
The Whispers of Forgotten Truths

En un mundo de imperios en conflicto, Gabriel renace en la casa Stormblade con poderes sobrenaturales otorgados por una entidad misteriosa. Dotado de perspicacia, una marca de guerrero y poder mental, se enfrenta a conspiraciones y corrupción en su camino hacia el descubrimiento de su propósito en este nuevo mundo. ¿Podrá su fuerza y sabiduría cambiar el destino de los imperios y encontrar la verdad que tanto anhela? La portada no es mía si alguien quiere que la quite por favor contacte conmigo, gracias.

RadiantGlow · Eastern
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3 Chs

Rebirth in darkness

The night enveloped the city in a dull and melancholic atmosphere. Although the lights still illuminated the streets, their brightness was diffused by the fog that had taken over the environment. The buildings, instead of gleaming with vibrancy, seemed like gray shadows standing silently, creating a desolate contrast with the dark sky.

The streets, instead of being filled with hustle and bustle, appeared deserted and silent. Passersby walked with muted steps, lost in their thoughts and with their gaze fixed on the horizon. The noise of traffic reduced to a distant murmur, as if the city was enveloped in a veil of silence.

Restaurants and cafes appeared empty, with only a few solitary diners seeking solace in a cup of hot coffee or a comforting plate of food. Conversations were faint whispers that barely managed to break the stillness of the night. The atmosphere, instead of being festive and lively, was filled with a sense of nostalgia and solitude.

Clubs and bars, usually filled with music and fun, seemed muted and melancholic. Dim lights barely managed to illuminate the dance floor, where only a few brave souls dared to move to the rhythm of slow and melodic music. Laughter and joyful shouts had faded away, leaving an empty echo in the air.

As Daniel walked back home, his mind began to wander in an internal dialogue about how ordinary and boring his life was. His steps merged with his thoughts, and the monotony of his daily routine became more evident.

"What is special about my life?" Daniel wondered. "Every day is the same: waking up early, going to work, fulfilling my responsibilities, and coming back home. There is no excitement, no surprises. It's like I'm trapped in an endless loop."

As he observed the bustling streets and the buildings around him, Daniel continued his internal reflection. "My days are filled with repetitive and boring tasks. There is no room for spontaneity or adventure. I feel like a spectator in my own life."

The urban landscape surrounding him seemed to reflect his mood. The faces of the people passing by appeared equally dull and devoid of emotion. "Am I just another cog in the societal machine? Is this the life I am destined to live?"

A sigh escaped Daniel's lips as he continued his journey. "I wish to experience something new, something that ignites the spark in my life. I want to break free from this routine and discover what truly excites me. But how can I escape this cycle of boredom and monotony?"

The answer seemed elusive to Daniel at that moment. He felt trapped in a kind of existential lethargy, yearning for a more exciting life but unsure of how to attain it. As he opened the door to his home, a sense of resignation washed over him.

"Tomorrow will be another day just like today," Daniel thought as he entered his apartment. "But maybe, someday, I will find the courage and determination to break free from this ordinary life and seek the extraordinary that awaits somewhere beyond my comfort zone."

Daniel returned home from work, sweaty and exhausted, longing to rest and relax in the comfort of his own home. However, as he entered through the doorway, he was met with a chaotic scene.

Two men were in the midst of a fight in the hallway of his apartment building. Punches and shouts resounded in the air as neighbors peeked their heads out of partially open doors to see what was happening.

"You don't know who you're messing with!" one of the men yelled, his voice filled with pent-up anger.

"You've ruined my life, and now you'll pay for it!" the other man responded, his fists clenched and ready for the next blow.

"Do you think you can get away with it? I'll show you what it really means to face me," exclaimed the first man, throwing a determined punch.

"You have no idea what I've been through because of you! Today, this nightmare ends," shouted the second man, dodging the blow and countering with a precise kick.

As their fists and feet engaged in a chaotic dance, words of revenge and resentment continued to be exchanged between the two men, fueling the ferocity of their fight even more. Daniel, surprised and confused, tried to step back and seek safety in his apartment, but one of the men collided with him, dragging him into the center of the conflict.

The world seemed to slow down as Daniel struggled to maintain his balance. Adrenaline coursed through his body as his mind tried to process the situation. Amidst the chaos and violence, Daniel fought desperately to stay on his feet. The sharp pain of the wounds invaded his body as his strength wavered. Aware that his life was coming to an end, he closed his eyes and in a final sigh, wished he could have made better choices in his life, so that he could have been happier.

"Confirmed. Activation of the Insight ability. Success. Additionally, establishing mental power on the target. Success," declared the mysterious voice.

When Daniel opened his eyes again, he realized that something had changed. His brain seemed to have the ability to think even as he was dying. Confused but grateful for the intervention, Daniel sought to understand what was happening. Amidst his thoughts, he heard the concerned voice of his neighbor Tokayashi, his only true friend.

"Daniel, please, stay with me. Don't give up!" exclaimed Alex, gripping Daniel's arm tightly.

Daniel, with a glazed and weak gaze, did his best to respond. His voice was barely a broken whisper. "Alex... I'm... I'm dying."

Alex's face paled as he struggled to hold back tears. "No, you can't die, Daniel. Not now, not like this," he stammered, struggling to find words of comfort.

Daniel grabbed Alex's hand with his last breath of strength. "Friend... promise me something," he whispered with difficulty. "Promise me that... you'll move forward... that you'll live... a fulfilling life... learn from my mistakes and remember... to have a better body... to not be like me."

<<Confirmed. Imprint a mark on the target's body. Success.>>

With a faint smile on his face, Daniel closed his eyes, wondering if that voice was real or an imagination at the end of his life, feeling his life force rapidly fading away. His breathing grew weaker and weaker until it finally stopped altogether.

Immersed in darkness, Daniel felt disoriented. The sensation of floating in an infinite void overwhelmed him. Time seemed to dissolve as his mind tried to find a reference amidst the blackness.

Suddenly, a wave of panic washed over him. The feeling of being trapped in darkness, unable to see or feel anything else, threatened to crumble his sanity.

"What is happening? How did I get here? Everything around me has turned black, and I can't see a hint of light. Where am I?"

"Is this a nightmare? I can't feel anything, not even my own body. I'm trapped in darkness, as if submerged in an endless abyss."

"What has happened to the lively, bustling city of the night? Where have the lights gone? Everything has faded into this sea of darkness, leaving me alone and disoriented."

"I wonder if there's someone else here. Is anyone else trapped in this darkness alongside me? Or am I the only one lost in this hopeless void?"

"I need to find an exit, a way to escape from this oppressive darkness. I must find the light that will guide me back home, to the reality I know. But how? Where should I search in this world of shadows?"

"My mind is filled with questions and doubts. Is this a punishment for something I've done? Or is it a test that I must overcome? I have no answers, only uncertainty in this dark abyss."

"I try to remember what life was like before this strange episode. I remember the warmth of the sun on my face, the bustle of the city, people hurriedly going about their nighttime errands. It was a familiar and comforting scene. But now, all of that has faded away."

"What does this darkness mean? Is it a metaphor for my own life? A representation of the monotony and lack of meaning I've been feeling lately? Perhaps this is a wake-up call, a sign that I need to find a deeper purpose."

"But how can I find that purpose amidst this endless darkness? I feel lost and disoriented, as if I'm blindly walking through a maze with no way out. I need to find a spark of hope, a guide in this sea of darkness."

"As my thoughts churn, a sense of determination begins to grow within me. No matter how dark the surroundings, I must hold onto hope and seek an exit. Perhaps, just perhaps, the answer lies within myself."

"Maybe this darkness is an opportunity to explore my own being, to face my fears and discover my true potential. Though the path may be uncertain and frightening, I cannot allow fear to paralyze me. I must find the strength within me to move forward, even in the deepest darkness."

With renewed determination, he begins to take small steps forward, not knowing what awaits him. It was then that a faint light began to shine in the distance. As he approached, the light grew brighter and finally materialized into a female figure. It was an older woman, with a wise and serene look in her eyes. Daniel felt a strange connection to her, as if he knew her somehow.