
The Whistling Swordsman

Since the disappearance of my grandfather five years ago, I, Xeonix, have been tasked with finding out what happened to him. I will never stop trying to find the man that killed his own brother; the one who betrayed us all. Living up to the reputation of my family name, I must master ancient sword skills and arts, while attempting making allies along the way. It isn't an easy path I walk but it must be done. For this reason, I will strike back at those that endanger the protection of all I hold dear.

NeoGentrics · Sci-fi
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17 Chs

Xaolyn Timber Forest

We mystics don't trust outsiders in this forest whatsoever. That is until one day, a young man named Xeon Clerics came wandering through our forest with his younger brother and a group of researchers. They came here to document the contents of this forest and the creatures that live within it. We met them at the entrance, our tribe father Orrian Shadan talked with the group. Mainly with Xeon about the intentions and whereabouts for his group.

Our tribe father, very much like Xeon and decided to trust his group with the only stipulation that they could not remove anything from the forest or enter the Sacred Mystic Heart Oak in the mist of the forest. As that was a sacred place for only our tribe members and home to the very heart of the forest where its spirit rests.

In there is the relic that gives the forest the power to cloak itself from danger and defend itself. There are nine elemental natures: earth, stone, wind, water, ice, fire, light, dark, and void.

This forest inhabits the earth's elemental nature, and this the axe is its relic. However, it can only release its true power through the stones that makes up the relic. This axe has one stone as it's one of the first elements of life.

There is also a crest of power that resides in the heart of the Great Oak as well, which provides the very barrier with power from the elements that dwell here. That is the Infinity Crest. It gains its power from void elemental energy, which resides in all elements.

The crest made it so the sky here was a purplish-blue color making it seem dark and lit simultaneously. It is said if harnessed right, one could travel through time. However, that is just a myth of my people, very few people know if it's true. That being said, it didn't take long for Xeons men to find out about it.

Everything was fine as they examined many different creatures, their respective habitats as they called them, and the different foliage as well. I must admit, at the time, I was still fairly young. But I remember playing with Mr. Clerics.

The stuff he would show me and the other children was astounding. That's how I came to knowing about your fighting style. It looked similar to his, but I see now that it isn't. The only reason I knew that forest would aid you was based on something he taught us called Elemental Harmony.

As their time at the forest came to a close, there was a problem. Random plants and animals in the forest started to die; the waters became poisonous to drink. Alarmed by this, the tribe father Orrian quickly went to check Sacred Mystic Heart Oak.

To everyone's surprise the earth hearthstone was gone. Immediately the tribe father stopped the travelers and had them arrested. Xeon not knowing what happened, asked why the hostility all of a sudden. Orrian wanting to trust that Xeon would never do such a thing. Told him that one of his men had violated the terms of their stay.

Xeon was infuriated at the accusation that his men would do such a thing, but before he said anything. He looked at all his men and realized that someone was missing. It was his brother Iolite Clerics. He turned to Orrian and told him the problem.

Orrian released Xeon only to help look for him. As they searched, they looked everywhere, the sky started turning dark. Soon the stars in the sky were clearly visible like never before seen. Immediately Xeon and Orrian ran to the temple to see Iolite attempted to steal the Infinity crest.

Xeon was deeply disappointed in his brother as asked him to please recant and return what he stole. But you may have surmised, he did the exact opposite and tried to escape. Orrian ordered his men to deal with Iolite. However, your grandfather wouldn't allow it.

He told us that because he was family, that he should handle it. Even if it meant he would have to do the unthinkable. I watched what was considered a horrible sight for a young boy to see. Your grandfather was victorious but not without scaring and nearly killing his brother.

We retrieved the relic and crest from him to restore the barrier. Iolite was detained as punishment for his actions by our people per agreement with Xeon. The next day they departed, leaving Iolite behind.

All was well, so we thought, until someone strange showed up a few months later. Apparently, Iolite was working for Eon Pax secretly. He managed to create an opening in the barrier that allowed one of Eon's men in to destroy the barrier.

After that well it's kind of obvious what happened. Believe it or not, Fuse Master just showed up about a year ago. It was the eve of Aurora Anime Rebirth." "Waa… Wait a second, did you say the Rebirth festival? That's the same timeframe my home village was destroyed!" I told him in response.

He looked at me then said, "Then it seems we have a common enemy and a very dangerous one at that. Would you mind if I join you on your journey?" After a moment to think I agreed to take him with me. Then I said, "My destination is Shine Solstice, I must find out what happened to my grandfather. It's the only way I can think to beat Eon Pax."

Shane nodded his head at me, and we proceeded to pack our things. We rebuilt the altar in the center of the forest and restored the earth stone and the infinity crest. After paying tribute to the fallen, we were on our way to Shine Solstice.