detailing her daughter's hair, only for her fingers to slip on a clip and hurt her accidentally.

"Please get him to agree..." Sansa begged her mother who simply sighed out of slight frustration before finishing her hair and kissing her on the forehead.

The feast commenced that night. The hall was packed to the brim with countless attendees from several backgrounds and statuses. Jon stood with Ned in a corner, discussing many things before Benjen arrived.

"Look who the wolf dragged in. Back from that frozen hell hole" Jon joked with a big smile as he hugged his uncle.

"I wouldn't see you complaining if you were in my shoes. Need to empty your own chamber pots before they freeze solid. You'd make the finest ranger I've ever seen in another life. But enough of that lad, how are you?" Benjen asked.

"I'm well, and you look the same all things considered" Jon replied.

"That ranger that deserted, did you know him?" Ned asked, straight to the point as ever after greeting his little brother. 

"Of course I did. Good lad, strong ranger, not easily spooked" Benjen replied.

"He was carrying on saying the walkers killed his brothers," Ned said inquisitively.

"Waymar and Gared are still missing," Benjen insinuated the possibility, but not to the extent of lunacy.

"A wildling attack. It had to be" Ned said, refusing to believe otherwise.

"Perhaps. I can say this for certain, there are worse things beyond the wall than wildlings" Benjen replied.

"JON, GET OVER HERE MY BOY, CHOOSE YOUR PICK HAHAHA!" Robert roared in laughter as he slapped the woman's ass who sat on his lap.

"Your King has given you a command lad" Benjen chuckled as he took to his first and only cup of wife, his first in gods know how long.

"And sure not to be the last" Jon sighed as he downed the remaining wine in his cup before making his way into the crowd of people, only to be stopped by Jamie of all people.

"Well, you've certainly grown" Jamie remarked with a smirk as he subtly sized up his 'nephew'. 

"And I see you've lost none of your charm uncle. It's good to see you after all this time" Jon replied with a very clearly plastered-on smile.

"We should take to blades soon, perhaps at the tourney the King will undoubtedly hold in your uncle's honor, I would delight in nothing more to test your newfound 'northern valor' " Jamie said as he patted Jon twice on the shoulder before continuing to walk past him.

"And become the Slayer of the King Slayer, that'd make for one hell of a story" Jon muttered to himself as he approached his father.

"AH, MY BOY, SIT, HAVE SOME WINE, IT'S BEST WHEN SERVED WENCHED HAHA!" Robert cackled as he poured wine between the breasts of the whore while in clear sight of Cersei.

Slowly sitting while avoiding spilt wine and falling people, Jon poured himself another cup. It was nothing compared to the whiskey he enjoyed on occasion all those years ago, but it sufficed. Perhaps once all the snow has settled and the coming 'Winter' ends, he could start a brewery, make some money, or at least a better way to pay off the crown's tremendous debt to the Iron Bank his fathers left him with.

Looking around at the room of chaos, something caught his eye, Cersei of all people, staring at him in such a way that he couldn't decipher whether she wanted to stick a knife in his neck or stick himself in her.

All things considered, the ladder didn't sound horrible if it meant getting away from the chaos and somewhere quiet. Noticing her suddenly get up from her chair and take her leave of the hall, Jon noted Jamie's location and activity, which at that moment was him pestering Ned. Quickly sliding another drunk nobody next to him and opposite Robert into his father's embrace, the drunkard King didn't at all notice he was embracing a random, allowing him to subtly take his leave. Following Cersei into the Godswood of all places, he eventually caught up to her as she stargazed through the canopy of trees.

"The party getting to you as well your Grace?" Jon asked.

"I've suffered through fourteen years of drunken parties, forced to sit by idly while your father chose one whore after another like they were trophies. The moment I saw you today...you reminded me of when I first met him. At the time, 'Love At First Sight' couldn't describe how I felt. Lean, tall, fierce and black-bearded. Every girl in the seven kingdoms wanted him, but he was mine by oath. Then came our wedding night, he crawled into bed, stinking of wine, and all he could say was "Lyanna"... . Tell me, when he told you you're marrying that Stark girl, did you feel the same?" Cersei asked.

"I've never seen marriage as a strict set of rules between a man and woman, but at the worst of times, a political arrangement for public acceptance and appearance. Are you...unsatisfied your Grace?" Jon asked.

"Oh would you stop with all the pleasantries, I know you hate me to your core. I made the Red Keep cold as a winters night for eight years. I hated you because every time you'd come to that table in the morning, you reminded me of why I wasn't happy. Your father loved a corpse, and I was a living, breathing woman" Cersei said as she slowly walked towards him as the moon reflected off the single tear that ran down her cheek. 

"But you still do love, you love your children, children bring the best out in the few who can't otherwise bring it out themselves, with a few exceptions" Jon replied.

"Gods...why couldn't he be like you..." Cersei mumbled as she ran her fingers down his cheek, then through his beard, who intern placed his hand on hers, and slowly, his lips to hers .The two stood still as the world drifted on around them. They eventually separated and stared into each other's eyes before things got drastic.

"Take off your clothes!" Cersei ordered. Not wanting to disobey a royal order, Jon gladly complied, going stark ;-) in under twenty seconds.

"Now...me" Cersei ordered once more as Jon complied, reaching his well-built arms around her slender form to relieve her of her gown. 

Not a stretch mark in sight despite four children, flawless skin, perky breasts...Jon had thought she was once compensating for something, but perhaps it purely was just arrogance on her part. Carrying her to a darker corner of the Godswood where they wouldn't be disturbed, Jon his clothes on the ground for her to lay on, avoiding dirtying her gown. Hovering over her as they once more locked lips, this time with much more tongue, he planted kisses across her neck, breasts, stomach, and then to the main course. The queen stifled her moans as she gripped the back of Jon's head while locking it between her legs, not wanting to deprive a skilled tactician of what seemed to be a well-practiced craft, despite his claims of purity.

Reaching his hand up to her mouth to muffle her screams of ecstasy as she reached her first of many climaxes, the Queen quickly ordered the Prince to his feet. Leaning against a nearby tilted oak, Jon had the pleasure of having his 'Godswood' 'flooded by the mouth of the Queen. Repressed she clearly was as she took no corners in polishing his Hightower, much to his surprise. Giving his Queen a helping hand in crossing his first finish line, she took for herself the river of life he offered, down to the last drop and wiping what little leftovers escaped from her lips.

Laying back on the cold forest floor, she was quickly brought warmth from Jon embracing her once more, they took many turns in many positions. Riding, prone, spooning, 69, nothing was off the table in this odd coupling of Stag and Lioness. Leaving her stamina broken and him smiling, sweat tricking from his chest, face, arms and back, Jon left her with a kiss on the cheek as he helped her to her feet, getting both himself and her dressed as she almost flawlessly slipped back into her regal persona.

"Thank you for the walk, my Prince" She cooed in his ear before returning one in kind. She took her leave from the Godswood, only now with a subtle limp in her step.

Staying back for a few minutes to not raise suspicion, Jon was about to leave before he heard the distinct and memorable snorting of a deer. Turning to face Eikthyr with a smile, Jon greeted arguably his oldest friend besides Barristan with a pet on the nose along with a fresh blood-red Weirwood leaf as a treat, one of his favorites. 

"You remained remarkably quiet. You know, I don't need to accompany you into those deep dark woods every time you know, maybe there's a lady deer somewhere that could put up with all that attitude" Jon joked as the snow-white deer softly nudged him with his head.

"Alright alright, sleep tight buddy. We'll have a big trip soon" Jon said as he patted him hard on the shoulder a few times before taking his leave in the direction of his quarters, already having eaten his fill at the feast earlier.

A Few Days Later

"Ah, my son. Come, I have some things for you, one you requested yourself" Robert smiled as he escorted Jon with his hand on his son's shoulder.

Walking out of one of the gates and into the carriage yard, Robert gestured for two men accompanying them to enter the carriage and retrieve what he'd ordered them to. They emerged with two large packages, one made of metal and extremely heavy, and the other very long, whatever it was.

"Open them" Robert ordered his men who followed without delay, unveiling a masterly crafted suit of armor and poleaxe.

"No wonder the armor didn't arrive, you hijacked it from the Street of Steel?" Jon smirked while looking at his father, who simply let out his iconic raspy, deep-bellied laugh.

"Go on lad, go get ready for the hunt. We'll hunt us the fattest of bores!" Robert said before gesturing for the guards to follow Jon, still carrying his new gear. Dropping off his equipment in his quarters, the guards excused themselves with a nod from Jon. Sitting on his bed, he admired his new weapon.

"Your grace" Sansa unexpectedly greeted with a quick bow.

"Oh, Sansa, good morrow. And, no need to be so formal my Lady" Jon greeted in return.

"Is that your new hammer? Like the King's in the stories of the rebellion!" Sansa asked as she appeared nervous while walking into her cousin's room.

"It is. I ordered it from the capital, but he thought he should be the one to deliver it. A fine weapon, but alas, one hopes It won't be used for its true purpose for some time" Jon said while staring down at the weapon as old memories presented themselves in the moment.

"And your armor, will you need help in putting it on?" She asked while fidgeting with her hands.

"There was a Braavosi mercenary who came here a long time ago. When his armor was crafted, he specifically drew up the plans to give it clasps and straps that made him capable of equipping it himself, paranoia of the cut-throat life and all. I had him draw up the same type of plans so once I took my measurements recently, the capital smiths could create the same" He replied as he adorned the plate in mere minutes, the only thing now missing being his cloak that Sansa had taken the duty of attaching to the chest plate as he knelt before her.

"I like the helm, It reminds me of Eikthyr. Do you think he'll realize it's probably one of his relatives?" Sansa said with a brief moment of awkward laughter. 

"No, no I didn't think of it like that. They do shed them yearly, unlike him who has yet to do it at all for some reason. Knowing him, I still suspect he won't appreciate the sentiment if he realizes" Jon replied with a laugh before a long, awkward moment of silence fell over the room.

"A-are we to be wed?" She asked as he once more became incapable of meeting his gaze. 

"If you knew my father like I do, you'd quickly learn not much he says goes unfulfilled. Does this upset you at all?" He asked with slight concern.

"No no no, far from it, I've just...never thought I was allowed to think of you that way. Mother keeps telling me it's perfectly normal, but it's just...strange. Every girl in the North talks of how handsome you are, and with just a few words from the King, we will spend the rest of our lives together" 

"All I can say for certain is this my lady. If we are to be betrothed, nothing will change in that you will not only have as much time as you need and want, but so long as I live, there won't be a night that you will go unprotected" Jon said as he took a knee before planting a kiss on Sansa's hand, causing her to blush something fierce.

Mounting his axe on his back, Jon quickly made his way out of the keep and into the courtyard where his father and uncle waited, one far more keen for the hunt then the other. Ned looked over and nodded to Bran who simply returned it in kind, Jon knew it was time to act if he wanted to stop the war of the Five Kings.

"Father, a word!" Jon asked.

"What is it my boy?" Robert asked, eager to get into the woods.

"I have something you will most certainly want to see. In ten minutes or so, take yourself and some men into that tower. I will be waiting, and everything will change. Also, promise me something. No matter what happens, promise in my mother's name that Tommen and Marcella will never be harmed!" Jon requested, confusing his father who looked to Ned who appeared equally puzzled.

"Fine! Go, I will meet you up there. This better be important" Robert relented begrudgingly. Quickly taking his leave and running out of sight, Jon walked around to the outer perimeter of the old guard tower that had since been abandoned.

"Jon, what are you doing?" Bran asked curiously as his cousin had never taken to climbing before.

"Stay down here for a while lad, you understand?" Jon ordered, getting a quick nod of agreement back. Taking a deep breath before slowly making his way up the old tower's face, a task not made easier by his armour, Jon eventually reached its peak, a grueling task, even for the likes of him. Regardless of the size difference he didn't know how he did it everyday. Climbing around the corner and entering through the destroyed wall while drawing his sword, he was met with a sight that would change everything for the better. Jamie, ploughing Cersei like there was no tomorrow, an admittedly amusing sight.

"FUCK, STOP, STOP!!!" Cersei panicked as Jamie suddenly appeared befuddled by her dismissal, but only then realizing Jon was right in front of them as the Prince took the Kingslayer's sword and threw it out the window, disarming the only means of defending himself and his sister.

Out of nowhere a well-crafted sword pierced into the ground next to Bran without warning, causing the boy to almost jump out of his skin as he fell to the ground. Looking up at the tower before him, he wondered both what had just transpired, and what he'd missed. 

"I would let this slide, filthy as it is, but this is the most gracious of opportunities fate has presented me with" Jon smirked as Jamie only then realized the full situation.

"He saw us...by the gods, he SAW US!" Cersei panicked.

"Jon, I don't know what you saw, but it's not..." Jaimie said pleadingly while raising his hand to his nephew, only to be cut-off. 

"What it looked like? As in fucking your own sister? Because that's certainly what it looked like. Yes, yes, I know your excuse, the Targaryen's did it for centuries, but I'm afraid you don't have dragons to back that excuse, not even the old lion, who is currently in Casterly Rock" Jon retorted sarcastically.

"What are you going to do, kill us? Become a kin-slayer? No one will believe you!" Jamie said as he stood tall from a place of supremacy.

"We're only kin through marriage, arguably a far lesser crime, and well, it won't be me doing the killing I'm afraid" Jon said as men rushed into the tower below.

"JON? WHERE ARE YOU?!" Robert called out, causing a greater look of horror to cross Cersei's face and Jamie to look at Jon with shock, then utter hatred.

"Be reassured, Tommen and Marcella will be unharmed, I can't say the same for your little psycho I'm afraid" Jon assured as Robert, Ned and two guards following them made their way into the room, a mighty unfortunate situation for the Lannisters.

"What is this..." Robert said with a mix of confusion and tempered anger.

"Your Grace, I tell you this truth on the name of my mother, Jamie and Cersei Lannister were committing incest" Jon reported, causing a shocked expression to cross the face of everyone present other then Jon who had quickly lost his smirk in his father's presence to solidify his accusation. 

Slowly the King approached his Queen who began to hysterically cry, for even she knew what fate both her and her brother.

"I NEED PROOF BOY!" Robert demanded of Jon.

"The Maester will likely confirm the presence of fresh semen. I can confirmed he finished. Steffon Baratheon, black of hair, Robert Baratheon, black of hair, Stannis Baratheon, black of hair, Renly Baratheon, black of hair, Jon Baratheon, black of hair, Joffrey Baratheon, gold of hair, Marcella Baratheon, gold of hair, Tommon Baratheon...gold of hair!" Jon recited the text Ned had read from in the original timeline.

Dragging Cersei by the hair as she wailed and screamed while the two guards held Jamie back, Ned looked to Jon with utter astonishment, believing in his "dreams" more and more by the second.

"I DEMAND A TRIAL BY COMBAT!!" Jamie screamed his demand.

"If it's true...then I'm afraid...you won't get it from Robert" Ned said before slowly taking his leave from the tower.

Dragging his Queen through the muddy courtyard, Robert ordered two of the men to fetch Joffrey while another fetches a wooden block.

"JON PLEASE! PLEASE I WILL FUCK YOU AGAIN, PLEASE YOUR MOTHER WOULDN'T WANT THIS!" The disheveled Cersei begged and pleaded as she resisted Robert with all her might, but otherwise futile.

"GET HER NAME OUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH YOU WHORE!" Robert roared in anger as he unleashed a singular brutal punch, knocking the Queen out cold.

"You! MY FATHER WILL HAVE YOUR PATHETIC BASTARD HEAD!" Jamie snarled at Jon while trying with all his might to break free from his captors who put wrist and ankle chains on him.

Jamie was forced into the mud, rendered helpless as his unconscious sister who was placed on the block. As if on cue, the two guards sent to retrieve Joffrey returned with Tyrion and the Hound in toe. Slightly unsheathing his giant blade, Sandor prepared for the worst in a unknown situation. 

"SHEATH YOUR BLADE DOG!" Robert snarled as Clegane followed his King's demand, leaving Tyrion defenseless should Robert act.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?" Tyrion sharply questioned.

"Ser Jamie and Queen Cersei were caught in the most disturbing of positions. The Septa and the Maester come now to confirm Prince Jon's hard to diffuse accusation" Ned informed the Imp.

"And what was this act? I would know Lord Stark!" Tyrion asked once again. 

"Adultery and Incest. He witnessed it himself" The Lord of Winterfell replied as Tyrion remained quiet for the moment, never knowing Jon as someone to lie, and knowing this to be the truth from years passed.

"F-Father, what's going on!?" Joffrey asked meekly, confused by the situation.

"Do they not have the right to a trial by combat at least?" Tyrion asked.

"Only if there is no or insufficient evidence to back the accuser's claims," Ned said as Maester Luwin and Septa Mordane arrived. The Septa quickly examined beneath the Queen's dress, discovering the damning evidence the Maester immediately confirmed to be semen.

Before anyone could say anything, Robert took his beast of a longsword and removed Cersei's head clean from her body in one fell swoop, causing Tyrion to stumble back in shock as Jamie and Joffrey screamed in grief.

Robert kicked her headless body to the side as he ordered Joffrey loaded next. With little to no fight from Joffrey who appeared to have quickly fallen into shock.

"If the Kingslayer confesses his treason and the children to be BASTARDS!!...I will allow the other two to live" Robert snarled as Tyrion, tears in his eyes, quickly made his way over to Jamie who was currently wailing inconsolably.

"Brother! Brother listen to me, confess it to be true, CONFESS IT AND TOMMEN AND MARCELLA LIVE. I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU TO BE SPARED AND SENT TO THE WALL!! Brother...you must!" Tyrion pleaded with Jamie who slightly concentrated on his only brother for the moment, attempting to clear the knot that grief had tied in his throat.

Jamie's ears rang as he knew that one way or the other, this was the end for him. But it did not have to be for his children.

"I-I-I...I c-confess. T-They're b-bastards..." Jamie murmured loud enough for all in the dead-silent courtyard to hear. Without delay, Robert brought the sword down once more as Tyrion could only sit idly by as grief flooded over him, with Jamie passing out.

The blood of Joffrey covered Cersei's corpse as it flowed from the stumps of both the mother and son, mixing into the muddy, beaten ground of the castle's courtyard. 

"Now, the Kingslayer!" Robert demanded.

"Father, if..." Jon tried to intercept but was swiftly dismissed with a deathly glare from his father.

"I'm sorry Tyrion..." Jon said as he took his leave from the courtyard to find Tommen and Marcella.

Man...just watched the first episode of HOTD S2...that was horrible!

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