
The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]

A man is reborn as a dragon seed during the times when the "Dragons Danced"

Last_Quincy · Book&Literature
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Chapter 81 - Pursuit Of Integrity

126 AC

The fifth day of the second moon

Muhsroom Pov

The past two years had been an odyssey, my journey through the vast and wondrous landscapes of Westroes. From the tranquil vale to the rugged north, I had traversed it all, living the kind of adventures that many only dream about. My lifelong aspiration to explore the realms beyond my humble beginnings was slowly materializing, and what made this journey truly extraordinary was the company I kept.

In this grand odyssey, I was accompanied by a diverse group of individuals, each adding their unique flavor to the concoction of our shared experiences. Hugh, a man of steadfast reliability and loyalty, though burdened with a short temper that could flare up like the dragons themselves. Addam, the youth brimming with dreams of knighthood and prestige, his eyes gleaming with the anticipation of the glorious future he envisioned for himself. Harlon, the serious-minded lad whose demeanor belied the goodness that resided within him, proving to be a steadfast companion nonetheless.

And then, there was Ulf, The White Knight—a shining beacon amidst our motley crew. Ulf's presence was magnetic, drawing people toward him like moths to a flame. His journey from the obscurity of an orphan on the bleak Isle of Dragonstone to the echelons of greatness as one of the realm's most revered knights was nothing short of a meteoric rise. Ulf's story fascinated me, and I found myself contemplating the enigma that was The White Knight.

Ulf's origins were shrouded in mystery, much like the veiled mist that cloaked Dragonstone. His ascent from orphanhood to knighthood was an inspiring testament to the resilience of the human spirit. The isle, with its desolate landscapes and harsh conditions, seemed an unlikely crucible for forging a hero. Yet, Ulf emerged from the crucible not only unscathed but adorned with the armor of virtue and an unwavering commitment to justice.

As we continued our journey through Westros, Ulf's presence became a guiding light, illuminating the path ahead. His charisma and prowess on the battlefield were matched only by the humility with which he carried himself. It was as if he wielded not only a sword but also an invisible force that bound us together—a force that transcended the boundaries of mere camaraderie and ventured into the realm of brotherhood.

From saving the Lady of the Vale from the clutches of mountain clans to triumphing over the treacherous wolf in the frigid lands of the North, Ulf had achieved feats once deemed impossible. Each accomplishment etched a chapter in the ever-growing saga of our journey, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of Westroes.

The allure of Ulf's company was magnetic, drawing admirers and potential comrades like a flame drawing moths in the moonlit night. Many yearned to join our ranks, to be a part of the fellowship forged in the crucible of adversity. I, among the fortunate few, found myself not merely a bystander but an active participant in the unfolding tale of heroism and camaraderie.

Ulf's deeds, achieved at the tender age of sixteen namedays, were the stuff of dreams. His name echoed through the corridors of history, and bards across the land wove enchanting ballads, immortalizing his valor and unwavering commitment to justice. Tales of The White Knight's exploits spread like wildfire, inspiring both the young and old, and leaving an indomitable imprint on the collective imagination of Westros.

Yet, amidst the celebration of our victories and the adulation showered upon Ulf, there lingered a shadow of apprehension within me. The fear stemmed not from the trials we faced or the adversaries we vanquished but from the weight of expectations placed upon our shoulders. The prospect of becoming a living legend, celebrated in song and story, was both a blessing and a burden.

The corridors of the castle were shrouded in darkness, and the hushed whispers of secrets seemed to linger in the air. I found myself outside Ulf's room, an unintended eavesdropper. The moans, passionate and fervent, echoed through the heavy wooden door, the sounds of pleasure and secrecy intertwining in the dimly lit hallway.

As the moans subsided, the door creaked open, revealing Lady Sabitha sneaking away from Ulf's room. In the dim light, her features were obscured, and she moved with a silent grace that belied the gravity of the situation. It seemed my presence went unnoticed—a common occurrence, for who would pay heed to a dwarf in the shadows? I seized the moment, slipping into Ulf's room without a trace.

"Ulf, you seem to be sweating a lot," I remarked, my voice cutting through the stifling air. The blissful smile that adorned his face swiftly transformed into a mask of surprise and discomfort.

"Mushroom, it's quite a surprise to see you here," he responded, hastily reaching for his trousers.

"You didn't answer my earlier question," I pressed, locking eyes with him.

His eyes searched for a suitable explanation, a fleeting moment of uncertainty crossing his features. "Oh, well, you know how the weather is—not as cool as the North, so it must be that," he offered, his words stumbling in their haste.

I raised an eyebrow, placing a hand on my chin as if pondering the validity of his excuse. "Yes, it must be that," I agreed nonchalantly, taking a step toward him. As he approached, I seized the opportunity, closing the door to his room behind me. And then, with a swiftness that belied my stature, I delivered a decisive blow to his balls.

Ulf crumpled to the floor, a groan escaping his lips as pain rippled through his body.

"You take me for an idiot," I shot at him, my voice cutting through the air as he writhed on the floor.

"What in the seven hells were you thinking?" I demanded, my frustration simmering beneath the surface. The air in the room crackled with tension, a stark contrast to the moments of passion that had transpired just minutes before.

Ulf winced, his hand instinctively moving to the source of his pain. "Mushroom, please, let me explain," he pleaded, his eyes reflecting a mixture of guilt and regret.

The air in the room grew thick with tension as I folded my arms, a scowl etching itself across my face like a mark of disappointment. "Explain? You think a mere explanation can justify this?" I retorted, my voice laced with palpable disappointment. 

"Lady Sabitha said that she has an agreement with her husband that he can find his pleasures elsewhere while she can too," Ulf offered in a feeble defense.

I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief, a sense of frustration mounting within me. "Oh, yes, now it makes perfect sense," I remarked, sarcasm dripping from every word like a bitter poison. The absurdity of the situation struck me, and I couldn't contain my disdain.

"Do you even realize what will happen to your reputation if the fact that you are involved with fucking a lord's wife becomes known?" I questioned, my words hanging heavily in the charged atmosphere. Before he could interject with another justification, I thundered with a stern warning.

"All the deeds that you have accomplished will be tainted, you idiot," I declared, my voice cutting through the room like a blade. "Do you think the entire realm, along with the nobles, loves you? This is not the North or the Vale where only strength matters. Even if you are the warrior incarnate, there will be lords who view you as nothing more than an upjumped peasant."

I gazed at Ulf, my disappointment transforming into frustration. "I never thought you would be the one to think with your damn cock, Ulf," I added, my words a sharp reproach.

The weight of the situation lingered in the air, and I continued, my voice a steady force. "You must understand, this goes beyond mere personal choices. Your actions have consequences that reach far beyond the walls of this castle. The reputation you've built, the trust we've placed in you—all of it stands on the precipice of ruin because of a reckless action."

Ulf's expression betrayed a mix of guilt and realization, and I seized the opportunity to drive my point home. "This is not just about you and Lady Sabitha," I emphasized, my tone unwavering. "It's about the ideals you represent, the heroism you embody. Your actions set a precedent for those who look up to you, and this scandal threatens to cast a shadow over everything you've worked so hard to achieve."

I took a deep breath, the gravity of the situation hanging in the air. "You need to think beyond the momentary pleasures and consider the legacy you leave behind. Do you want to be remembered as The White Knight who fell prey to temptation, or the one who stood unwavering against the trials of morality?"

As the words settled, I could see the turmoil in Ulf's eyes. It was a pivotal moment, a crossroads where he had to confront not just his desires but the responsibility that came with the mantle of a true hero.

"Lady Sabitha will not be the last lady who comes and asks you to fuck her Ulf", I said.

"And not all lords will be pleased to let you fuck their wives", I said.

"You are nothing but a toy to them", I continued

"These noblewomen look for something that will make their life more daring because they are tired of their dickless hubsands who cannot satisfy their desires and the moment they see you the knight in shining armor, The White Knight himself they will beg you to fuck them", I thundered.

The weight of my words hung in the air, and I held Ulf's gaze with a mix of concern and sincerity. "I understand that you find this situation unfair, Ulf, but you cannot be a normal man," I repeated, my voice calm yet firm, as if delivering a piece of advice that transcended the confines of our immediate predicament.

"The moment you became Daemon's squire was the moment you forfeited a life of normalcy," I continued, emphasizing the gravity of the choices he had made. The room seemed to echo with the weight of that pivotal decision, a decision that had set him on a path divergent from the ordinary.

His eyes sparked with a glimmer of recognition, as if my words had ignited a flame of understanding within him. The reflection in those eyes hinted at the internal struggle he might be facing, torn between the ideals he had embraced and the complex realities of the world around him.

"I know that you are just sixteen namedays old, and I understand that I am asking a lot from you," I acknowledged, softening my tone to convey both empathy and understanding. "But, Ulf, please hear me out. I wish for you to succeed in life, to transcend the shadows that might threaten to envelop you. I want you to be more than a reflection of the man who knighted you."

"I believe in your potential, Ulf," I continued, a note of encouragement woven into my words. "Your journey is still unfolding, and every step you take can shape the narrative of your legacy. You have the power to transcend the pitfalls that may lie ahead, to be a beacon of virtue and strength."

"I understand, Mushroom," he said, and as I met his gaze, the pale lilac of his eyes reflected a resolve that had taken root within him. In that moment, I sensed that he had made up his mind about the kind of man he aspired to be. There was a determination in his eyes that spoke of a commitment to a path, a commitment from which he would never waver.

"I now know the kind of man I want to be," he declared, his words carrying a weight of introspection and a newfound clarity. The air in the room seemed to shift, as if acknowledging the transformation unfolding within Ulf. It was a pivotal moment, one that marked the beginning of a journey defined by the choices he was prepared to make and the principles he sought to uphold.

In the wake of the recent chapter, there has been a surge in reader opinions, and I find it necessary to address some concerns that have been raised—particularly those questioning Ulf's thought process. I must clarify that Ulf is, at his core, a teenager. While his mind may carry the weight of maturity, his body is still navigating the hormonal landscape of adolescence.

It's crucial to understand that Ulf, in his interactions with Lady Sabitha, faced a situation unfamiliar to him. His limited experience in dealing with the complexities of relationships, coupled with the natural inclinations of a teenager, resulted in a momentary lapse of judgment. It's worth noting that Ulf lacks a prominent role model in the realm of personal relationships and the one he gets is Daemon Targaryen.

As we all know Daemon is such a good role model in terms of personal relationships, especially with how much he adores Visery's children from Alicent along with the fact that he is a true paragon of Honor and Integrity.

In essence, Ulf's moral compass is a testament to his inherent decency, considering the challenging circumstances surrounding his upbringing. The fact that he grapples with these dilemmas showcases resilience and an internal struggle that adds depth to his character.

So, as we delve deeper into Ulf's journey, I ask readers to consider the intricate nuances of his character and the complexities that come with the interplay of adolescence, and inexperience. Ulf's narrative is a coming-of-age tale, and, like any young individual, he is bound to face challenges in understanding the intricacies of relationships, morality, and the pursuit of honor.

Your engagement with the story is valued, and I hope this insight clarifies some aspects of Ulf's character and the choices he grapples with as he continues to evolve throughout the narrative.

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