
The Whelp of a male wolf

Where Oliver is the son of the retired hunters Lucas and Elijah finds out he's pregnant...but his boyfriend is an alpha werewolf. How will Lucas and Elijah react to this, and what about Uncles Wyatt and Jake

Deborah_Charles · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Truth

"Hey Grayson" Oliver said, calmly walking up the stairs of the Zale House. Grayson turned to him and smiled, love in his eyes. he looked relieved.

"Oliver, where were you? I was worried sick." Grayson asked in a low voice. Oliver shrugged and kicked a shirt on the floor aimlessly.

"I was sick" Oliver glanced at Grayson, sounding confused. Thinking back on the situation, he really didn't know how to tell Grayson the news.


" Oliver! what the hell?!" Ethan yelled as Oliver bolted from the couch and into the bathroom, puking his guts out in the middle of their gaming marathon. "Oliver?! Oh my god, man, are you okay?!" he asked as he walked into the bathroom and started to rub circles on his back.

"mystomachhurts." Oliver mumbled into the toilet.

"what?" Ethan asked, not quite hearing him.

" I said 'My stomach hurts'." Oliver repeated.

"why?" Ethan asked concerned.

"I don't know, It's been like this for about a week already. I've just been puking out random things, mostly in the mornings...but I don't know why". Oliver said, looking at his hands.

"You have morning sickness?" Ethan snickered, so Oliver glared at him.

"Don't laugh!, It's not funny! And no, It's not morning sickness! Not technically, I'm not pregnant, I'm a dude." Oliver retorted.

"yeah, right...have you even had sex before? With a guy?" Ethan asked, amusement in his voice.

"Uh yeah. My boyfriend." Oliver said back just as sassy.

"which is...?" Ethan trailed off, eyeing Oliver curiously.

"It's uh...Grayson..." Oliver said nervously.

"Grayson?! oh my god...I need to call Ava!" Ethan yelled suddenly becoming frantic.

"Wait! Why?!" Oliver yelled, more confused.

"Because I read a story once and It said that an Alphas mate can get pregnant, regardless of the gender." Ethan said back, searching for his phone and walking out of the bathroom.

"What?! No I can't be pregnant." Oliver yelled after him. When he came back, Oliver was panting and had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

"We need to get you a pregnancy test." was all he said before he walked out of the bathroom. Oliver followed him into the jeep racing, to a nearby convenient store.

The test turned out positive

And so were the three they tried after that...


"Oliver...did you even hear what I said?" Grayson asked, concerned. Oliver shook his head and scrubbed his face, groaning furiously.

"How could I be so dumb..." Oliver mumbled into his hands. "Sorry babe...What did you say?"

" I asked if you were feeling okay...5 minutes ago." Grayson said slowly holding his boy friends gaze.

"well how do I put this...I've been sick for about two weeks now. I've been throwing up constantly." Oliver said looking away.

"Did you go see a doctor?" Grayson asked, a little to quickly but he was worried. Oliver nodded.

"I have a stomach bug...the doctor said it will last a while." Oliver said sarcasm clear in his voice.

"what is it" Grayson asked, panicking Internally, even though Oliver still noticed.

"I have a picture If you want to see it?... the doctor showed me and said It's progress over time..." Oliver said slowly, watching Grayson's reaction slowly.

"Let me see it." Grayson said almost ripping the picture out of Oliver's hands. Oliver chuckles lightly. "This...this is" Grayson whispered and looked at Oliver, eyes wide and filled with happy tears. Oliver nodded and smiled fondly at him. He leaned in and kissed Grayson passionately.

"Congratulation Grayson...you're going to be a father..." Oliver whispered once he pulled back. Grayson laughed and pulled him in for another one.

Let's just say they didn't just kiss