
The White Room - Dominion Games

In a desperate fight for survival, four teenagers – Astor, Kaito, Luna, and Rose - find themselves trapped in a sterile white chamber. Their captor, a disembodied entity known only as The Architect, subjects them to a cruel game. Each round brings a barrage of questions, ranging from history and mythology to anime and obscure comics. Can they decipher the hidden clues within the questions and use their combined knowledge of fictional worlds to break free? Or will they remain forever prisoners of The Architect's twisted simulation?

Brad_Indigo · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: A Test of Knowledge

The sterile white chamber reappeared around them, a cruel twist after their glimpse of freedom. Gone was the sterile white of the Veracity Vault, replaced by a dimly lit room with a single, round table in the center. A sense of dread hung heavy in the air.

At the table sat Rose, Kaito, Luna, and even Astor, who had somehow managed to avoid their detection during the escape attempt. A holographic projection flickered above the table, revealing the same chilling figure they had encountered in the corridor – The Architect.

"Welcome back, players," its distorted voice boomed. "You have defied my expectations. Now, let's see how well your knowledge fares."

A holographic screen materialized above the table, displaying the first question:

Question: In ancient Egyptian mythology, who was the sun god, often depicted with the head of a falcon and a solar disk atop his crown?

A tense silence followed. The question seemed easy, a far cry from the soul-crushing inquiries of the Veracity Vault. Yet, the stakes were far higher. Two wrong answers, and their time in the game would be over, permanently.

Rose, remembering a childhood fascination with mythology, spoke up confidently. "Ra."

A faint hum filled the chamber, signifying a correct answer. A collective sigh of relief rippled through the group. Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad after all.

The Architect continued, a hint of amusement in its voice.

Question: In Japanese folklore, what are mischievous spirits known for shapeshifting and playing tricks on humans called?

Kaito, an avid anime fan, answered promptly. "Yokai."

Another hum confirmed his answer. A glimmer of hope flickered in their eyes. Maybe they could work together, using their individual strengths to survive this new test.

The game continued, the questions ranging across history, mythology, and even obscure anime references. Luna, with her vast scientific knowledge, aced questions about historical figures and inventions. Astor, surprisingly, demonstrated a deep understanding of ancient cultures and religious practices.

As the round progressed, a sense of unease settled in. The questions, though seemingly simple, felt like a puzzle with missing pieces. Why was The Architect testing their knowledge of such diverse topics? What was the endgame?

Just as a sense of false security began to take root, The Architect's voice cut through the tension.

Question: According to Norse mythology, what mighty weapon did the thunder god Thor wield?

Rose, Kaito, and Luna exchanged nervous glances. Norse mythology wasn't any of their strong suits. The silence stretched on, thick with dread.

Astor, a slow smirk spreading across his face, leaned back in his chair.

"Mjolnir," he declared, his voice laced with a newfound confidence.

The chamber remained silent. No hum of confirmation, no sign of right or wrong. An unsettling feeling of anticipation filled the room.

The Architect chuckled, a sound devoid of humor. "An interesting answer, Astor. But is it entirely accurate?"

The holographic screen flickered, revealing additional details about the legendary hammer Mjolnir. A cold sweat trickled down Rose's spine. There was more to this question than met the eye.

The holographic screen pulsed with information, revealing an intricate diagram of Mjolnir alongside a list of its legendary properties. Astor, his earlier smirk replaced by a frown, studied the details with furrowed brows.

"What is this?" Kaito blurted, the tension in his voice mirroring the disquiet gripping the room.

The Architect's distorted laughter echoed through the chamber. "A mere peek behind the curtain, players. There's a reason I chose this particular question."

Rose, her mind racing, suddenly grasped the Architect's motive. The seemingly simple question about Mjolnir wasn't a test of their individual knowledge, but a test of their ability to collaborate. The details presented contradicted traditional Norse mythology.

"Astor," she said, her voice gaining strength. "The inscription on the screen… it doesn't match the legends we know. Maybe this is a trick question."

Astor, caught off guard by her observation, hesitated. His initial smugness had evaporated, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty.

Luna, ever the pragmatist, chimed in. "Rose is right. Perhaps the answer lies not just in knowing the traditional mythology, but in analyzing the additional details presented."

Astor, after a moment's contemplation, nodded slowly. "Maybe this is a puzzle, not just a test of rote knowledge. What are the additional properties listed for this version of Mjolnir?"

Together, they huddled around the holographic screen, dissecting the information. The additional details spoke of Mjolnir's ability to manipulate energy fields and create interdimensional portals. These properties were completely foreign to the Norse myths they were familiar with.

"This Mjolnir isn't just a weapon," Kaito muttered, tracing the diagram with a finger. "It's a key… a key to something."

A collective gasp filled the room. The Architect's true motive was suddenly crystal clear. The test wasn't about their knowledge of mythology; it was about their ability to think critically, to collaborate, and to uncover hidden truths.

Just as the weight of this revelation settled in, The Architect's voice boomed once more.

"Time's up, players. Did you arrive at the correct interpretation?"

The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. Had their collaborative effort been enough? Or had they failed the Architect's twisted test?

The holographic screen flickered, revealing… nothing. There was no confirmation of right or wrong, no elimination. Instead, a new question materialized on the screen.

Question: The Library of Alexandria, once a treasure trove of knowledge, was destroyed in a great fire. What is the most widely accepted theory for the cause of the blaze?

The silence that followed was heavy, but this time, it was a different kind of silence. The near-death experience had forged a fragile bond between them. They had faced a test together, and in doing so, had discovered a way to survive: collaboration.

Rose, with a newfound confidence born from their shared struggle, took a deep breath and began to speak.