
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
178 Chs

0147 An unnoticeable warning

  In this world too, there exist movies that have made their money back before they have even been shot.

  It was a story about minorities changing their racial status in the Baylor Federation through hard work and achieving happiness, in which every minority was very diligent, hard-working, undaunted by hardships, and faced up to the joys and sorrows of life, and in the end the group of people led by the protagonist received positive recognition from the people.

  But this kind of film is not inherently replicable; it was able to recoup its costs without ever being filmed, and in addition to the fact that the main minority actors were all willing to star for zero pay, a large number of minority capitalists donated money to sponsor the movie.

  Of course, these minorities are an extremely small portion of the community as a whole, and it's still the Baylor people who are really in control of the country.

  But it's easy to understand that minorities have money. To be able to afford a boat ticket to the Baylor Federation from all over the world at a time when the means of transportation are still underdeveloped is not something that an ordinary family can afford, not to mention that not only did they bring their families, but they even brought their maids here with them.

  As for the "poor minorities" in the movie, it may be just a way of showing that what they lack is not money, but political power.

  The Baylor Federation is grateful to these people for their contributions, and it is because of them that the Federation's economic development has been so rapid in the last few years.

  So how can Lynch's movie, which doesn't deal with religion, race, etc., start making money before it's even filmed?

  "It's actually very simple ...," Lynch was in good shape, he had some wine with the mayor at dinner and some wine here, and with the Fox father and son on good terms with him, he was relaxed now.

  Wine was a magical thing, so magical that no matter how tense someone was, one sip would make them relaxed, including those prisoners who were about to be executed.

  Give them a drink before the execution, and they could even joke with the guards - "Electricity's about right, after all, I have to lie in a coffin for the memorial service, and I don't want to fill the church with the smell of barbecue, they're not here for a buffet barbecue party "

  He leaned back in the couch and held his glass of wine, "Let's start with the first way to make money ...", he looked over at Fox Jr, "If you go to a movie theater and see a decent adult rated movie after that, do you yearn to to see more content that had something to do with the female lead?"

  The movie was loosely based on a hilarious plot of very little dressed heroines and ketchup and aliens, at least from James' words.

  The corners of Mr. Fox's mouth quirked up slightly, and young Fox nodded a little embarrassed; longing for a movie with a female lead or starlet was supposed to be a normal thing.

  Lynch took a sip of wine from his glass, the alcohol made his mood become more exuberant, "If soon you hear that the female lead of this movie is going to do some adult movie with a simple plot and relatively straightforward, would you be interested?"

  Both father and son Fox froze for a moment and both nodded, Mr. Fox even asked, "We're shooting it ourselves?"

  Lynch froze as well, "You want to play a part?"

  Mr. Fox's old face flushed and he shook his head back and forth, "No, I'm just curious, I don't know if we're going to come and film any of this."

  Lynch shook his head, "Of course we won't be filming, we'll be holding a casting call for a pretty, well-built girl, and then signing her to multiple contracts, including a first movie contract, as well as subsequent ...," he shrugged. "You know full well."

  "Then sell that contract to the biggest adult film producer in the Federation, hyping the thing will give us a steady income on top of the increased exposure."

  "Adult film enthusiasts who don't watch many theatrical films will make a point of keeping an eye out for our films and getting a step ahead into the theaters to see who the heroine of the next series from their revered studios will be."

  "At the same time for the studios, those viewers who are sitting squarely in the movie theater watching a movie and are not at all interested in their films will go out and buy their products because of the leading ladies."

  "Of course, this is just the first step ..."

  There are so many ways to try to make money, from TV rights for auditions to titles, advertising sponsorships and a few self-funded gigs, which is why there are so many scammers in this business in particular.

  Even if it's a script that's so bad that there's no way it can get any worse, as long as the script is registered with the directors' union, they dare to go around all over the place with this kind of crappy script to cheat investors and investors out of their money, and the success rate is very high.

  The movie industry and the TV industry are going uphill fast these years, especially with the flopping of TV and the fact that more people have to stay at home and sit in front of the TV to watch TV programs because they don't have the money to go out and have fun, which has led to record ratings for TV programs.

  Many people had realized the great risks in the financial markets and were waving their bills around trying to get in on the industry that was starting to flourish, though most were becoming targets for scammers.

  Lynch and his father and son discussed for a while that they would spend about a month to two months to select a suitable female lead in this state - in fact, only a few people could basically get their hands on this female lead, most of the ordinary girls wouldn't agree to do some adult movies, even if it was just " adult" rather than "adult" movies.

  But some of the girls who are already in the business are not necessarily reluctant, and according to some tabloids, thousands of girls of all colors have been entering the adult film industry every year for the last few years.


  No, to put it bluntly, it's because of the money, the shooting time is short, the audience rate is small, the publicity is low, but the money given is quite a lot, many girls shooting adult movies may not have any contact with their life circle for the rest of their lives.

  Even if they do get discovered, it's a much better sounding job than being a streetwalker, although both professions are all the way down the line in the eyes of the average person.

  There would always be girls among these girls who fit the needs of the persona and were willing to expose some of them, and there was no long term contract between these girls and the adult movie producers as they all signed one to work with the other, so it was a little smoother to use them.

  Lynch's eloquent and varied approach amazed Fox and his son, and confirmed their initial thoughts, the idea of pulling Lynch on board was simply the best decision they had made in years.

  The next morning, a knock on the door awoke the sleeping Lynch, who opened his eyes for a few moments before remembering that he hadn't slept in his own home last night, but the Foxes' father and son's cottage.

  He gradually recalled at this time, he and this pair of father and son chatting rather late, so he did not go back, stayed over here.

  Patting his head, vaguely giddy, he took off his robe and entered the bathroom, where the hot water would fully revive him.

  Not long afterward, he appeared in the dining room, just in time for breakfast.

  There was some simple but exquisite food on the white table, and it made one's mood instantly better.

  "Did you sleep well last night?" Mr. Fox asked casually out of courtesy, and it was reasonable to say, "It was a wonderful bed" or "It was a good experience", which is a kind of courtesy, just like "Did you eat? "and "ate."

  But Lynch sat down with a shake of his head, "Not so good to be honest, I'm not used to bedsprings and that one has a softer mattress than I've ever seen!"

  Mr. Fox suddenly had more than a curious and inquisitive look on his face, "It's quite presumptuous, friend Lynch, have you ever been in jail, or incarcerated?" (From a health standpoint, it's actually good for your spine to sleep on a hardboard bed)

  "No!" , Lynch replied with such certainty that he didn't even have to think about it, "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing, only people who have been in jail for a long time like harder beds, you may not be too aware of that, only prisons still have some very hard beds left!"

  When bedsprings first appeared they were indeed a luxury only the rich could afford, but their workmanship wasn't actually complicated at all, and soon enough someone bypassed the patented technology to produce a cheap product, and further on the developers of the first generation of bedsprings simply closed down their factories and only licensed them.

  This led to a trend in almost the entire society, and some advertisements were especially compelling, such as "enjoy five million nights of life for fifty dollars", so that by now, the vast majority of families are sleeping on bedsprings.

  Lynch said he wasn't used to such soft beds, so it was only prison or wooden beds, and oh yes, the countryside!

  He didn't answer the question; the man at the furniture store had looked at him strangely when he asked for a custom-made plank bed, and he made no comment on it.

  Casually picking up the Trade Newspaper, there wasn't anything too unusual on it, not too far removed from every day before, but he accidentally found an interesting piece of news in the center seam of the page towards the back.

  A businessman had purchased the war bonds of a country involved in the World War, which was currently part of the victorious nation, and should have cashed in the bonds when the war was over, but the country's bond cashing service hadn't begun to be implemented as promised when the bonds were issued.

  A firm based in the capital of the Federation has issued a warning to individuals and organizations holding bonds of that country.

  But probably because these things weren't officially recognized, and the Federation probably didn't ask for proof, so although it managed to make it to the Trade Newspaper, it was placed in the awkward position of the middle seam.

  Lynch frowned, keeping this matter in the back of his mind, if even the victorious countries were unable to honor the bonds, the global economic situation would be terrible!

  Apart from this one piece of news there was nothing else that was more worthy of his attention, like the Federation Industrial Index setting a new high again or something like that had long since ceased to be appealing, in the past three years at least, out of roughly 800 issues of the newspaper, at least 600 of them reported the same thing - "Creating a Miracle", and sometimes more miracles could make a people become numb.