
The Webnovel Writer's Chatgroup

Have you ever wondered what your favorite Authors in Web Novels do during their free time? Don't forget that Authors are humans too and they have their own quirks and opinions. How can those Domineering CEO's that you love to read even compare to the manliness of our drop dead gorgeous authors who cries like little babies when they are stressed out and can't write anything due to Writer's Block!? Cultivation Chat Group can't even compare! Join our fearless Author Elyon as he show you a world filled with Frustrations, Stress, Anxiety, and Procrastination! WELCOME to The Webnovel Writer's Chatgroup! -------------------------------- P.S The Cover Drawing is not mine. I just find it nice so I used it. Full credits go to the owner.

Elyon · Realistic
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Author's POV#6: Tales of Writer as a Cat Tamer

[DISCLAIMER: The one who wrote this chapter is the Author RickuSan]

Ahh... it's a quiet night, it's a perfect night to sleep....

or so I thought.



My eyes suddenly went wide open, and what happened next was a nightmare for me.


This little creature jumped from my window to my stomach at 2 AM in the morning. My soul almost left my body because of the scare he gave me.

"You brat..."


I should've known it's Shiro. The only brat who always did that to me. Now he kept on rubbing his head to me and meowing.

My head is so light right now. I only slept for like 4 hours, until this brat decided to disturb my peaceful sleep.

"Well, I guess I can't do anything about it."

I woke up and left my room, I looked around and everyone in the house is still sleeping. Well, that's obvious because it's still 2 AM. I really want to slap this brat, but every time he rubs his head on my foot, he just melts my heart and I can't do anything about it.

"I guess I will make coffee first"

I went to the kitchen to boil up some water and the cat followed me. Shiro has that habit. Even when I went to the bathroom after turning the stove to heat up the kettle, he still followed me.

I went to get Shiro's bowl to give him some midnight snacks that he liked. A cat's mind is really simple, at least that's what I thought.

The brat didn't touch his food when I left him to check if the kettle is boiling.

"Oh God, please..."

I lifted him up and placed him on my shoulder. I can pat him easier this way. But, I guess it's stupid of me to assume that a cat would slap my face and yell at me for lifting him without his permission.

The kettle whistled, It's telling me to turn off the stove and brew my coffee.

I went to my desk with coffee in hand and a bottle of water. I boot up my laptop in the middle of the night, when everyone else in the house is still asleep. I was forced to wake up because this brat almost gave me a heart attack in my sleep.


I noticed it when I walk to my desk and sat on my chair. Shiro actually followed me all the way here. I stood up, fetched his cat bowl, and placed it by my side.

"Now eat. I will smack your butt if you try to kill me again in my sleep."

I moved my chair to a position where I can comfortably lean back. There are times when I sleep in this position when I work late at night.

'Now what should I do? I can't fall sleep anymore.' I sighed.

The steam of the hot coffee warmed my skin. I can feel moisture on my face right now.

While I was deep in thought, the first thing that came to mind is Webnovels. For some reason, something is nagging at me to open my browser and type inkstone.webnovel.com

The first thing I saw on the screen was my own novel. The title of my story is Another World Peace Creator Magician. This is my second novel. I dropped the first one since I can't find any artist to draw a cover for it.

Some people might think my novel is bland, and the development is a bit jarring, but it's all my plan from the start.

I will let people guess on how my novel will play out. I will write it as some common reincarnation novel on purpose. That way, I will be able to give my reader an unexpected surprise. I might piss them off, but that is my plan from start.

'Maybe I should write a draft for my next chapter, since I'm wide awake right now.'

I clicked on "create chapter" and started typing on my keyboard. The ideas flowed freely on how the next chapter will unfold.

I look below my desk and found Shiro curled up and fast asleep. Finally I'm free from this little demon. Why won't he just sleep with the others? Kuro and Niku, my other cats are sleeping peacefully in their room.

I gulped down the coffee and the ideas for my novel came out one by one. I like to "Free Write" while the ideas are flowing and edit them at a later time.

The time passed in a heartbeat and before I knew it, It was already five o'clock in the morning. I stood up and decided to do my morning prayer. On my way to my room, I bumped to my sister who is still half asleep.

"Why are you here Rick?"

I pointed at Shiro who is still sleeping under the desk and my sister understood the situation. She gave a slight nod in understanding and headed to the bathroom.

I decided to take a rest after my morning prayer. I tried to sleep, but my attempts are futile. With nothing else to do I opened the browser on my phone and scrolled for interesting meme's. It got boring so I decided to check my author stats. What I saw made me depressed.

I sighed and rubbed my tired eyes. I just lied down until 7:30 am. My parents and my sister have left the house for work and I'm left alone to watch the house.

I opened the discord application on my laptop and clicked on the Webnovel Writer's Chatgroup. A place where authors talk about random things and procrastinate.

I decided to join a music channel on the discord chat and worked on my novel. I need to be productive. This novel I'm working right now is my pride. My friends love to read it, and it makes me happy when they mention it to me.

Time passed in a blink of an eye, and I already finished the new chapter to for the day. All I need to do is upload it. The discord chat is lively and it seems that some of the authors have finished writing their chapters or just woke up from their slumber.

There are a few people in the voice chatroom, so I decided to plug my headset and join the channel. The first thing I heard when I entered was a "loli voice." I was surprised because this is the first time I've heard an author who sound so young. It was a first for me, so I just listened without saying anything.

Everyone is so friendly with each other. I gathered my couraged and tried to talk to them. I was given a warm greeting by the author Vlassis and Reili. While we were talking, an idea suddenly dawned on me.

'Maybe I can ask someone from the group to give me some advice on how to improve my novel?'

I tried to test the waters and ask if there is anyone willing to give me some advice and criticisms on how to improve my writing. There were some authors who helped me and gave me their suggestions. Zenith is one of them. He is a cool guy who helped me get in touch with the other authors. Qkira, one of the lady authors in the group helped me edit my synopsis to make it look more interesting.

After I got all those suggestions and criticism, I felt that I just can't sit by and do nothing.

I started to focus on my novel. I worked hard to edit and rewrite a few things to make the story more interesting for the readers. Although, my skills is not up to par, I still did my best and wrote to the best of my abilities.

It's getting late and I felt that I can't write anymore thant his. The exhaustion hit me a minute after I stopped working on my novel. My stomach growled as if to remind me that I have not eaten anything yet.

'Hah~ For me to forget to eat, how stupid of me.'

I went to the discord chat one more time after giving my novel some finishing touches. I thanked everyone who helped me in the Writer's Discord Chatroom. The chat is lively as ever and I saw Zehell2218 (One of the romance authors on Webnovel) was having a chat with Elyon (The Author of Webnovel Writer's Chatgroup).

There is also Murakami Takai (A scum who always procrastinate in writing his novel), Cel_T (The cookie girl of discord chat) and many more interesting authors who have their own quirks. I'm happy to be part of this group and I hope I'll be able to grow and improve my writing skills with their help.

This place is the Best.

If you ever think that your life is worthless, always remember, God didn’t create tears and mouth to use to munch cookies without no reason

~RickuSan (The Chat Killer)

Elyoncreators' thoughts