
The Werewolf King: My Saviour

What happens when you discover that your mate was lying to you so that he can keep you prisoner because he thinks being human makes you unworthy of being an Alpha's mate?

QuiliviaDeTreasure · Urban
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31 Chs

My Mate

"And am here to help you through it. I don't know if it helps but i think you should know that am also nervous, i thought you were going to reject me", he said while avoiding my eyes. "What? Have you looked at yourself? You are like an eleven and me... am a two", my shock made him chuckle. He looked beautiful if that was even possible. "What does that even mean?", he asked looking confused. "You are handsome", i said out of no where making his face turn serious. He pulled me out of town hall, we walked to his house. It was my first time being in the Alpha's house, it was luxurious and so clean, unlike our home. We walked in his kitchen and he went to his fridge. "Wine or beer?", he asked. I was a whiskey girl but i decided to not be a weird visitor so i just chose wine instead. When he got the drinks for us he told me to follow him to the living room, we sat on the love chair with my legs on his thigh. "So tell me about you Zeb", he said drawing random patterns on my thigh, it was very distracting. "Can you stop that? the sparks are distracting", i said making him smile. His eyes turned from the normal ice blue to glowing ones. He moved closer to me and next thing i know he was on top of me. I have never kissed someone this much in my life.

I woke up feeling sore and warm. An arm was circling my waist and from the sparks it felt amazing being in my mate's arms. I turned around to see his face, he looked so peaceful. Held his face in my hand and the feeling was amazing. He opened his eyes, he looked surprised like he expected to see someone else but recovered quickly. "Good morning baby", he whispered then kissed my forehead. "Good morning, you looked like you were... never mind", i couldn't spoil our first morning. "Zeb, what did i look like?", he pressed pulling away to see me properly. He looked a bit annoyed, thank you Jennifer for telling me before hand that Alphas were usually having anger issues. "When you were opening your eyes, it looked like you were expecting to see someone else. Were you seeing someone before we met? You can tell me, isn't that what mates are suppose to? Be honest with each other?", i pleaded making him get out of bed and start getting dressed. "Aiden, where are you going?", "Just stay here, i will be back. I just need time to think. This is all happening too fast", "What? i thought you wanted this. Yesterday w-", "Was a mistake", he shouted making me flinch. He looked pissed but more at himself. "Am sorry Zeb, i didn't mean it like that. You are my mate and i accept you but", the way he said it, "But am human...", i said standing up from the bed. It was my turn to get dressed, i felt my eyes starting to water. I ignored his calls as i ran out of his house. My first stop was home, i avoided my excited mother who kept pressing me to tell her about my mate. I hid under the excuse that i was getting late for work. And finally i was able to sneak out.

"What happened Zeb? you look opposite of someone we expect to be our future Luna so spill it", Jennifer asked during peak hour which i was happy with because we were so busy so it was easy to avoid her by pretending to process a lot of orders. We were about to close up when Aiden walked in with Beta Cade. He looked at me with guilt in his eyes. "Uh! Zeb, can we talk?", "My apologies Alpha, am working", i said pretending to clean the table that was spotless. "Zeb, please", he pleaded, this time around i accepted. I joined him and Beta Cade on their table. "Am sorry about what i said this morning, am stupid and i want us to start over. Properly this time", he said with a smile. It was full of hope and suddenly i felt my heart warming up, i was ready to give him a second chance. "Ok, let's start over", "Thank you baby. You wont regret it however, there is something that we need to do first. We need to get blessings from the Alpha King. It can only be done when he comes to visit us so in the mean time you will move in with me so that i can keep an eye on you, among other things", the last part made me blush considering Beta Cade was there. "When will the Alpha King be here?", i asked. "He usually visits every time a new Alpha is power. So i figure it will be soon but in the mean time i would like for you to move in with me. I will have to spend most of the time at the pack house until i mark you but that will do for now", he pleaded, it felt weird but i had to focus on the positive, i was going to live in my mate's house, besides it's not like he was going to be far away, i would still see him everyday just had to behave in public i guess. It was not my ideal relationship but i knew Aiden was going to fix it the moment the Alpha King came. I was checking out of work when i found Beta Cade and Aiden in a heated conversation. They stopped the moment they saw me. "Is everything ok?", i asked taking turns to look at them, Aiden has a huge smile on his face but Beta Cade was neutral. Whatever they were arguing about must have been something he was extremely unhappy about.

"Alpha Knox, please take good care of my daughter, she means the world to me", My mother said when we went to pack my bags, her eyes were watering while Boris had pride written all over his face. "I will Ma'am. You have my word", he replied looking at me in the eyes with a huge grin that made my insides melt. At least i was going to leave them the space they needed. I hugged my mother then went to the car. I was starting a new chapter in my life as the future Luna of South River Pack. Aiden interlocked his fingers with mine kissing my knuckles. I smiled at him and he smiled back.