
The Whispers of Forgotten Truths

En un mundo de imperios en conflicto, Gabriel renace en la casa Stormblade con poderes sobrenaturales otorgados por una entidad misteriosa. Dotado de perspicacia, una marca de guerrero y poder mental, se enfrenta a conspiraciones y corrupción en su camino hacia el descubrimiento de su propósito en este nuevo mundo. ¿Podrá su fuerza y sabiduría cambiar el destino de los imperios y encontrar la verdad que tanto anhela? La portada no es mía si alguien quiere que la quite por favor contacte conmigo, gracias.

RadiantGlow · Eastern
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3 Chs

Arrival into the World

Daniel woke up in an unknown place, confused and disoriented. The room was filled with a soft, warm light, and he could hear murmurs of voices around him. He tried to get up, but he realized he was completely helpless and unable to move.

At that moment, he realized he was being held by someone. He looked up and saw the kind, smiling face of the midwife who had helped him be born. Daniel's gaze met the midwife's, and although he couldn't understand her words, he could sense the joy and love in her eyes.

Daniel, without understanding the language, began babbling incoherently as he tried to communicate with the midwife. Daniel was in the arms of the midwife, swinging his little feet while playing with his hands. Although he was just a baby, he could feel the tension and nervousness surrounding the encounter with his mother in this new world. Although he didn't remember his first mother, the fact that he had two mothers from different worlds created a sense of confusion and anxiety.

"What will Mom be like?" he said to himself in his sweet inner voice. "I'm curious to meet her, but I'm also worried about how she will be."

Daniel knew that this mother was different, a new person in his life who could provide him with love and care. But he also wondered if she would feel connected to him. After all, he was a baby who had no memories of his previous mother and couldn't express his feelings with words.

"I hope she loves me," Daniel thought, gently squeezing his stuffed toy. "I hope she embraces me and makes me feel safe."

Despite his young age, Daniel could feel the fragility of his heart. He had experienced loss in his previous life, the feeling of not having a present mother. That absence had left a mark on his soul, and now he wondered if this mother would be able to fill that void.

"Mom, will you abandon me too?" he silently wondered, feeling a slight knot in his stomach. "I hope not. I want to believe that this time will be different, that you will be here for me."

There was a spark of excitement in the air. The possibility of having a loving mother in his life brought him renewed hope. He longed for maternal love, the caresses and cuddles that only a mother could give.

"I know I can't remember my first mother, but maybe this mother can fill that void in my heart," Daniel thought, smiling innocently. "I want to trust her and the love she can provide."

Despite his fears and doubts, Daniel knew that he couldn't let the past prevent him from opening his heart to the present. He was willing to give this mother a chance, to let her know him and love him.

"I want to grow up with my mother's love and form a special bond with her," he said to himself with determination. "I am ready to receive her love and give her mine."

And so, while waiting anxiously, Daniel prepared himself for the meeting with his mother, with a mix of nervousness, hope, and childlike trust that maternal love would transcend any differences between worlds.

His strange gestures and sounds elicited soft laughter from the people in the room, including Daniel's mother, who was still lying in bed.

Daniel, now an adult, found himself in a very special encounter. After many years, he finally had the opportunity to meet a mother figure he had never known. Nerves and excitement mixed inside him as he waited for the moment to see her for the first time.

When they finally met, Daniel was struck by the beauty and warmth of his mother. Tears filled his eyes as he realized the deep connection they had, despite just being born.

Without knowing exactly what to say, Daniel emitted soft and warm sounds, instinctively imitating the sounds he had heard from newborns when he was a baby. It was his way of expressing the emotion and love he felt in that moment.

The mother, with tears in her eyes, smiled and reached out her arms to Daniel. The matron, with care and tenderness, handed the newborn over to the mother, who lay weak but beautiful in the bed.

Despite the language barrier, the communication between them was clear and powerful. They embraced tenderly, and in that embrace, a special connection was established that transcended words.

(Holding the newborn baby) "Congratulations, dear Mrs. Elena! You have given birth to a beautiful boy."

(Oh, thank the gods! I am so happy it's a boy.)

"Yes, he is a beautiful boy. He will bring joy and fortune to your home."

(Stroking the baby's cheek) "My little warrior. You will conquer realms and fulfill great destinies."

The mother extended her trembling arms and gently took her son, feeling an overwhelming wave of love and gratitude.

With a soft and loving voice, the mother whispered affectionate words to the baby in her native language.

"Oh, my precious treasure! You are finally here, my little miracle. You are the light of our lives, my dear Daniel."


(Softly caressing his cheek) "I love you more than words can express, my sweet child. You are the most beautiful gift life has given us."

Daniel blinks and observes his mother with curiosity.

"I promise to care for you and protect you always. We will be together in every step of this incredible journey called life. You are our little treasure, Daniel."

Daniel raises his little hands towards his mother and emits sounds of joy.

The mother and the baby envelop themselves in a loving embrace and immerse themselves in the magic of their new bond. Although words are limited, their love and connection strengthen through every gaze, caress, and gesture of tenderness. In that moment, unconditional love fills the air and creates an eternal bond between mother and child.

Although Daniel couldn't comprehend the exact meaning, he sensed the tenderness and affection in his mother's voice. He responded with gentle sounds and a sparkle in his eyes, conveying his unconditional love for her.

Shortly after, the father entered the room with a mix of excitement and nervousness on his face. He approached his wife and child with careful steps, aware of the delicacy of the moment. Tears of happiness filled his eyes as he saw his beloved wife holding their son in her arms.

The father looked at his little son in awe and excitement. Tears of joy filled his eyes as he reached out to receive the baby. With trembling hands and a heart full of love, he cradled Daniel in his arms.

"Welcome to the Stormblade household, my little treasure!" exclaimed the father, his voice choked with emotion. Daniel responded with babbling and incomprehensible sounds, trying to communicate with his father in the only language he knew at that time.

"Darling, look at our precious son. He's so beautiful, don't you think?" Elena said with a radiant smile.

"Yes, my love, he is absolutely wonderful. I can't believe we are the parents of this little miracle. Finally, after all the attempts," Gabriel said, tears in his eyes.

"I'm so grateful to have you and our son in my life. We will be a happy and united family."

"He will carry your kindness and strength. You will be an incredible father, I know it."

"I will do everything in my power to be the best father for our son. I want to teach him the values that bind us and transmit all our love," Gabriel said, holding back tears.

"I have no doubt that you will be a great father. Together, we will build a home filled with love, happiness, and fulfilled dreams."

"Thank you for giving me the most precious gift in the world: our family. I love you, dear," he said, kissing her forehead.

"And I love you, with all my heart. I'm excited to embark on this wonderful adventure together."

At that moment, the mother, the father, and the baby embraced, filled with love and hope for the future that awaited them.

The mother, who had witnessed this tender encounter, smiled from the bed, feeling immense gratitude and love for her family.

When things calmed down, Gabriel noticed something.

"Elena, our son is a marked warrior! This mark confirms his destiny as one of the brave defenders of our kingdom."

"I'm amazed by his potential. As a mother, I'm proud to think of all the battles he will fight and how he will help maintain peace in our kingdom," Elena said as she caressed the baby.

"But we must also ensure he receives a proper education and knows how to control and wisely use his power. It will be our duty to guide him on his path and teach him the values of honor and responsibility. I have decided that, although it may be a bit early, he will begin his training at the age of two."

"You're absolutely right, Gabriel. Our son is a blessing, and it is our duty to support him on his path to greatness. We will be by his side at every step, providing him with love, guidance, and protection."

Gabriel and Elena looked at each other with determination, knowing that their son's destiny was sealed as a marked warrior. Although the task ahead was challenging, they were willing to face it with courage and love, guiding Daniel on his path to greatness and ensuring he became the honorable and brave warrior he was destined to be.

The days went by, and Daniel continued to grow rapidly. Although still a baby, his agile and perceptive mind allowed him to observe and absorb everything happening around him. He began to realize that his parents didn't understand his babbling and gestures, which led him to devise a clever plan: to hide his ability to comprehend language.

Daniel knew that if his parents discovered he could understand them, it would change the dynamics of their relationship. He wanted to remain their baby, to not be left alone again, to not contemplate a life without the happiness of a family, and that meant keeping his secret for the time being. So, he decided to continue observing and learning silently, without revealing his ability to comprehend language.

As time passed, Daniel started to recognize key words and phrases that his parents frequently used. He paid attention to facial expressions, tones of voice, and gestures that accompanied those words. Through this observation, he managed to assign meaning to many of them.

During mealtimes, Daniel would sit in his high chair while his parents chatted among themselves. As they talked, he listened attentively, catching words like "food," "milk," and "hungry." Knowing his parents were talking about him, Daniel would respond with smiles and babbling, concealing his true understanding of their words.

During playtime, Daniel delighted in the toys his parents offered him. They would teach him the names of objects by pointing at them and repeating the names over and over. Daniel paid attention to each word, remembering and associating it with the corresponding object. However, he made sure not to utter any words aloud, as that would reveal his secret.

As the days went by, Daniel became increasingly cunning in his strategy to conceal his language knowledge. If his parents asked him something directly, he would simply respond with laughter and babbling, diverting their attention elsewhere. His goal was to keep his language comprehension as a personal treasure, an ace up his sleeve that would allow him to understand the world around him in a unique way.

Sometimes, when alone in his room after his maid, Maria, put him to sleep, Daniel would silently practice the words he had learned. He would repeat the sounds in his mind, rehearsing the pronunciations and intonations, although he would occasionally be interrupted by clapping sounds from his parents' room. He was eager for the day when he could openly communicate with his parents, but he knew the right moment had not yet arrived.

As Daniel grew, his linguistic abilities developed rapidly in secret. He began to comprehend more complex conversations and associate words with emotions and actions. However, he always managed to effectively keep his knowledge hidden.

The day Daniel decided to finally reveal his secret came when he was around six months old. Sitting on his mother's lap, he looked at his parents with determination in his eyes. With a mischievous smile, he uttered his first clear and comprehensible word, "Mom."