

Emilio POV

Standing under the mango tree. I was not trying to hide my presence. It was a rare moment for me observing the young woman making a fire. My mouth felt dry all of a sudden. I became anxious because seeing her again brought me to the night I found her.

She seemed fragile and lifeless. I did not know what exactly happened to her but she was hurt pretty badly.

She was semi conscious when I came upon her. Her moaning startled me. I could not make her out until I got very close to her. At first I thought she was attacked by an animal.

Before attending to her, I looked around to make sure whatever attacked her was not going to aim for me next. Her face was bloody, the top of her dress ripped open exposing her breasts. The bottom part of her dress was raised to her thighs high enough to reveal the most important and precious part of her.

I noticed her panties all the way to her ankle. At that moment, something came over me. I removed her underwear and placed it in my pocket. I felt the urge to touch her breasts and feel her pubic hair. I was getting a hard on just looking at her. I felt ashamed and yet excited. Her moaning startled me and I quickly covered her.

My fingers touched something. 'What the hell was that sticky stuff over her dress?' I asked myself silently. My curiosity got ahead of me. It was not blood because I smelled it. I knew then things were not so simple. I was angry. I wanted to be the first to have sex with her. her virginity was mine.

'Wait for me, and when I find out Who you are I will make you pay.'

'What a nasty bastard. I will make you beg for mercy when I find you.'

She became conscious when I picked her up. She wanted to resist but I held tightly onto her to prevent her from further hurting herself.

She was moaning and crying.

"Who did this to you girl?" I did not expect an answer and one never came.

To see her fully recovered looking as if nothing had happened. She was a beautiful girl and she belonged to me. Seeing her back to her normal self made me smile.

I was invited in by her aunt so I followed her to a small breakfast area on the front porch which was shaded by a huge palm tree. Looking at this woman I gathered she was not going to be easy to deal with. The way she looked at me and asked me if there was something she could do for me. Her demeanor was strong and I could tell she had a short fuse and was going to make my life difficult.

"What did you want to talk about?" She asked.

"Saintilia." I responded. I wanted to get straight to the point.

"What about my niece? Did she insult you?"

"No mam she's done no such thing."

Before I added anything else; she said,

"Please call me Tina."

"Tina, I would like to ask you to allow me to take Saintilia home with me."

I purposely fixed my eyes on her looking for some sort of reaction, but she showed no expression.

"Why would I do that?"

I explained that I wanted to make her my wife and I wanted to fulfill my promise to Jonas.

"What exactly do you want Emilio, a housekeeper?" Her tone was not friendly. I wanted to explain what I meant. But she didn't let me finish.

" I am better suited for you. Don't you think so?"

What an odd thing to say. I smiled, was this woman offering herself to me? Or was this sarcasm? I didn't know what to make of her. I tried reading her eyes looking for some kind of expression. She showed me nothing. I could tell her that I was open to the idea of having them both since she thought I was looking for a housekeeper. But I had a feeling she would take me wrong.

"So what are you proposing?" She interjected.

"What do you mean?" I really didn't know what she meant. But her question told me that she wanted something in return.

"Well you said you wanted her. Don't you think you are too greedy? First of all, you are too old for her.

By the way, how old are you? If you don't mind telling me."

I clenched my teeth. 'How dare this woman talk to me this way? ' I was surprised at Tina's question. 'Why did she ask me that?'

I was not going to let her dominate this conversation.

"So tell me Tina, has anyone asked you for her hands in marriage yet?" Customarily, when a girl turned 15, her guardian would start the selection process. I knew she had a couple potential suitors because I kept eyes on who was approaching her. Since my conversation with Jonas before his death, I considered her mine and not even Jonas could have kept her away from me. But I never expected her to get raped.

"I won't give her away till she is of age."

"Tina, she's not a virgin and she's already sixteen."

Finally I saw some anger in her eyes.

"How do you know how old she is?"

"Did I not tell you? Jonas promised her to me so I have been waiting. Now I think she's old enough to be my wife. And I've been waiting long enough."

"I don't think Jonas would make you such a promise. But it's up to Saintilia if she wants to go with you or not."

I thought for a moment, she was refraining herself from making the decision. She was letting Saintilia make her own decision. "I am willing to make her a respectable young woman. I can also provide for her better than anyone else in this village. You know very well what people are saying about her and after everything that happened, who would want a loose girl like her?"

I could tell Tina that I was the one who found her the night of the incident and brought her home. but no doubt, she would become suspicious of me since I left her outside and not alerted her. What would she say if she knew I not only made sure enough rumors were spread around that she was floozy. I also let it known I was interested in her so that no one else would approach her.

"Excuse me for a moment." She said suddenly.

I did not expect her to fetch Saintilia. The girl was only a few feet away. She could have just called for her without walking away. The intense look in Saintilia's eyes puzzled me. Looking at her walking toward me, I wondered; when will I have the chance to touch her. I closed my eyes for a second remembering how vulnerable she was. I thought this girl was not simple.' I was going to have my work cut out for me. 'Damn she's pretty. She's going to be a handful.'

I was very aware of Saintilia's hostility towards me. She only glanced at me when she noticed me under the tree. If she knew I saved her, would she be grateful to me? Perhaps not. I would not be surprised if she suspected me. After all, it was shortly after our encounter at the river that she was violated.

I could not believe the boldness of this girl. She flat out rejected me. Once I told her that my visit was for a marriage proposal. 'Did she not know she would have died without me?' I was not expecting this attitude from her. 'How dare she? Was I not worthy of her?' I needed a new strategy. 'Little girl I assure you, not only will you be mine, you will regret what you just did today.'

I was speechless. One minute she was addressing me with hostility, and the next like a magician, she was able to adjust her eyes to a softer look and mind her tone to address her aunt.

She then turned toward me again with that attitude before, along with a fake smile.

"Sir, will you stay and eat with us?"

I was shocked to see that side of her 'oh I am looking forward to taming you little girl.' Before I could answer, she turned toward the kitchen

"Excuse me, I don't want to burn the food." and walked away.

"I will stay for dinner." I responded to Tina.

I decided that both Tina and Saintilia had no choice in the matter. I will use every means necessary to achieve my goal even if I had to make Tina my woman. But for now, I wanted to taste the cooking of my future wife.

Not one word from Tina. We both stared at each other and understood that her niece was not a naive girl.