
The Whistling Swordsman

Since the disappearance of my grandfather five years ago, I, Xeonix, have been tasked with finding out what happened to him. I will never stop trying to find the man that killed his own brother; the one who betrayed us all. Living up to the reputation of my family name, I must master ancient sword skills and arts, while attempting making allies along the way. It isn't an easy path I walk but it must be done. For this reason, I will strike back at those that endanger the protection of all I hold dear.

NeoGentrics · Sci-fi
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17 Chs


After a few seconds went by Fuse had died from blood loss. However, it didn't to us, for we still had the giant bomb that he created to worry about. Shane looked at me, and I said, "We defeated Fuse and his men, but what do we do about this?" 

Shane told me, "If you could use the same skill you did when you were fighting Fuse from before the forest will respond like before. The brown wind you saw before was the forest aiding you." Rather than ask Shane how he knew about the sword style I use. I concentrated my remaining energy on my sword in my hand. I took my stance and held my sword upright and prepared to attack the bomb.

The bomb was massive in size about two stories in size and black in color. After a while, the sound of a huge rushing wind filled the air. The winds then engulfed me; they were clear and brown in color. My sword in my hand started vibrating as if resonating with the winds extreme force.

 I was slightly intrigued by the chain of events occurring at the moment. However, I knew I had a job to do, so I readied my sword once more and aimed at the huge bomb. The brown winds surrounded the bomb as to form a shield as I ran at bomb with the last bit of energy I had. I jumped in the air and struck down at the bomb with my sword.

The force of the strike split and detonated the bomb within the brown windshield. The blast shot up into the sky and dissipated. The force was so strong that it knocked me, and Shane back a couple hundred feet in different directions. Finally, the battle was over or, so I thought.

With Fuse Master defeated, both me and Shane were finally able to rest for a bit and nurse our wounds. As we sat next to the lake and looked at the forest, we could see the trees and plants thereof swinging in the breeze, passing through it peacefully as if the forest was rejoicing. We could hear the animals as they started to come out from hiding as if in hibernation. As I watched the animals starting to congregate and reunite with each other, I looked at Shane's face.

He rose from the grass and walked into the forest toward the slightly destroyed campsite. I followed him at a distance, saying nothing along the way. When we reached the site, he walked through all the tents gathering up weapons, clothes, belongings and rare objects and put them in a pile outside the camp. I wanted to help him, walked over to help gather the things of his lost tribe. However, he stopped me in my tracks, as he looked at me with his sad eyes filled with tears.

I understood why, and I stood fast. I continued to watch as he buries the things of his tribe. Then set fire to the rogue campsite. Then he said, "The forest has gone through so much pain for the last few years as Fuse Masters men slowly started taking it over. This forest used to be vast in splendor and beauty. It ran on for a mile and a day in every direction."

Then He looked at me and asked, "Would you like to hear the story of this forest?" After having fought the very man that killed his entire tribe and decimated a good some of the forest. I agreed to listen to the story of the forest to learn why Eon Pax wanted it destroyed. We sat around the campfire as Shane prepared some vittles for us to eat.

After about of hour, he started to speak, "Long ago in the Tetra Era before the Great Conga War. This forest stood tall and vast in all its splendor and majesty. It was so beautiful. This forest held a sacred power in its core that or tribe could harness that allows the abilities we have.

A great many lands and people wished to have this land for themselves because of the mystical properties it held. Many races and rare creatures live here in this forest. One of which was the Xaolyn Mystics, these were my people. We mystics were the guardians of this forest.

We protect and manage the creatures thereof, and anyone we don't deem worthy to enter the forest will find themselves either back at the beginning where they began or at one of the many ends of this forest. This same power provides a vale of protection that keeps evil out. We know it the infinity relic.