
The Thief!

Emilio POV

For five years, I lived with Reverend Nicolas Pasteur and his family. I was not mistreated by him. In fact he treated me very well. He was a preacher for goodness sake. As for his wife Delourde and the children Reginald and Judith, he was aware how cruel they were but he didn't stop them from abusing me.

Reginald was the worst. He never let me forget my place. Always reminded me what a low life I was. Both twins Reginald and Judith were my age. But according to their mother Delourde I was inferior to them and I was there to serve them. Therefore I was nothing but a servant.

I was grateful to the man who found me on the day of my birth, so I was able to have a birthday. Both Reginald and Judith entered the "University of Grand-Anse" when they turned 18. I also turned eighteen that year and I could barely read.

Part of my duty is to travel twice a month to the university to deliver clean laundry, and pick up dirty laundry as well as bringing provisions to last them until his next visit. I was not afraid of hard work. But the distance I would walk while carrying those heavy loads made it stressful. And the long trips were taking a toll on me.

Lately, I've been thinking about my future.

Running away was becoming an obsession in my mind. Throughout the two years of traveling from Dame-Marie to the University in Jeremy I learned quite a lot. Unbeknown to Delourde and the children, Pastor Nicolas had been secretly teaching me how to read since I came to live with them.

It was our secret. I was never to reveal or even hint that I knew how to read. In the past two years I've been helping him with his church duties. So there was a degree of trust between the reverend I.

Pastor Nicolas was a good man of God but he lacked conviction. He was a very passive man and Delourde used that to do whatever she wanted and got away with it. He told me that I was clever and trustworthy.

Really I definitely would not have described myself as trustworthy. I was very selfish and ambitious. I only knew how to get what I wanted and I was willing to put up with Delourde's crap in order to get it.

He liked me a lot and tried his best to make life easy for me while aware of his wife's aggressive abuse and the children's animosity toward me. Needless to say, I was conflicted between my obsession and my loyalty.

Many scenarios have played in my mind as well as whether I could get away with deceiving pastor Nicolas. Nevertheless, I could not let anything hinder my decision.

This trip to the University this time was going to be very different. I was bringing fresh Laundry, new sets of clothes and bedding sets. There were plenty of provisions including their yearly tuition and expense money.

I was overwhelmed with both excitement, fear and a little sorrow. I knew very well how long it took the reverend to put this money together. Tuition was due every month hence the reason I traveled there more than I wanted to. So I suggested a solution.

Delourde was a big spender and also liked to send money to her parents living in other parts of the city.

We came up with a method to hide money from Delourde and other members of the church.

He would continue to pay the monthly tuition as well as save the extra until he had enough for a full year tuition. He was so happy with the idea and even complimented me. For months, he religiously put the extra money aside as agreed. He completely trusted me with the task of keeping track of the transactions.

I was meticulously keeping track of two of the same books showing different transactions. I also was keeping track of separate church funds. Mentally I was tortured because I was resisting my temptations. Don't get me wrong, in the end it was all going to be worth it.

Fighting my temptations proved to pastor Nicolas that I could completely be trusted. There were many movements behind the scenes that he couldn't have been aware of. And I was patiently looking forward to what was to come. It was then I decided to move forward with the plan on my nineteenth birthday.

I did not own much of anything. I was not worried because Reginald and I wore the same size. In fact the rags that I often wore, at some point belonged to Reginald. As for Judith's clothes, that was to be decided later.

I would normally leave the house around five in the morning and arrive in Marfranc on time to catch the bus. That day however, I decided to leave the house at 3:00AM in order to take the earlier bus to avoid familiarity. Around 6:00 AM I arrived in Obak. Usually I would continue by foot to the University some kilometers away.

Instead, I embarked on a Camion with barely any space left. However I was able to squeeze my way through. I did not know where Chameau was but I was on my way there as long as it was in the opposite direction of the University and far away from everything else I was familiar with.

The sun was showing its strength when I arrived in Chameau. It was a much smaller town than where I had been. When I got off the Camion, I came across a young man about 2 years younger than me, selling snacks and lemonade.The traveling distance was shorter than my previous one. But I was ready to get off and treat myself.

"How much for this?" This was cassava covered with peanut butter serve with a glass of lemonade."

"Seventy five cents" replied the vendor. " I've never seen you here before. Are you new here?"

"No I've been here before but this is my first time seeing you." I lied. I was not sure what to make of this man so for now I just wanted to get something in my stomach.

"Do you live in Chameau?" Asked the vendor. What a nosy guy I thought. That was a typical question but I became suspicious.

"No, I live in Briller but I am here to visit someone. I will be here for a couple days."

So much for not revealing any information. The vendor seemed satisfied with the answer and that seemed to ease my anxiousness.

"Do you have a place to stay?" I found a spot next to the vendor and sat to eat. The lemonade was very refreshing. And to my surprise the cassava was soft and tasty. Indeed it was the best I've ever tasted and that gave me an idea.

"No, do you know where I can find a room?"

"What about the person you're visiting?"

"I don't know them that well. I am just hear to deliver a message."

"You can stay with me until you find your own place."

I was not sure what to make of his offer. I could not easily trust anyone at this moment. I just ran away with most of the church money that I moved. I was the yearly tuition fee, and everything Delourde packed for Reginald and Judith. She also handed me a separate envelope specially for Judith. Not sure what was in it but that's for later.

"Did you make this?" I inquired changing the subject.

"Yeah it's good ain't it?" The vendor responded with a smile.

"What else can you do?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just know how to sell stuff. Since I lack funds, I am starting this way. Why do you ask?"

"I have some stuff here. If you help me sell them I will pay you."

"I am Jacob by the way." Extending a hand to me.

"Oh Emilio." I reached out and shook his it.

Jacob's eyes were filled with excitement. Today he was feeling lucky. "Show me what you have!"

Without hesitation I opened the sac with Judith's clothes. There were underwear, bras, sandals, dresses, and other feminine products.

Jacob was a little surprised but chose not to say anything. It was none of his business where I found this stuff. He glanced at me to find that I was looking at his reaction.

"I didn't steal these if that's what you're thinking."

"Hehe, none of my business my friend I just want to make money."

"I am glad we're on the same page."

Later in the afternoon, Jacob and I sat at a table in a small restaurant waiting for our food. It was a long day but we successfully sold everything so we had a good day. I felt a little more at ease as the day progressed.

I decided to give Jacob a new pair of pants and a couple of the laundered shirts from the clothes I had kept for myself.

After Dinner, we chatted a little bit. I noted he did not offer me to stay with him again; he noticed how I changed the subject every time avoiding giving him an answer. So I took it that he understood I did not want to stay with him. So at the end, we went out separate ways expecting to meet again the next day.