
The Whelp of a male wolf

Where Oliver is the son of the retired hunters Lucas and Elijah finds out he's pregnant...but his boyfriend is an alpha werewolf. How will Lucas and Elijah react to this, and what about Uncles Wyatt and Jake

Deborah_Charles · Fantasy
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4 Chs


"okay, okay...I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, oh my god, I CAN@T DO THIS!" Oliver yelled at his empty room, tugging his hair. There was a knock on his window so he turned to look at it.

"Grayson." He breathed out and lifted the hatch. "what are you doing here? My Dad's are going to kill you if they find you in here." He hissed and smacked his chest lightly. Grayson placed his hand on Oliver's shoulder and started massaging them gently. Oliver groaned and relaxed slightly.

"Oliver, relax it's going to be fine." Grayson murmured into Oliver's hair.

"No it's not. I have two dad's downstairs that are famous retired hunters of the supernatural,and one them is an Angel, a freaking Angel, Grayson. How i'm I suppose to tell them that: 1.I'm gay. 2. I have a boyfriend. 3. My boyfriend is a werewolf...an alpha werewolf. 4. That we're mated. 5. I'm pregnant.I can't! I'm only 17 years old, my life isn't supposed to be this complicated." Oliver said all in one breath.

Grayson sighed and hugged him tightly.

"Would it help if I was there with you to tell them"

"I was planning on telling them during dinner"

"well i'll walk down with you"

"yeah, okay. But I am not telling them about you being a werewolf, okay I don't need them to kill my mate...we're not telling them that we are mated either." Oliver mumbled into Grayson's chest.

"okay...okay" Grayson soothed.

"Oliver!, Get your ass down! It's dinner time" Lucas yelled from downstairs. Oliver immediately tensed in Grayson's arm.

"Coming Dad!" He chocked and dragged Grayson's hand tightly. "Oh god...I'm so scared, I can't do this..." Oliver started shaking his head. He turned around and walked out of the room, dragging Grayson along with him.

When they got downstairs, Lucas was wiping down the table, back facing them. Elijah was in the kitchen putting, the last Ingredient on the food.

"Your pops made burgers do me a favour and help me set the..." Lucas said, turning to face his son, Oliver. He stopped and crossed his arms, noticing his son was holding another man's hand. "...table." He grunted and glared at Grayson. Oliver coughed awkwardly, let go of Grayson's hand and shuffled awkwardly to the plates.

"I'm just gonna...hey! would you look at that, plates! Grayson, help me set them up, will you?. He asked in a silent plea. Grayson still had his eyes on Lucas, and nervously walked past him to the plates, and helped Oliver set them up.

Lucas huffed at Grayson and walked into the kitchen.

"Eli, babe. Are you done?" Lucas grunted out. Elijah turned to look at him, a curious expression on his face.

"Yeah Lucas, I believe so." He nodded at his husband. "what's wrong?" Elijah questioned, noticing Lucas stiff shoulders and the grimace on his face.

"We have company." Lucas said and grabbed the plate of burgers. Eli grabbed the condiments and walked into the dining room with his husband. He paused once he saw that there were two people already at the table, and the guest was holding Oliver's hand.

Elijah walked to the table cautiously and set down the condiments gently. He sat down next to Lucas, who turned his chair just to face Grayson.

"So, what are you doing with our son?" Lucas asked causally, glaring at Grayson.

"Dad!" Oliver groaned at the same time Elijah hissed "Lucas!"

"Dad!, seriously. All I wanted was a day of normal, I was going to Introduce you and we were going to have a nice meal and you were going to interrogate him during desert-" Oliver ranted.

"Oliver." Lucas said calmly, flailing his arms slightly.

"-I had this whole thing planned out in my head and you just had to go on and-" Oliver continued, ignoring them.

"Oliver." Grayson growled slightly, trying to shut him up.

"-ruin it. Then when everything was going great we were going to tell you that-" Oliver said, almost telling Lucas and Elijah.

"Oliver! Shut up." Grayson growled in warning. Oliver put a hand over his mouth and reddened. He looked wide eyes at Grayson and mouthed a silent 'sorry.'

Lucas and Elijah looked at their son and his boyfriend. Lucas started to talk after a few minutes of silence.

"So, Oliver. Who's your...friend." Lucas asked, pointing to Grayson with a knife.

"This is my boyfriend, Grayson." Oliver said quietly. Lucas glared at Grayson, and threatened him silently with his knife. Elijah put his hands on his shoulder to prevent him from doing harm.

"How long has this relationship been going on?" Elijah asked calmly. Grayson gulped and answered nervously.

"About, Eight months." Grayson answered.

"Eight months!?" Lucas screamed and stood up abruptly. He started to growl at Grayson, but Eli led him back to his chair.

"What are you intentions with our son?" Eli asked. looking at Grayson.

"pops,dad,please..." Oliver begged.

"Be quiet Oliver" Lucas hissed at him, glaring at his boyfriend. Grayson looked at Oliver, but quickly removed his gaze towards his parents.

"Have you ever mistreated him?" Oliver asked, genuinely concerned. Lucas and Elijah remembered Oliver coming home with multiple cuts and bruises littered on his body.

Grayson didn't miss the underlying 'I will hurt you if I need to' in his tone.

"No. I would never mistreat your son." Grayson finally said, truthfully. Elijah nodded and let go of Lucas shoulder, obviously pleased with Grayson's answer.

"How old are you?" Lucas asked calmly which scared Grayson.

"oh my god! Grayson you don't have to ans-" Oliver started to complain, reaching out to touch Grayson.

"23" he said looking into Lucas eyes.