
The White Room - Dominion Games

In a desperate fight for survival, four teenagers – Astor, Kaito, Luna, and Rose - find themselves trapped in a sterile white chamber. Their captor, a disembodied entity known only as The Architect, subjects them to a cruel game. Each round brings a barrage of questions, ranging from history and mythology to anime and obscure comics. Can they decipher the hidden clues within the questions and use their combined knowledge of fictional worlds to break free? Or will they remain forever prisoners of The Architect's twisted simulation?

Brad_Indigo · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Glimpse of Unity and A Daring Escape

The air crackled with a mix of desperation and apprehension. Kaito, his face grim, stared at Luna's message. Could they really pull off a face-to-face conversation through the ventilation system? It was a risky gamble, but the alternative – falling prey to Dr. Vargas' manipulations – was far worse. He typed back to Luna, "Risky, but worth a shot. Any ideas where to meet?"

Rose, her trust battered yet a flicker of desperation burning in her eyes, sent a hesitant reply. "Central air vent. Too risky to move far."

The plan was audacious, fraught with danger. The vents were narrow, and any movement could trigger an alarm. However, the desire to forge a genuine alliance, to escape the clutches of Dr. Vargas' twisted game, outweighed their fear.

With meticulous care, they waited for an opportune moment. As the automated lights dimmed for a scheduled "sleep cycle," they sprang into action. Shivering in the sudden darkness, they maneuvered the ventilation grate covers. Kaito, the most athletic, squeezed himself into the cramped space first.

A choked gasp echoed through the narrow passage. He had bumped into Rose, who was already inching her way through the vent.

"Sorry," he whispered, his voice muffled.

"No worries," Rose replied, her voice trembling slightly. "Let's just get this over with."

Their progress was slow and arduous. The vents were dusty and claustrophobic, and every creak and groan echoed eerily through the darkness. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached the central air vent, a wider junction point branching out to other chambers.

Luna, already waiting at the junction, greeted them with a small, relieved smile. They huddled together, their voices mere whispers against the hum of the ventilation system.

"Kaito," Rose began, her voice filled with frustration and hurt, "What was that message about teaming up with Evelyn? It was a lie, right?"

Kaito, shamefaced, explained Astor's manipulation. "I fell for it. We can't trust him."

Luna, ever the pragmatist, chimed in, "We can't trust anyone completely. But we can work together to survive." She explained her theory about the messages being monitored and proposed using codewords and pre-arranged phrases to limit potential misinterpretations.

The conversation flowed, fueled by a shared sense of desperation and a growing distrust towards Astor and Evelyn. They shared their observations about the chambers, the inscriptions on the walls, and the inconsistencies in Dr. Vargas' announcements.

As the automated lights flickered back on, signaling the end of the sleep cycle, they knew their time was limited. They formulated a rudimentary escape plan based on the chamber layout gleaned from their observations.

"We need to disable the security cameras," Rose whispered, her voice resolute.

Kaito, understanding her plan, added, "And find the control center. Dr. Vargas has to be stopped."

With a newfound sense of purpose, they squeezed back into the narrow vents, their whispers of defiance echoing through the metallic tunnels. The alliance, forged in the crucible of the Veracity Vault, was fragile, but it offered a glimmer of hope against the overwhelming power of Dr. Vargas.

Meanwhile, in their respective chambers, Astor and Evelyn remained oblivious to their plan. Astor, confident in his manipulation, smugly awaited their downfall. Evelyn, ever the opportunist, plotted her own escape, ready to betray whoever emerged victorious.

The stale air in the vents stung Kaito's lungs as he crawled forward, adrenaline coursing through his veins. Rose followed closely behind, a steely glint in her eyes. Their whispers echoed through the metallic tunnels, carrying their plan of escape.

"First, the cameras," Kaito rasped. "Remember, the southwest corner of each chamber, near the ceiling."

"Got it," Rose replied, her voice hoarse. "Then what?"

"There's a main corridor connecting the chambers," Luna's voice filtered through the vent from behind them. "We need to find a map to locate the control center."

Their journey was fraught with peril. Every creak of the metal, every shifting of the air vent, sent shivers down their spines. Finally, they reached Kaito's chamber. He emerged first, his heart pounding in his chest.

The sterile white room seemed vast after the cramped space of the vent. With practiced movements, he scaled a chair and reached for the corner, his fingers brushing against a small, hidden camera. With a satisfying click, he disabled it.

Rose joined him, deactivating the camera in her chamber before whispering, "Where's the map Luna mentioned?"

Kaito frowned, scanning the room. Then, his eyes landed on the inscription on the ventilation panel – "Remember, the walls have ears." A spark of understanding ignited in his mind.

"The walls," he rasped, pointing. "The inscription might be a map etched into the plaster."

With renewed determination, they ran their fingers across the seemingly smooth wall, searching for any inconsistencies. Finally, Rose's fingertips brushed against a raised line, a crude map etched into the surface.

"There!" she exclaimed, tracing the line with her finger. "It leads to a central corridor and ends at a red dot labeled 'control.'"

Their escape route was clear. They needed to disable the cameras in the remaining chambers and then find the access point to the central corridor. Every second counted, for Dr. Vargas could activate the cameras remotely at any time.

They moved with practiced efficiency, a silent team fueled by desperation. One by one, they deactivated the cameras, their movements a well-rehearsed dance. Finally, they reached the junction point where the vents met the central corridor.

A heavy metal door blocked their path. Panic clawed at Rose's throat.

"There must be a control panel somewhere," Kaito muttered, searching the wall frantically.

Suddenly, a chilling voice echoed through the chamber, not Dr. Vargas', but a new, distorted voice.

"Foolish players. You think you can escape the Veracity Vault so easily?"

The air crackled with an unseen menace. A holographic figure materialized in the center of the corridor: a tall, gaunt figure shrouded in darkness, its features obscured.

"Who are you?" Rose shouted, her voice trembling.

"I am the Architect," the figure boomed, a chilling amusement echoing in its voice. "Dr. Vargas is merely a puppet master in my grand design."

The revelation struck them like a physical blow. The Veracity Vault was just a stage, a cruel game designed by a far more powerful entity.

The Architect continued, its voice dripping with malice. "You have shown some ingenuity, players. But the true test is yet to come."

The metallic door slammed shut with a deafening bang. The escape plan lay in tatters. Trapped once more, they stared at the holographic figure, a wave of despair threatening to engulf them.