
The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]

A man is reborn as a dragon seed during the times when the "Dragons Danced"

Last_Quincy · Book&Literature
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Chapter 80 - By the Riverside

126 AC

The Second day of the Second moon

Ulf Pov

"Let me come with you, Ulf, otherwise I will bash in that weasel's face," Hugh declared with a determined look.

"Lady Sabitha has asked only for my presence, Hugh," I responded, attempting to make my friend understand the delicate situation.

"I also do not wish to come back to see that you murdered Lothar Rivers," I added, noticing Hugh's grimace at the mention of the name.

"Then you better come fast," he insisted, and I gave him a reassuring pat on the back.

"Ser Ulf," I heard Lady Sabitha calling out to me, elegantly seated atop her horse.

"Go easy on her during your spar," Mushroom chimed in with a mischievous wink in my direction.

My face flushed with embarrassment at his implication. "I am not an idiot, Mushroom, to engage with a lord's wife," I retorted, my voice low.

Ignoring my response, he just chuckled, the cheeky fellow.

Mounting Vedros, I followed Lady Sabitha out of the Twins. She had made it clear that we couldn't spar within the keep to avoid rumors about the White Knight practicing with the lady of the house.

As I studied Lady Sabitha Frey, I tried to gauge the strength that hid beneath her seemingly delicate exterior. "Do you always stare at a lady's arse, Ser Ulf?" she quipped, catching me off guard. I stumbled over my words in response, "No, my lady, I was not doing that."

Hearing my flustered reply, she laughed, her light, melodic laughter filling the air. It was a sound that momentarily distracted me from the impending spar.

Soon, we reached our destination, a picturesque spot near the riverbank of the Green Fork. In the distance, the Twins stood tall and imposing, reminding me of the responsibilities that came with my station. Lady Sabitha tethered her horse to a sturdy tree, prompting a joyful neigh from Vedros, my formidable steed, one of the largest in the Seven Kingdoms.

"You have quite the horse," she observed with a smile.

"She's a loyal companion," I replied, patting Vedros on the flank. Her large frame and majestic presence had earned her a reputation throughout the North and the Vale.

After securing Vedros, my attention returned to Lady Sabitha, who was now preparing for our spar. She wore light padded armor, a practical choice for agility, while I stood in my full suit of gleaming white armor.

I readied myself, heeding Lady Sabitha's request for the use of real swords instead of blunted ones in our practice. Her light brown hair was tightly wound in a bun, and her piercing light blue eyes locked onto mine. Despite the impending clash, there was a moment of connection, an unspoken understanding between warriors.

Wearing my helm, I listened as she spoke, "Do not go easy on me, Ser Ulf." I nodded in acknowledgment, determined to respect her wishes despite my internal reservations. The air was charged with anticipation as we prepared to engage in a dance of blades.

And then, we began. Even though she had explicitly asked me not to go easy on her, I hesitated, allowing a sense of chivalry to temper the strength of my strikes. It was a decision that, in retrospect, would prove to be my downfall.

As our swords clashed, I could sense my inability to put enough strength into my strikes. It dawned on me that my earlier hesitation, born out of a desire not to harm Lady Sabitha, had compromised the effectiveness of my attacks. The ground beneath us, initially unnoticed, revealed itself to be muddy and treacherous, making it increasingly difficult to maintain a firm footing.

Lady Sabitha, with her keen awareness of the battlefield, seized upon my vulnerability. "It seems you finally realized," she remarked with a confident smile, her eyes reflecting a mixture of amusement and determination.

In a swift and calculated move, she aimed a blow at my knee, exploiting the unsteady terrain to her advantage. The impact sent a jolt of pain through my leg, and I stumbled, momentarily off balance. In that critical moment, she capitalized on my faltering stance, executing a quick and precise maneuver that sent my sword flying away.

With the edge of her blade just an inch from my throat, Lady Sabitha demonstrated both skill and control. It was a clear victory on her part, and I couldn't help but acknowledge the consequences of my earlier misjudgment. The unyielding mud beneath us had played a role in my defeat, a factor I had failed to recognize in the heat of the spar.

Ser Alfred's stern expression would undoubtedly berate me for my lapse in attention, a reminder that complacency on the battlefield could lead to defeat. Lady Sabitha, with a playful grin, wasted no time in pointing out my oversight.

"I told you not to go easy on me, White Knight," she remarked, her eyes sparkling with a mix of amusement and triumph. With swift movements, she removed my helm and tossed it aside.

"Now I can see your pretty face again," she teased, her fingers lightly tracing the lines of my jaw as she tilted my head up.

"Get up, pretty boy," she commanded, her playful tone contradicting the authoritative edge in her voice. She handed me my sword, and I couldn't help but attempt to conceal the blush creeping onto my face.

"F-Focus, Ulf," I muttered to myself, attempting to regain my composure. The realization of her observation lingered, a reminder that my lapse in attention had not only cost me the upper hand in the spar but had also exposed a vulnerability that extended beyond the physical clash of swords.

I rose with my sword in hand, ready to face Lady Sabitha once more. Her response was a playful smile as we engaged in the duel again. However, the challenge escalated as the muddy ground made balancing an even more precarious feat. The weight of my armor, once unnoticed, now bore down on me, adding an extra layer of difficulty. Lady Sabitha, unburdened by heavy armor, moved with agility and grace.

Despite my efforts, I found myself on the ground again, my white armor now stained with mud. Frustration and determination warred within me as I prepared to rise once more.

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath, taking a moment to adjust and regain my footing. Lady Sabitha, reveling in her advantage, spoke with glee, "It would be a good story to tell — to have defeated the White Knight not once but twice."

Undeterred, I got back up, meeting her gaze with unwavering resolve. The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the battlefield of our spar.

"Ready to lose again, boy?" she taunted, her playful tone cutting through the air.

"Help me remove my armor," I said coldly, determined to shed the encumbrance that had become a hindrance.

"Is that how you speak to a lady?" she responded, feigning hurt.

"Please," I conceded, the word carrying a tone of humility. Lady Sabitha laughed, her laughter echoing in the serene surroundings, before sauntering towards me. As she assisted in removing the armor, the weight lifted, but an unexpected touch lingered, her hand brushing against my body.

"You are quite well-built," she whispered in my ear, her words both a compliment and a subtle provocation. The unexpected intimacy caught me off guard, and I took a step back, unwilling to let it distract me from the spar at hand.

Once the armor was entirely removed, I distanced myself, avoiding any further complications. Lady Sabitha, seemingly enjoying the banter, maintained a playful smile. The sun, now an orange ball sinking below the horizon, painted the scene with warm hues.

"Shall we continue, White Knight?" she asked, her tone teasing yet ready for another round.

I nodded, refocusing on the duel. The muddy terrain, unburdened by the weight of armor, felt more forgiving beneath my boots. Lady Sabitha and I resumed circling each other, the clash of our swords echoing in the fading light.

With each exchange, I began to find a rhythm, adapting to the nuances of the unpredictable ground beneath us. Lady Sabitha, agile and skilled, was not one to be underestimated. Yet, as we clashed, I sensed an opportunity and managed to knock her down, my sword pressing against her neck.

"Yield," I declared, and she nodded in acknowledgment. However, an undeniable excitement gleamed in her eyes, and I could sense her eagerness to continue.

So, we sparred on, the fading light casting elongated shadows over the muddy riverbank. Victory was sweet, and I managed to defeat Lady Sabitha two more times. Yet, rather than diminishing her enthusiasm, each defeat seemed to fuel her determination.

As we engaged in another round, the intensity of our sparring heightened. Lady Sabitha, displaying admirable resilience, fought back with renewed vigor. However, fatigue began to take its toll, and I seized the opportunity to press my advantage. With a well-timed strike, she found herself on the ground.

"Are you hurt, my lady?" I inquired, a smug grin playing on my face.

"You cunt," she retorted, her eyes flashing with a mixture of frustration and amusement. Before I could fully register her intentions, I felt myself falling to the muddy ground.

The bitch had swept my feet. As I picked myself up, the sting of mud on my face a humbling reminder of my lapse in focus.

"Always pay attention to your opponent, even if they've fallen," Ser Alfred's voice echoed in the recesses of my mind, a timely reminder that arrogance could lead to vulnerability.

But she didn't stop there; a sudden punch to my face left me lightheaded. In that disoriented moment, she swiftly disarmed me, sending my sword flying, opting instead to wrestle me to the muddy ground.

We grappled for dominance, exchanging blows and rolling in the mud like a pair of wild animals engaged in a primal struggle. The battlefield, now reduced to the squelching sounds of mud and heavy breathing, painted a chaotic yet oddly intimate scene.

Soon, however, I found myself beneath her, my hands tightly held after another punch to my face left me spitting blood. She had me pinned down.

"Yield!" she shouted, her voice echoing in the stillness of the muddy clearing.

"I yield," I conceded, not willing to mar the lady of House Frey with a black eye. The potential repercussions from Lord Forest were something I wasn't eager to face.

"Yes!" she exclaimed, her victory cry filling the air before collapsing onto my chest. I could feel her breathing heavily; the intense bout had taken its toll on both of us.

After a moment, Lady Sabitha lifted her head, her intense gaze locking onto mine. Her face hovered just inches from mine, and before I could comprehend the shift in dynamics, we were locked in a passionate kiss. The taste of sweet grime, mud, and the metallic tang of blood lingered in the air, creating an oddly charged atmosphere.

"Stop," I managed to say, my words falling into the air like an unheeded plea. She, however, paid no heed, continuing the kiss with even more fervor.

I pushed her away, creating a momentary distance between us. "We should not do this," I insisted, attempting to inject reason into the charged atmosphere.

"Why not?" she countered, a seductive smile playing on her lips. Her eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint.

"You are married to Lord Frey," I replied, hoping to make her see the implications of our actions. The reminder of her marital status was intended as a reality check, a plea for restraint in the face of the undeniable attraction that had unfolded amidst the chaos of our spar.

However, Lady Sabitha seemed undeterred, licking her lips in a provocative manner. Slowly, she rose and made her way towards me, an alluring confidence in her movements. Taking my hand, she guided it to her breast, while her other hand ventured toward my underpants.

"Tell me that you don't want to take me right here, right now," she said, a knowing look playing on her face.

"And if you're worried about my lord husband, you don't need to be. We have an arrangement – a compromise. I get to enjoy the company of any woman I desire, given my preference for women over men. In return, Forest has his fair share of whores," she explained, a smug expression tainting her features.

"Moreover, just yesterday, I told him about my desire to experience the great White Knight, and he agreed, so long as I take measures to avoid getting pregnant," she continued, her words hanging in the air.

"What in the seven hells is wrong with both of you?" I exclaimed, the revelation unraveling before me like a disturbing tableau, shattering the boundaries of propriety and honor. The implications of Lady Sabitha's revelations hung heavily in the air, and I felt a profound sense of unease settling within me.

As the weight of the situation sank in, I couldn't help but question my own choices and the unforeseen consequences of the encounter. "What the fuck did I get myself into?" I mumbled to myself, a mixture of disbelief and regret coloring my thoughts. The muddy riverbank, once a battleground for sparring, now mirrored the tangled complexity of the situation I found myself entangled in.

Seeking a moment of reprieve, I made my way toward the river to wash away the mud that clung to my body and armor. The cool water offered a temporary escape from the tumultuous reality that awaited me. The moon hung in the sky, casting its silvery glow upon the landscape, providing a stark contrast to the murky revelations that had unfolded.

Once I finished cleaning myself, I returned to the clearing, hoping to make sense of the chaos that had ensued. However, Lady Sabitha was nowhere to be found. The moonlit clearing felt eerily silent, devoid of the playful banter and the clash of blades that had filled the air earlier.

I called out her name, but there was no response. The absence of her presence left me with a lingering sense of confusion and disquiet.

I noticed a set of footprints on the ground, and Lady Sabitha's horse was still tied to the tree. The subtle shuffling of feet caught my attention, and instinctively, I unsheathed my dagger. In a swift motion, I slashed the throat of the unseen attacker, and he fell to the ground, blood oozing from his wound. Without hesitation, I claimed his sword, ready for any further threat.

To my surprise, three men surrounded me. Upon closer inspection, I recognized them as men-at-arms of House Frey. Confusion gnawed at me. Why would they attack me?

"Let us all calm down," I urged, attempting to assess the situation.

A man's laughter echoed, and he stepped forward. It was Lothar Rivers, accompanied by Lady Sabitha, her hands bound, a knife pressed against her throat.

"What a sad tale it will be," he sneered, "Lady Frey killed by the White Knight. Sadly, she was raped until we appeared and killed the rapist who calls himself the White Knight."

Understanding his sinister intentions, I steeled myself for the impending confrontation. His men erupted in laughter, but I paid them no mind. My focus was solely on Lothar Rivers and the imminent clash that awaited.

Without warning, I launched into a vicious fight against his men, wielding the sword I had taken from the fallen attacker. Each strike, each parry, was executed with a relentless determination. I cared little for the world around me and soon his men were dead.

"You should have brought more," I taunted him amid the chaos.

"Stop right there!" Lothar Rivers barked, holding the knife closer to Lady Sabitha's throat. The situation intensified, and Sabitha's eyes met mine, silently conveying a message. In that moment, she raised her leg backward, delivering a swift and precise kick to Lothar Rivers' groin. He crumpled to the ground, clutching his wounded pride.

Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly untied Sabitha and handed her a weapon. The tables had turned, and now, the confrontation shifted to a desperate bid for survival.

"Sabitha, forgive me," the weasel pleaded. "I am your good brother, you know."

"I did not know better, please," he begged, but Sabitha showed no mercy. With a single, decisive blow, she cleaved his head from his shoulders, ending the weasel's wretched existence.

"The Freys are truly messed up in their heads," I muttered, a mix of disgust and disbelief coloring my words. The clearing, once a serene space for sparring, now bore witness to the darker facets of House Frey's twisted dynamics.

I realized that my body had once again become stained with blood, prompting the need for another cleansing in the river. As I approached the water, the symphony of flowing currents accompanied my footsteps. Little did I know that the night held more than just the promise of a simple wash.

A soft rustle of footsteps caught my attention, and turning around, I found Lady Sabitha walking toward me, unburdened by clothing. Immediately, I averted my gaze, focusing on the river ahead.

She approached and enveloped me in a warm embrace, her naked form pressed against my back. "What a mess," she remarked, her breath brushing against my ear. "Forest will surely lose his head when he hears what his cunt of a brother did."

I merely nodded, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Her hand slid into my pants, and a shiver ran down my spine as I contemplated the unpredictable path the coming days might take.

"It will be quite hectic for the next few days," she whispered, her eyes filled with a primal intensity that mirrored my own desires.

"Fuck it," I muttered, surrendering to the magnetic pull between us. In a breathless moment, our lips met, a passionate exchange that marked the beginning of a more intimate connection. The night air crackled with anticipation as she slowly shed her clothes, and before I knew it, we found ourselves on the riverbank, entwined in a dance of desire and pleasure.

The moon overhead witnessed our union, casting a silvery glow upon the scene unfolding beneath its watchful gaze. The river's gentle murmur seemed to harmonize with our shared moans of pleasure, creating a symphony that echoed through the night, encapsulating the intensity of our connection amidst the chaos that had unfolded in the moonlit clearing.