


Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/ilikefords444555

2019-05-09 JoinedAustralia

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  • Ilikefords44445555
    Ilikefords444455554 months ago
    This book has been deleted.
  • Ilikefords44445555
    Ilikefords444455554 months ago
    Replied to Sir_Squirrle

    It could be explained away that they were sizing up as a survival reaction from the werewolf presence in the area, but I had no intention or thought behind it. They also simply appeared large then contrasting the size of a five year old, or had good eating that winter 😂

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  • Ilikefords44445555
    Ilikefords444455554 months ago
    Replied to Sir_Squirrle

    Not knowing his real mother. Children who are aware their adopted often ask or ponder such things, hence why he said he didn't know it directly, but he could, in a way, relate to such a loss.

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  • Ilikefords44445555
    Ilikefords444455554 months ago
    Replied to Sir_Squirrle

    Grey wolves are already huge, but it's also been boosted by a steady diet (Look it up, wild animals grow massively in size when fed regularly) and his connection with Magnus. While not entirely the same, it's like how snakes will grow exponentially when sizing up their prey. It happened to a woman who owned a Taipan a few years back, it was closing in on three meters long before she went to get it checked, where he was informed it was planning to eat her. Again, not the exact same circumstances as here, as Garm isn't planning on eating anyone, but in the area/theme.

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  • Ilikefords44445555
    Ilikefords444455554 months ago
    Replied to Sir_Squirrle

    Knowing her home life, that they basically live in the wilds, it's a dangerous and concerning world!

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  • Ilikefords44445555
    Ilikefords444455554 months ago
    Replied to Sir_Squirrle

    She's Magnus's age, and she's a Lycan, who have superhuman strength even in human form.

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  • Ilikefords44445555
    Ilikefords444455554 months ago
    Replied to Sir_Squirrle

    No, normal wolves

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  • Ilikefords44445555
    Ilikefords444455554 months ago
    Replied to Sir_Squirrle

    I don't want to give away too much, but the UW timeline, and human civilization itself, will be very different from how it originally turned out.

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  • Ilikefords44445555
    Ilikefords444455554 months ago
    Replied to Sir_Squirrle

    peace in their own way

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  • Ilikefords44445555
    Ilikefords444455554 months ago
    Replied to Sir_Squirrle

    not far off. She's around her early-mid 60s in present day. She was in her late 40s here, so she definitely wouldn't move as fast as she once did.

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