
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
178 Chs

0139 Adults who are not easy

  "Mr. Lynch, I think there are some problems with your statement."

  Just after Lynch "simply" made a short-term market value assessment for his Star Trading Corporation and shocked these people with his skillful technique, some of them raised some different opinions.

  This was normal, business was all about back and forth, and there was no one who stipulated that others could not have a back and forth discussion on the issue of price.

  Lynch naturally wouldn't do this, this was definitely not the way to talk business, he took out a carton of cigarettes and nodded, signaling the other party to continue.

  The gentleman with the blue tie put forward some not so different views, "I don't think the valuation of a company is to take its profitability as the only criterion for valuation, and it's not possible for the Star Trading Corporation to use all of its profitability to develop and grow the company itself, so this valuation you're putting forward I think may not be too accurate."

  In fact, the blue tie argument is essentially the same as making a salary of $200 a month and being able to save ,2,400 a year, which is just a more idealized way of valuing the company, but is not likely to happen in practice.

  First of all, there are fluctuations in returns, which can never be maintained within a narrow range, they fluctuate, sometimes dramatically, and this can make the actual results very different from the idealized results.

  And it's only one area, Sabine, that has carried out the business side of things so far, and it's hard to say what the other places are gaining, and overall, it's not an easy thing to do.

  All the equipment and materials to build out a roadside stand may cost as little as five hundred dollars, but it is able to bring its owner a profit of three or five hundred dollars per month, so does that make it possible to say that the recent market value of this single roadside stand can be worth tens of thousands of dollars?

  Without the introduction of an entry system and threshold, this is of course impossible, so Lynch's statement is more or less a stolen concept.

  Just like the above, the reason why business is very interesting in the eyes of many people is not only because most business people are lovers of numbers, they prefer to fight with people in the process, has not only enjoy the increase of the number alone, but also enjoy the fun of crushing others.

  At this time Lynch lowered his head, he took a box of matches pinching the match finger a rub, snorting accompanied by a burst of white smoke, he inhaled two mouthfuls, flung the matchstick, threw it into the ashtray.

  It was only at this point that he looked up with a smile on his face at the blue tie across the room and took a drag on his cigarette, exhaling as he said, "Why not?"

  Without waiting for the other party to give his thoughts, Lynch smiled and continued, "I'll put all the money I have into building and running the company to make it better and better and cover more and more ground."

  He leaned back on the sofa, his left hand pressed against the top of the sofa's backrest, while his right hand held a cigarette and pressed it against the knee of his crossed leg, his entire body was extremely relaxed, while at the same time filled with an aura full of confidence.

  "When our channels and coverage meet my needs for pioneering steps, I'll go from making a transition to making it at least the largest channeler within the state."

  "At that point people will have a whole new option other than the supermarkets and superstores to choose from, and one that is arguably the best of the options they can choose from!"

  "Gentlemen, this is not just a business of trading second-hand goods, it can even reach every corner of everyone's life in the end."

  "The appliances they use come from our company, the furniture they use comes from our company, even their houses, their jobs, their food, clothing and shelter come from our company ..."

  "Gentlemen, honestly my heart was dripping blood when I valued the figure of 50 million, I even wanted to raise it a few times higher, so that maybe it would make you know what to do."

  His expression was serious and sincere, and his voice held some helplessness, "But I know that we're all on the same side, at least for the moment we're 'a gang', and I understand how the game of capital is played, and that helping each other is the only reason we can stand taller than the others. "

  "If you guys think this price is too high, then I can only rejoice in the fact that it's a shame, and if you guys are willing to join the program instead, it will give me some headaches."

  A few people looked at each other, they felt that what Lynch was saying right now was a little too fake, but it might not be impossible to realize, it was a very headache-inducing situation, and if it was real, or just fake, it wouldn't be such a headache.

  Lynch went on to talk about things like the leasing of used goods, which is an even scarier solution to the impulse for people to need certain material things for a short period of time.

  With all that he talked about, along with the vision and future in his description, these people sitting across from him suddenly had begun to be moved.

  The more they listened to Lynch's description of his ideal company, the more they felt that there was something to it.

  Lynch's description was too detailed, so detailed that many places they hadn't thought of or noticed were described in detail, which made them think that Lynch must have a more detailed overall plan, and that he was following this plan to implement it.

  Now he has taken the most critical step, as long as he does not make mistakes, basically want to "cut off" the opportunity is very small, the reason is very simple, Lynch's hands of these businesses is the mayor of Landen to promote the "people's policy", his company can be seen as the policy of Mayor Landen whether or not the people's policy, the company can be seen as the company's business. His company can be seen as the most intuitive manifestation of the effectiveness and value of Mayor Landen's policy.

  The better his company gets, the more it shows that Mayor Landen's policy is valuable to the society and suitable for the current social environment; if his company fails, it shows that the policy may not be so suitable.

  But this kind of failure, can only be Lynch's own failure, but because of other people's "cut off" to make Lynch's company bankruptcy and closure, or not according to his plan to expand, not only to offend Lynch alone so simple, but also offended the Landen mayor, as well as the mayor of the Landen side of all and his close relationship, close interests of the capitalists and politicians. politicians.

  So even if they learn from Lynch and start to engage in this kind of Used Goods Mobile auction, the scale could not be very big, and they would always face some troubles, which was much more troublesome than directly investing in Lynch's business.

  Businessmen only liked money, not trouble.

  "But a valuation of fifty million dollars is just too much, HENG HUI's market capitalization is only a little over one hundred million ...", a man with a green tie interjected.

  HENG HUI's market capitalization is about one point seven hundred million, it is already one of the top giant big companies in the local area, many people may have a very confused feeling, one point seven hundred million is indeed an amazing number, but it is not as much as one would imagine.

  In fact, this is a stolen concept, when the society needs the people to understand the power of a group of companies, just hide those negative assets, for example, certain politicians need to have remarkable results during their rule, the local economy has a huge development, then there are some successful enterprises were born is the best way.

  Businesses with market capitalizations in the tens of millions of dollars are created one after another, but people don't realize that most of these businesses are actually operating in a "negative equity mode".

  Banks lend them money, and in order for the financial results to fulfill some social, political, or even stock market investor need, the loans from the banks become part of the company's positive assets and even earnings in one form or another.

  When reporting they will report what needs to be seen by the public, which is what they want, hiding the source of this money and the debt that the company is carrying.

  But when local politicians or society needs to minimize the impact of a company, they will offset the positive and negative assets when evaluating the market capitalization, and then use an addition or subtraction to give the company its final market capitalization.

  A company with one billion dollars in assets may be carrying nine hundred million dollars in various debts. If a company with a market capitalization of one billion dollars collapses, it will give people a feeling that the mountain has collapsed, but when it comes to a company with a market capitalization of one hundred million dollars collapsing, the public will have a ... special feeling of "I fucking thought that this company was so great". How marvelous" special feelings, they will not have the illusion of the end of the world, but will be a little gloating.

  Similarly, "Our newly established company yesterday has a market capitalization of one billion dollars after one night" is definitely much better and more effective than "Our company has a debt of one billion dollars since it was just established".

  Lynch always maintained his demeanor, at this time he gave a slight tick, "Star Trading Corporation doesn't have any non-performing assets, nor will we have any non-performing assets, our profits are enough to fully load the company's development needs."

  "Gentlemen, I have already begun to set up relevant branch offices in various cities, by the end of this year at the latest, all branch offices will be put into operation."

  "By the time that time comes, chances are we'll still be sitting here, but instead of 50 million, you'll be facing a valuation of 500 million, or even more!"

  It was now August, and there were only three more months until the end of the year from a strict point of view, Lynch skillfully utilized some environmental factors and time factors to instill a sense of urgency in these people.

  In three months' time, the market capitalization prognosis could potentially double tenfold - they didn't care if it actually doubled tenfold by then, all they cared about was that statement.

  Investors aren't meant to grow with a business towards glory, all they want is money, or something else that will do them good.

  Waiting for Lynch's business to be completely spread out before coming in and going in now were two completely different concepts, and they also believed that by the end of the year, this young man, Lynch, would really have the guts to shout out the stupidity of valuing the business at five hundred million dollars in front of the investors.

  "We need to discuss this ..."

  A pink tie made his position clear, and the others nodded their heads, they needed to think about how to utilize the advantages outside the plate to pressure Lynch, or offset some of the monetary value.

  For example, the policy resources they held in their hands, or something like cross-shareholding, in short, if they could shell out less cash, they should try to shell out as little as possible, after all, in this situation now, no one's pockets are rich.