
The Whelp of a male wolf

Where Oliver is the son of the retired hunters Lucas and Elijah finds out he's pregnant...but his boyfriend is an alpha werewolf. How will Lucas and Elijah react to this, and what about Uncles Wyatt and Jake

Deborah_Charles · Fantasy
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4 Chs


"Twenty-Eli, can I kill him now!?" Lucas gaped at his husband. Elijah merely rolled his eyes.

"No, Lucas. you cannot kill our son's boyfr-" he started to say, but got cut off by Grayson.

" Everybody quiet!" Grayson hissed. He tilted his head to the side and closed his eyes. There was growling in a distance, but it was too far human ears to hear.

"Grayson, what is it?" Oliver asked. Grayson sniffed softly. He smelled his pack, but he also smelt fear and danger.

"You have to leave." Grayson told Oliver once he recognised the smell of the other alphas, and they were looking for Oliver.

"What?! No-" Oliver protested and stood up. Grayson could hear one of the other werewolves getting closer.

"Oliver, you need to leave!" Grayson said pushing Oliver out of the dinning room and up the stairs.

" And I'm telling you, I'm not going anywhere! if the Alpha pack wants me, they're going to die trying! I'll make sure of it!" Oliver protested.

Lucas could see Oliver cross his hands and pout. He smiled fondly.

Wait...Alpha pack!?

"Oliver. please, I can't let them take you!" Grayson pleaded. They heard Oliver sigh.

"why do they want me anyways?" He asked.

"Because you're my mate, and you're pregnant! Taking you is a deceleration of WAR!" Grayson exclaimed.

"...it is?" They heard Oliver squeak.

" Yes...please. I just want you to be safe..." Grayson said in a small voice.

"I'll be safe here. Do you know who my parents are?!" Oliver argued back. Grayson's ear went back and his face became for panicked.

" Oliver! leave, now!" Grayson growled. He didn't want to shift in front of his parents, but he had to keep his mate safe. He pushed Oliver up the stairs. Lucas and Elijah were watching him, with shocked and confused expressions.

"No! I'm not leaving you!" Oliver yelled at him, poking him in the chest. Grayson leaned in close and growled in his ear.

"Listen to me Oliver. The Alphas are here and they are looking for you...they know you're my mate." He whispered in Oliver's ear. Oliver shook his head, confused.

"Yeah,so? what does that have to do with anything." Oliver whispered back.

" Oliver....there here to kill you." Grayson whined low in his throat. Oliver looked at him wide eyes before pushing past him to the closet downstairs. He grabbed a gun and a silver bullet laced with wolf bane.

"Oliver!" Grayson yelled in surprise.

"Whoa, were do you think you're going with that?!" Lucas yelled at his son, staring at him with shock.

A werewolf with red eyes burst through their dining room window. Oliver pointed the gun and shot it in the head with a hard look in his eyes, not even flinching when it dropped dead at his feet.

Oliver looked down at his shirt and saw it covered with blood. He rolled his eyes and groaned.

" Oh, come on! This was my favourite shirt. The blood stain is never going to come out of this." He agitated, rubbing his shirt with his palm. Another wolf jumped through the window. Grayson stepped in front of Oliver protectively and growled.

The wolf chuckled at Grayson and lounged at Oliver. Grayson punched it into a nearby wall.

Ethan and Noah rushed into the dinning room through the window. Oliver pointed his gun at them, but lowered it once he saw who it was.

"Oh my god! I almost shot you!" Oliver yelled at his friends. "what are you even doing here?!"

"Protecting you!" Noah yelled as he got tackled to the ground by the werewolf that was in the house.

" I don't need protection! I am perfectly capable of handling this situation!" Oliver yelled, shooting another were wolf, that just entered the house, In the leg.

" No you're not!" Ethan shouted as he got slashed in the chest. Oliver shot the wolf in the head, twice. Okay maybe you are...but were doing this on instinct, not on command." Ethan told him.

" What are you talking about?" Oliver questioned as he checked how many bullets he had, and reloaded.

" I don't know!" Ethan yelled, frustration lingering in his voice.

" I do..." The pack leader said as she calmly entered the room through the window. "...you're the alpha's little boy toy, whore, I can smell it from here.

"shut up" Grayson said as Oliver shot at her, and missed. Grayson lounged at her, but she merely flung him away like a broken toy. She punched Ethan and elbowed Noah in the face. They both fell to the floor unconscious. She walked up to him and grabbed him by the throat. She slammed him into the wall.

"your his mate, aren't you? And your...pregnant...How interesting?" she sneered at him. Oliver was gasping for air and glaring at her.

" Fuck...off." He rasped out through ragged breaths. She roared and swiped her claws to him. Oliver closed his eyes and waited for the strike, only it never came.

Oliver opened his eyes and saw her fly back into the wall on the other side of the room.

There was a loud boom of thunder and lightning in the sky. Elijah appeared in front of styles. The lights in the house started flickering, and for the first time in his life, Oliver saw Elijah's wings. They were huge and beautiful and... black? Elijah's voice boomed at her.

"Don't touch my son!" He screamed in rage, opening his wings to full length. she got out of the rubble surrounding her, turned into her wolf form and started growling. She didn't even notice Grayson getting up and pouncing on her.

" Grayson! Oh my-no, Grayson! Stop, she'll kill you! Please, oh my god, stop! I can't-I can't do this without you...please...Oliver pleaded.

The sound of shot gun rang through the air. Oliver looked at his dad with shock. The two tussling wolves went limb. Oliver's heart beating frantically.

"No no no no no ! Grayson!" Oliver screamed, tears running down his face. Ethan and Noah got up, groaning. They looked at Oliver's wrecked face, then at his dads, then at the two wolves on the floor.

They immediately got up and started pushing the other wolf off of Grayson.

Grayson got up quickly and started limping towards Oliver. Oliver broke through his dad's grip and hugged him tightly while he was still shifting. Lucas pointed his gun towards Grayson.

"Oliver, get away from him." He grumbled out. Oliver shook his head and kept trying to check his wounds. Ethan and Noah stood in front of their alpha protectively.

"God damn it! All of you, get away!" Lucas yelled again. Ethan and Noah's eyes flashed gold and they started growling.

"Eli, they're all were wolves!" He said looking at his husband. Elijah was staring at their son like he was figuring out a puzzle. Lucas sighed and looked back at the two teens.

"Look, I don't want to have to kill you, and I won't if you just move out of the way." He grunted and pointed his gun at them, but they wouldn't move. Lucas was about to shoot when Oliver mumbled out a few words.

"Guys, stand down. I'm okay, and Grayson will be fine. Just move out of the way so I can talk to my parents...." He mumbled out to them. They nodded back and moved to the stairs.

"Shit, Grayson. Your leg is broken!" Oliver said distractedly. Lucas looked at his son like he had grown a second head.

"Do you have bodyguard werewolves!?" He asked in bewilderment.

"I know, your going to have to shift it back into place so it can heal properly." Grayson told Oliver, but he looked at him like he was crazy.

"What?!, Is it going to hurt?" He asked gently grabbing Grayson left shin.

"Yes." He answered grimly.

"Oh,okay. I'll do it on five. One..two-!" Oliver said, and snapped the two bones together.

"Ahhhhhhh! Fuck! I thought you said on five" He hissed and chuckled a little.

"is it true?" Elijah asked quietly.

"Hm!" Oliver said.

"Is it true?" He said again, louder.

" Is it true?" Oliver said, confused.

"Is what true?" Oliver asked, confused.

"Are you his mate?" Elijah asked firmly, staring at his son intensely.

"Uh...hehehehe.....weeeeeeeell-" Oliver started to say awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"Cut the crap, son. Just tell us the truth. Are you this son of a bitch's mate." Lucas stated bluntly. Ethan, Noah and Grayson started to grow quietly. Oliver stared at his dad.

"His name is Grayson. And yes....I am." He said proudly.

"What about...about..." Elijah sighed and slumped against the wall.

"What? what else is there?!" Lucas yelped in frustration.

"About what Pop?" Oliver squeaked out.

"Are you...are you pregnant?" Elijah whispered. Lucas stared at his son and waited for a response.

Grayson noticed his sudden distress and gripped his shoulders.

"Yes." He breathed out. Lucas lowered his gun, shook his head, and walked away.

Oliver looked at his Dad, heartbroken, but when he looked at his Pop, his heart skipped a beat.

Elijah was beaming at his son.

"I'm going to be a grandfather..." Elijah breathed out and started laughing. He stopped and looked at his son, still beaming.

"You're not... mad?"

"Oh, I am."


"I'm mad that you didn't tell us. I'm mad that you didn't tell us about this relationship when it first started. I'm mad that my house is in ruins...but i'm not mad at you."

Lucas walked back into the room, and threw clothes at Grayson.

"Your going to be under 24 hours surveillance until that child is born, do you understand?" Elijah said, looking at his son. Oliver nodded, speechless.

"And you to-" Lucas said, pointing at Grayson and Ethan.-"are both going to live, breath, sleep, shit, shower and eat in this house! you are both going to protect Oliver with your life and care for his every need. if you don't, I swear I will shoot you both in the heart, head and dick with a silver bullet laced with wolfs bane, you understand?."

"Um sir?" Grayson questioned when he realised Lucas didn't shoot him. Lucas pointed at Grayson and Ethan again, looking at them both in the eyes,

"Listen to me...if your going to be part of this family, your're going to do what I say."

"yes sir" Grayson and Ethan said simultaneously.

"And most of all...you're going to make sure that he is safe. Okay? I just...I can't loose my son. He is the most important person in my life, and your going to make sure nothing happens to him."